Not sure who envisioned this rare the way it is, but it is not a fun experience. A rare that seems to be a 1% chance to spawn for a 1% mount is a pretty unfun RNG experience. I have been running Scrap sites consistently since reset and have not seen Gallagio Garbage spawn. Today. Currently at 2 hours of doing nothing but digging scrap. Very riveting content.
On the PTR, the rare would spawn every time you hit max scrapping before the event got nerfed from requiring 1000 digs to 500. The reason why I’m assuming it wasn’t spawning at all on Day 1 of the patch is that you never changed the spawn condition. Not sure why the sudden double RNG after you noticed the error and fixed it.
Double RNG conditions are never a fun experience, especially when coupled with a boring task like trash digging. Hope this gets looked at, thank you.
Also it feels great feeling like you HAVE to do it now if you want to farm this rare, as it is pretty much impossible to hit max scrap when digging solo. I wonder what will happen once scrap raids are no longer a thing. Hope this is considered once Undermine is no longer relevant content.
Adding my voice to this! Spawn is way too rare.
Add to this you are lucky if you even hit the 500 bar as there is either not enough people or the adds spawn like crazy and stop you from digging.
They should really make the rare spawn guaranteed after every 25th pile. That’s still an hour of effort for the spawn, but it means people aren’t completely wasting their time. And with how rare the drop is on top of the rare, the spawning should not be such a huge pain. Especially since it’ll get harder as people finish it.
Adding my voice, this needs to be changed ASAP, the longer you drag on the more people lose faith in doing this content, which makes it harder to form groups.
Per DataforAzeroth I have 1157 mounts, so I think a have a bit of authority and experience to discuss mount farms.
This is by far, the worst mount grind in the existence of World of Warcraft. The layered RNG has to go. Pick one. Either, a poor spawn time with a decent drop rate, or a fast spawn time with a low drop rate; don’t double down with both.
It’s also pretty much impossible to get 500 solo or with a few people at a trash site now with their buffs to scaling. The stuff that comes out is way too much for 1-3 people. The only way to get it to 500 now is in a raid group
actually can get 500 easy with 5 to 10 people, as long as EACH one digs and doesnt just afk at it, Def can get 500 with 5 people if each person drinks the drink as well
I quickly realized that the trash digs were useless 95% of the time. Oh boy, a few crystals, a couple of Valorstones and a tiny bit of gold, I’ll try to not spend this all in one place!
Looking through the renown rankings it looks like there are some future levers to make the digs better, but by then I imagine most people will have written them off.
Also, don’t get me started on how 10 minutes is NOT long enough for Surge Pricing.
People want rares to spawn instantly and drop 100% lol Truthfully i dont see a issue with how it is right now…Doesnt take long to spawn honestly getting 500/500 isnt hard as long as the group is actually digging and not afking…simple if people afk and dont dig remove them from group until group is full of diggers wither that be 5 people 10 people or 40 people.