Gallagio Garbage is a pretty garbage experience

They either need to make the rare spawn reliably, or increase the drop rate. PICK ONE BLIZZ.

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The ā€œrares are meant to be rareā€ crowd donā€™t seem to remember that many of the longer spawning rares had guaranteed drop rates when they did spawn, and most low-drop mount rares have traditionally spawned within 30-60 minutes without any need for player input to make them spawn.

Gallagio Garbage is an anomaly, and not in a fun way. Itā€™s encouraging people to waste entire play sessions doing the same thing because of the sunk cost fallacy, and itā€™s irresponsible, frankly.


lets not forget some rares that drop mount most of them always drop it but some are only 99% which means you could end up being that 1% that it didnt drop for, example TLPD is a 99%ā€¦though truly i have never seen it NOT DROP there still is that 1% it could not drop for.

Yeah, and if I had my way every mount/pet drop from a rare would either have BLP or be on a zone vendor who sells them for tokens you get for each rare kill in the zone.

But at least those rares tend to only have 30-60 minute spawn timers, and you just have to wait around for them. You could read, you could play another game, you could cook, you could do a lot of things and just have WoW in the background until you get lucky. Itā€™s far from my preferred method, but itā€™s better than having to focus, move around the map every 2 minutes, help complete a task and repeat for what could be over four hours before you get that ā€œsorry, better luck next timeā€.

I donā€™t mind mounts being rare, but I do mind that the finding out if you got lucky or not takes so damn long. Iā€™d rather know today wasnā€™t my lucky day and go do something more fun as fast as possible. Make the mount drop rare, I donā€™t care. But if its design means you can go entire play sessions without seeing it spawn once despite trying to the entire time, it should have a much higher drop rate what whatever is causing people to go through multiple 40 man raids without seeing anyone get it when they do get to kill the rare.

Some people have mentioned players still not having Invincible despite farming weekly. That sucks, and also shouldnā€™t happen, but itā€™s also an entirely different situation - you are guaranteed a chance at the mount after something like 20 minutes for each character you run through ICC with. This rare, youā€™re not guaranteed a kill on one character for an entire day if youā€™re averagely lucky.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I knew it! Of course heā€™s desperately trying to gatekeep it because he got lucky! I wonder if he also joins scrap groups to rub on peopleā€™s faces that heā€™s got lucky, because you know, his pixels are more valuable than everyone elseā€™s pixels.

actually im still farming it bc i been giving it to people in group, all 30+ toons i do it on. and no like others have said as well haven forbid a rare be a rareā€¦you all would of never of made it back in the old days when you truly had to camp and sit at a rare for hours and hours and hours waiting for a spawn. instead of doing something to make it spawnā€¦again dont like it BUY it from some one sold one last night at 2am for 500k

I would buy it if it would even drop. Spawned the rare 3 times today and no one in any of the full 40-man groups got it.

seems to go for 500k to 8m depends on person selling and how much they want it seems. I plan to give it away if it drops for my alts to anyone in group going to do /roll and highest roll will get itā€¦depends who they are lol wrote some names down that i wont give it to lol

Iā€™m in a group now thatā€™s been at it for almost 3 hours and still no spawn.

i got to wait for reset to do all 30+ toons again, wont be able to do them all after tomorrow everyday not until all the new weekly stuff is done then ill be able too

You must be getting pretty quick spawns if you can do all 30 in a day

start at reset and go until all 30 are done, beauty of working at home can work and do itā€¦work as i press F to dig trash dont look at my screen as im diggingā€¦once work is done its movie or tv show as i spam F (F is bind as function key) in key binds

There is no way in anywhere in any reality in any scenario in any case in any w/e the hell that you are doing that rare on 30 toons , bro i understand you like to troll but cmon atleast troll intelligently or authentically ,dont let people know that easily cmon .

actually it is, 1 of my toons group i joined spawn was up so got to tag right away 1 of my toons spawn took 1 dig 1 of toons took 4 digs 1 of my toons too 10 digs another took 20ā€¦RNG is RNG my friend and yes i am doing all 30 i go to bed when last one is done even if thats 5am and i wake up at 8am for work, or no sleep at allā€¦again RNG is RNG some people have good luck some dont, but like i said ill be giving any i get away why im doing itā€¦some people actually HELP people while others complain

but like i said above after tomorrow wont be doing all 30 toons will be doing 1 to 3 a day until all weekly stuff some point ill only do 1 day but doing as many as i can now while soo many groups are going to help as much as i can

RNG is RNG i agree but if you are doing 30 toons again 30 toons and u r getting the rare so fast that others 40 man groups are getting once per hour its not rng is it ? And also i saw the thread you said it took you 120 boxes to get the bag mount right ? That mount even according to rarity is 1 in 20 and i know a lot of people who farm mounts in their community that mount is by far the lowest drop was 45 bags and that was just 3 guys rest almost 100s of people got it in like 1 to 30 boxes . Dont argue with people for the sake of argument its not a good habit to have .
And if you are doing 30 toons killing garragio daily then im not mocking or joking go out and buy a lottery because that is impossible what u r saying .

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Man, I only have 1 level 80 in undermine. I have 1 other 80 I abandoned due to blizz destroying the class and the rest of my mains are still level 71 because I still canā€™t be arsed bringing them into TWW content.

just glad a lol 80 can teleport right to the zone no questing needed dont even need to be geared lol just use portal teleport get in car join group and follow group dig dig dig, but like i said i start at reset and go until done want to rip my eyes out when last toon is done but at least im trying to help peopleā€¦who care lol

I think a good compromise could be giving zone-wide bad luck protection to spawning the rare. Maybe add a 10% chance every time a trash pile is finished, so you can never go more than 10 trash piles without a spawn. It would still be pretty rare but not in a soul crushing way.


The raid groups farming this mount are the reason for the zone lag. If your instance is lagging itā€™s because thereā€™s a raid farm group in the same one.

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Also there are degenerate things happening like people selling the mount for millions of gold, and dropping toys like Jainaā€™s locket or the Anima Horde on the rare or scrap pile to grief the group. Blizzard needs to look at how this event works and change the rare. Thereā€™s no other way.