I’m just waiting for the currency transfer to be turned back on and then I’ll buy a bunch of chests.
Prop disabling that why it was turned off to fix it so cans cant transfer
Warband currency transfer was turned off because people were losing currency during the process
I have only seen the rare a few times, but I did spend some time today purely do SCRAP farming and it took over four hours for the first one. Was over 2hrs for the second one in my alt.
I know RNG is RNG, but making it a low spawn rate on top of the mount drop being low, it’s kinda brutal. What makes it worse is the event is just not fun and frustrating. Being in a large group is both a blessing and a curse, you get to just dig for a minute straight for filling the bar up quickly but filling the bar is frustrating.
One thing I did learn today is to make use of your interact key, in options → controls. By binding an interact key you don’t have to try and spam click the trash pile, you just press your interact once and it works. Makes the event less frustrating.
incase you don’t want to farm, and have gold…people are selling this for 1m to 5m if you want to buy from someone who loots it and is willing to sell
This spawn and rare is beyond awful, Blizzard really needs to either change the frequency of the spawn at the very least, most of us mount farmers are used to low drops but this ones just insane to not respect people’s times.
well to be fair on tuesday EVERYONE will be digging to farm the rep to exalted on day 1 soo be ready for lots to spawn, even wowhead mentions how fast you can get the rep, some people have stated they even already unlocked it and spawned the rare too, though not sure how
It’s always this Wårio guy in here being a contrarian. 3641 posts lmao. Get off the forums and touch some grass for your own sake please
im actually playing wow…you dont have at least 2 monitors?..or a phone?..read the wowhead post about the darkfuse rep lol exalted in 1 day by farming digs and shipping and handling along with other things
thought all gamers had at least 3 monitors at least
Why are you still yapping. Darkfuse was a bug for alliance characters.
You and your useless takes are tiring
It’s all good, we need someone to keep bumping this thread. The fools a troll but he is serving our purpose so let em run their mouth
not really trolling everyone will be farming for the new rep to get it done with on day 1, not sure how thats trolling, lol…also not sure how saying a rare acting like a true rare is also trolling…like other said don’t like it don’t do it… mount is sell able so buy it from some one if you want it that bad who looted it
That actually goes for 15 minutes, but for whatever reason the bar disappears at 10.
Yet even then the surge pricing is 1000% useless, it gives minimal mats and absolutely nothing else. The mount from that event, you get it from the 10 streak with or without the surge event.
is it 15 now? could of sworn that was less then 15mins…also Mount comes from doing 10 jobs not the chest…according to wowhead and how i got it as well…got it from doing 10 jobs 20 times…but honestly is it 15 mins now bc i dont remember it being 15mins remember time on map showing 10m
The timers are wrong, it goes for 15 minutes. If you are close to completing the price surge bar and continue after it disappears you can still get the extravagant chest
that explains why its still ticking when it ends and always got a chest way after it ended lol…though my bank is full of those waiting to tuesday to open them
I was farming the surge pricing religiously every hour over the weekend, maybe 30 times or more since I didn’t know the mount came from the 10 streak at the time and I was constantly going past 10 minutes and still getting the purple box.
explains why i got the box way after, but ya mount comes from doing 10 just farm it for a bit goes quick
What renown are you? I’ve done tons of 10 streaks and nothing.
8…wowhead also says seems to have chance to drop for 8