GAME BREAKING BUG - 14 Year veteran player near the edge of quitting

It’s a common issue.

I recommend any other game at this point.

They know theres a auction house bug and even posted about it.

Don’t be surprised when you tell them about what happened that they direct you to Wowhead for answers. I swear if I get one more GM that tells me to go to a third party website (specially one as scummy as wowhead) I will crap bricks.

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Its use by upset long-time customers makes sense to me.

They could say “I’ve been a loyal customer for 14 years, 18% of the average American life. I’ve played through the glory of the highs, and stuck it out through the lows, problems, bugs, and disasters developers have visited upon the game and its players. But this may be it for me.”

Or they could say “I’ve been playing 14 years” and assume readers infer the rest.

Customer loyalty is a common thing regardless of company or product. It meaningful to the customer, and it’s meaningful to most companies.

15 year veteran…
anyway, something sounds strange here. how do they know the mail is delayed? do they know the problem, and the status? a plane is delayed when it hasn’t left the airport at it’s departure time. a package is delayed when it’s not on schedule.

since mail is instantaneous, you either have it or you don’t. so the mail is not delayed, it’s missing. so right now blizzard is searching for it.

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The sucky part of this is that I can’t really remember all my auctions so if I lose some, I probably won’t know.


Because they’ve been informed by the QA and Development teams as to what the issue was. There have been other issues with the AH as well which are also documented in the same thread I linked.

Which line of code did you grab that from? See, here’s the thing, you’re making assumptions. In fact, there are times where mail isn’t instantaneous and it’s intentional.

  1. Auctions take an hour before the gold is received.
  2. Sending mail to someone who is not in your guild or not a friend also takes an hour
  3. The gold from sales from stacks being sold on the AH is being delayed as confirmed by Blizz developers and QAs.

You’re welcome to your theories, but since it was a huge issue yesterday, I’ll let those involved provide their insight prior to accepting assumptions :wink:

Why? Jealous?

I’ve been playing since before BC and I have been laughing at petty posts like this since right around the same time, lol.

delayed where? is it just piling up in the cyber warehouse?

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Not sure if you’re being serious or not, but it’s being delayed by the software that runs WoW. Yes, it’s not supposed to be (other than the standard hour delay…), but they’re looking to resolve that.

Agreed. As soon as someone starts spouting off about how long they have been playing,I stop listening. Ive been playing for 14 yrs as well. My thoughts,complaints and opinions are no better than the guy who started in bfa.

I hate to break it to you, but Blizzard does not give a crap about people being veteran players.

You are being ridiculous. Go get some fresh air and perspective.

i’m not. i’m making humorous light of them saying it’s just delayed.

Goblins make the game worse for other players by parasiting the markets and introducing pointless middle man costs, so the fact that the AH changes and even the bugs are making them quit seems like a bonus to the new system from my perspective. I’d love to see items priced without their market manipulation. I hope every single goblin quits wow.

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They know because there was a blue post about it. Mail from an auction house has never been instantaneous unless you buy something(which isn’t where the issue is). If you’re selling, there has always been an hour delay in receiving the money you made from a sale.

What are you guys selling to have 100k+ worth of stuff up at a time? ; ; I can’t even keep my head above 30k.

yes but that hour delay is in the AH with a countdown. it doesn’t disappear from the AH, then an hour later show up in your mail. so it goes from the AH to your mail instantly. again there is a big difference between missing, and delayed. unless they are withholding information from their customers, all this mail is missing.

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This makes me very very mad as well

Disagree. Your opinion may be more informed the more you’ve played the game. This is like saying a kid playing his first baseball game knows as much as a 15 year ball player.

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