It has, last time it happened that I can recall, or care to remember since it dropped a mount was the ZM rare, that one that could spawn either three.
That was RNG on getting it to spawn since you had to kill rares to force the spawn, then RNG on which rare spawns, then RNG on whether you even get an item, it was worse, far worse because not only did you have three layers of RNG, you could not even trade the mount if I remember.
At least now you can trade the mount regardless if you are in a party or not, and with cross faction and all that. The problem for this rare that those Area 52 and Illidian “It takes three people” or “Just join a group”, those high pop servers that sit on their white horse don’t understand, not everyone can simply “Find a group” or “Spawn it with three people”.
I’ve been spending now TWO DAYS just roaming around watching scrap piles, today it’s been hilarious, 6-8 people, 40 points on the scrap heap. And those entitled players saying all you need is three people?
Over the weekend I was at times not even finding a single group listed, would make my own, get 6 people, struggle for an hour trying to get 500 points every scrap heap and eventually after hours of trying get the rare to spawn for nothing.
Please this is terrible game design at its worst, anyone who tries to claim otherwise needs to pull their head out and stop enabling Blizzard to make these horrible decisions.
And for what it’s worth, I have the mount, both of them, the rare and the boxes and the pet. But feedback needs to be provided, Blizzard need to be told how bad this is so they can make it better and stop doing this crap.
For anyone white knighting Blizzard all they need to do is look around, it’s the same dozen players telling us to ‘Git gud’, the rest of the players agree this is crap.
To those dozen or so players trying to tell us there is nothing wrong, you are wrong, you are all wrong. If 99% of the people are telling you something is wrong, then something is wrong.