Game Being Destroyed by DK Bots

Yeah but what is overwatch 2 really? It’s overwatch 1 with a different ui and 1 less player per team. What do they really need to do with that game? It’s been doody for years now.

saw an honest game trailier clips on this…they like to end clips with a funny game rename.

IIRC they ended this calling it overwatch 1.5.

Blizzard got as bad with this as nintendo did with splatoon.

they pushed now version 3. that like 2…I still stay are jsut DLC’s they called a new game to charge new game money.

sad really…splatoon 1 I gave props to for being original. then they ahd to ruin with with dlc content called a new game.

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Lmao. I know this sucks, but the way you described it got me. Good stuff.

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100% the toons I’ve caught/reported doing that are gone.

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The bots are horrendously out of control, theyre a common sight in the classic zones and very easy to spot riding their rigid paths grabbing every ore/herb they see, harder to see in the open world in tbc because of flying mounts but theyre doing the same out there.

Theyre endless farming kara (along with mages) by magically walking through the gate. Botanica and Blood Furnace (not actual people leveling, its 70-78s in BF) are full of them just gold farming away with their gibberish names. And since the change to the reporting system you cant even report people on the /who list other than reporting their name (great job there blizzard). I reported hundreds of bots in auchenai crypts in tbc that way and you cant even do it now lul.

Ive also noticed what ide almost guarantee is 2 AH bots on my server sniping auctions that i cant report because of layering. I assume theyre bots because theyre online literally 24 hours a day playing the AH.

Toons with gibberish names advertising gold selling websites for days at a time, 1 of which on my server lasted 8 days before he went away. Unless hundreds of people were lying these advertisement bots are being reported hundreds of times but nothing happens? I got an 8 day suspension for being mass reported for joining in the posting of Anal [x achievment here] in trade chat. I find it hard to believe that an advertisement bot is receiving less repots than my “harmful and abusive language” did.

This company is a bit of a joke these days. They could clean up 80% of botting with a couple dozen employees dedicated to manually finding and banning these bots; pretty soon it wouldnt be profitable for these goldselling websites and companies to continue business. These “ban waves” obviously arent working because the damage these bots do to the economy and game overall is substantial. The conspiracy of Blizzard wanting these bots for the subs seems like less of a conspiracy day after day.

Oh, also the numerous lvl58 DKs scattered throughout northrend that are simply fishing bots, sure it could be a person except i can put my toon ontop of said DK and mount up and it will target me, and no longer be able to click the bobber, the cast timer just runs out.


They can KMA. I don’t care if they are surviving off RMT, they ruin the freaking game we (non gold buyers) are trying to enjoy. Too bad oBomba isn’t in office to take care of them.

3-6 DK bots each side WSG CTA. I just got out of a game my 73 hpal was just kiting them around half the game because half my team was dkbots not employing any strat. They are multiple dkbots tied to the same account because they were together doing the same thing. Any human would have freaking stopped because they’d never kill me.

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naw, the game was over the moment low social iq basement dweller flooded the game.

you haven’t played retail much I take it. I’ve seen some recent stuff as I divert some time there that had me go damn…I’d take the dk bots of classic. they are more useful than some real players in retail. I’d say drunk play…but I can’t see being that drunk even. been there, done that lol.

they can at least be scarecrows. they may do nothing. but they may scare away meeker rogues and druids lol.

or if you get lucky the rogue blows cc/cd’s on them first. Then you take them out much easier.

No I haven’t played retail since Legion came out. Considering letting my sub expire and go back to single player games like Civ6. Seems every mmo is plagued with bots and rmt. I raided first time around, been doing more BGs with classic in all classes except a shamwow. No you can’t have my stuff.
The real clowns are the gold buyers. Gotta have bling bling for a 15 year old game.


if you stand outside UK/BF/Ramparts during the late night/wee hours of the morning, you’ll see a bot going out or in every 30 seconds or so.

We are talking here about a situation where there could be HUNDREDS of bots in every single instance in the game, on every server.

I just dropped out of levelling in howling fjord after becoming stuck in the quests from Twisted Glade. There were about 20 bots in my layer just endlessly killing everything that spawned.

F this. No one is watching the classic servers, it’s just a cashcow on life support


You grey parsing casuals who cry in echo chambers ruin this game far more than any bot could dream of.

So what I read here is that I should be more accepting because of their situation in their country and buy their services such as good, a bot and some cheats and I should accept this, ok

This does not convince me, I would rather give some food, some drink and other things to some person in a third world country over buying a service that is against the ToS.

Parse shaming

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There are tons farming lower level dungeons I think. Maybe they are the new mage for instance farming?

On the flipside if you do still need wrecking ball achievement the 70-79 bracket is perfect for it. They basically head straight towards you to die

Theyre even kind enough to grip you to them so you dont have to waste all that travel time

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You shame others living conditions because you’re unable to perform and be successful under your own priviledge. Thats why you exist in hatred. Because you can’t keep up.

I guess drug labs and sex trafficking should also be accepted under the guise of just doing what was needed to survive.


That’s like arguing that people in India scamming the elderly in the US should be tolerated and accepted.

Edit: typo


I’m not even shaming on others living conditions my man.

All I’m saying is that I dont think 3rd party services (that some are against the ToS) such as botting, gold buying and cheating should be tolerated and or accepted.

I have never thought of this for some reason so thank you for putting it out there.

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If anything, we have people botting or supporting botters trying to derail the thread so they can shut down the discussion before blizzard sees the issue.

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