Game Being Destroyed by DK Bots

Just got out of a 61-69 BG.
15 / 20 of the players were DK bots. Most of them would go to the capture point and just stand there.
Worst part is that it only allows me to report them for AFK.
Something needs to be done.


I doubt they will do anything like they haven’t since they launched the game . They got ow2 and cod to deal with , stupid of them to launch games so close like that …oh and they also got dragon flight too …


Every bot is a monthly sub, they will do nothing the bots are lining their pockets more then real players are at this point.

Not to mention bots also inflate blizzards favourite metric for success which is daily active users.

Literally a win win for blizzard to keep bots in the game. Say they lose 1000 players who quit cause of bots, that’s less money lost then the tens of thousands they would lose if they banned them all.

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Exactly this. As much as I’d love to see all bots in any MMORPG banned for good, they will always exist because of the profit they generate.


This sounds like a PVP problem. Who cares about PVP

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Definitely not just PvP. I can almost always find 5-10 DK bots farming rhinos in Borean next to Warsong Hold and then there’s all of the bots that just run around all of the zones looking for herbs/mining nodes.


People who care about PvP. Go away.


You really think this issue will be isolated to just PVP?


Was gonna make a similar thread to this but found this one and was gonna say that has botting gotten out of control lately?

When I was doing a couple of karazhan runs during prepatch, I would see them teleport infront of the gate of the entrance and turn around and clip through the gate that you need to unlock to enter.

Now to my discovery I saw like 10 dk bots in the twisted glade in Howling fjord while questing, farming these mobs and I swear so many of those damn spores are tagged, literally all of them so I had to clean up their mess of ignoring the spores so I can complete the quest.

If someone wants a video of this I could take the time out of my day to record it or if anyone has a character on Westfall (not sure if its exclusive to Westfall) that can go there safely.

Obviously I have reported them but wont mean anything to be honest.

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Some of these people live in 3rd world countries and survive off the trade of digital gaming currencies. Its pretty normal for digital goods to be exchanged in RMT and has been going on for nearly 30 years. No reason to lash out in your toxic, consumer echo chamber. A kind heart and empathy goes a long way.


This expansion in a nutshell wraith of the gold selling botters.

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0Head take

they level in BGs.
then farm gold in dungeon and open world or sell those DK accounts.
that affect pve

bozo comment

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Any zone vanilla zone you visit… theres several dk bots roaming taking every node they find.

The game belongs to the bots right now but unless this becomes a massive public outcry nothing will happen

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To be fair, there are some DKs who just need to level their skills up too. Lol

I would say, you can usually tell if they’re a bot pretty easily.

Wait… you think they’re in there to PVP? LOL do you also need help getting dressed in the morning?


Are you saying I should be more accepting of bots and RMT because it’s feeding some family in Indonesia?

LOL no. Not my problem.


No BS…the closest I have gotten to pvp was working a retail char this weekend in av.

Hardcore turtle. field of strife/SHB area deathmatch was on in full force

chat was even going so…how many remember how to summon ivus? we may need it.

I do! came up a fair bit.

good good…turn in crap, we may need it.

We got a hole shot come up to drain horde points. So it didn’t get to ivus. but its the closet to that point I have seen in years.

had good solid string of fights on IBT. 7+ on 7+ ish in the tower. We’d wipe horde, they had snowfall/ibgy…so back again for round 2 in no time flat. then round 3 and 4. we earned that tower burn for sure.

Long match, lots of actual pvp, good times.

written like a true sub 1500 casual.

those don’t usually travel in a group and sit taking turns banging on the same bugged node