Gallagio Garbage is a pretty garbage experience

I mean, everyone wants everything now and not work towards anything anymore, so yeah write me in as shocked.

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sad but true, i think people got Spoiled when they made Rares spawn faster then they use to way back in the day…so NOW they want ALL rares to spawn that fast, granted the DAILY rares in undermind spawn fast not all rares are like that…I have only seen venture co rare spawn twice so far because hardly anyone picked that faction

I mean you are quite literally wrong. The first documented sha mount in Mists was not until mid Throne of Thunder

Is it really so hard to understand that players don’t want a rare with a 2% spawn rate from a miserable event that has a 1.5% mount drop. Double layers of bad, time-consuming RNG. This is not hard to understand. I think most 5 year olds could understand this is trash.


Just report them for trolling at this point.
“Day 1 player” who refutes the sha and galleon bug from mists to try to use it for their argument
They are trolling

excpt it did drop people got it but ok im sorry you dont like RNG

but that’s what makes mount RARES and RARES/RARES that’s why its called a RARE and a RARE mount…you truly want it that bad farm it on all 50 toons weekly, dont like the truth put me on ignore like i did you.

Except for the first nine months it didnt, its a well known issue. You are delulu if you think it did drop during launch


Did it in a 5 man group and around 50/50 chance of getting it to 500 trash. Did it in a raid group and was able to get 500 with 60s left every time. Not only that, I had way more time to actually dig so I got way more kola cans to turn in.

The difficulty for low number of people really needs to be turned down. You shouldn’t have to do this in a raid group


Terrible experience. I also detest how they keep throwing in these ‘rush here to do this 2 minute mini event’ all over the place. Got really bored of it in Emerald Dream with all the planting.

Game feels more like a cheap mobile phone attention hacking game than a deep MMORPG anymore.


Scaling is broken
Low groups have almost identical scaling to 40 mans

You’re just a miserable, spiteful person with no arguments. Gotcha.

Hard agree! I have only seen it spawn once and was out there 8hr and even being mid map, driving at break neck speed it was dead before I even got there T.T

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ya a rare acting like a rare for once, idk why people are complaining that a rare is finally acting like how rares should be for once.

It is not about how rare it is alone. First it is hard to get the trash to max. I have never seen it get to max, so I have never seen the rare spawn. Second you have the rng of it spawning and then the rng of the mount. The issue is that people are burned out from all the rng, which we see constantly on the forums. Blizzards then triples down on the rng with this mount.


get in a raid group youll have 500/500 as soon as dig starts, granted yes joining a raid group shouldnt matter but there is alwasy groups listed so joining one right away is easy

I will say, if this rare isn’t addressed within the next week or two, it likely won’t be forever.

That does sound really unfun. It’s terrible that they’re forcing you to do that. How dare they.

oof. No joke I got the mount from my very first chest. Then I got the pet from my second. From what I can see on wowhead, most people tend to get it within about 20 attempts. You had some seriously bad luck. Although wowhead also still reports it drops from an incorrect source.

its ok its a rare mount suppose to be hard to get didnt bother me, just like the rare one, ya its a rare spawn but we got 6 months of this patch soo it will be fine, just glad they made a rare a rare again