Gallywix caught selling runs for real money

Didn’t ask.

Likely because the people involved were management/top in the community. Use your head for a moment.

Where does all your spite come from? You must be such a casual that you don’t realise that a very big portion of the top players make all their gold to be competitive from communities such as these, and they are generally good people who play the game and follow the ToS and just see it as a way to make gold so that they can continue to be competitive.

Yea, you did. I mean, you used the word Whey instead of Why, but I got what you were saying.

tbh i dont really care what you say

Blizzard is finally taking action against these “gold” boosts. HAHAHHAA knew there were more to it than gold. Ban them all.

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yea the troll is a bit too obvious now, youre trying too hard


Huh, just because you disagree with me doesn’t mean I’m trolling. :woman_shrugging:

they still getting banned doe

actually no one has gotten banned except management

On a side note, who the hell talks like that?

I mean investigation is still on going they will get banned sooner or later.

thank goodness

if you weren’t a troll you’d listen to people saying that they’re only targetting rmt and most people don’t rmt but you’re clearly trying to beat a dead horse

Hey, at least his last post resembled actual english


I didnt ask. :woman_shrugging:

i like how you go through the effort of cutting quotes out to sound more abrasive like you’re not listening but actually it takes more effort than pressing reply

He doesn’t even select full words, think we’re dealing with a special troll here.

True enough, I only did a quick glance at wowhead and was going by the OP since the article didn’t want to load over there.
They were busted for selling gold for money, not runs for money.

Arguably worse, since that gold was going to some 3rd party who would then resell it to players.
If it was truly the “management” of the community, that really makes the future look bleak for them as a whole.

Also, is it just me or is referring to a group of players in a game as “management” strange?

Nah, it’s management of a community, just like officers and gm of a guild are management.

I basically understood it as if you were involved with for-gold services only up to this point you’re safe but from now on any involvement with the group could put you at risk.

Though obviously that’s just my interpretation

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That’s what the post sounded like, like “don’t do anything with them after this post, we be investigating”

yeah. seems a little spooky, especially for anyone who may use their services but not frequent the forums. They’d have no idea they’re at risk or that gallywix community is being investigated. Briefly checked out the discord out of curiosity and didn’t see anything about the post their or anything (though i didn’t check super thoroughly).

Also if it was only a select few doing the RMT it seems somewhat unfair to the rest, especially those who actually carry out the runs for gold and such. Just because of their association with the gallywix community they’re basically at risk of being banned for doing something that’s allowed and other guilds/communities are able to do.

If it was widely known that it was happening then that’s a different story, but i have a hard time believing that it was just a select group doing it behind the rest of everyone’s backs.

oh, they closed down all the channels in the discord. they’re in complete shutdown atm