Gallywix caught selling runs for real money

ah I must have looked before any that happened. Or was just not paying attention at all which is just as likely haha

yea, only thing that sucks is gold owed to people that may never get it.

Yes it does :frowning:

This honestly isn’t surprising. A lot of the ads you see in trade and lfg are for cash, some just try to hide it a little bit. That one of the largest boosting communities had people doing this was almost guaranteed.

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Best way to stop it is for morons to stop buying the services. It only encourages this kind of thing. I say ban am all.

Way to insult a quarter of GD.


I guess they’re okay with this happening and then dealing with it manually, forever.

If people weren’t buying carries they wouldn’t be creating businesses and hiring employees to sell them.

I expect to see more changes in shadowlands that will increase the appeal of carries to players who feel locked out of content.

Increasing token sales was a consideration, but now it’s gotten out of control.

Assuming it makes any sense to buy runs in the first place, why would anyone do this instead of just selling tokens and using gold?

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It’s not the carries or the WoW tokens that are the problems. In this Gallywix situation, it appears that the people at the top of the pyramid converted their WoW gold to cash money.

I’ve seen websites that only accept money offering services that go well beyond paid carries.

That’s what I read this to mean as well. Now you know they are/were involved in this, associate with them at your own risk.

The answer is in the lore.

Who became leader of the Goblins after Gallywix became too dirty to keep around?


They just need to do something about the constant “WTS carry” spam in trade. It’s worse than the gold sellers before because it’s so constant and frequent it drowns out everything else.

It was said in jest.


Funny enough didnt wowhead mention using that community to get their keys for the mount or N’zoth mount

Given the amount of glossy targeted ads I’m still getting thrown at me on websites for classic gold/services, I don’t imagine these organizations are going to give up their businesses easily.

They’ll work around it.

Offense is always easier than defense in these situations.

The sad part is that there’s a market for these services at all. You sign up for a video to pay other people to play it for you? Lame.

Considering gallywix was just a hub, I have a feeling you’ll still be seeing the actual runners independently posting after this.

Yes the racist diatribes and political arguments are the true point of trade not selling services how dare they.