Gallagio Garbage is a pretty garbage experience

Everyone gets big mad they can’t get a new mount immediately, i hope they don’t change a thing. It’s not rare if everyone has it!

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You’re just a pathetic little troll. Nobody is asking for 100% drop. Just go away.

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sure looks like they are, crying it doesnt spawn with in the first 4 digs lol

Trash experience. Fix this rare and make it more acceptable as content.

The shills and trolls can get lost.


agreed, and honestly like i said above its not hard to get 500/500 just the 5+ people need to actually dig, took 15 mins to spawn on main toon 30mins on alt toon each dig was at 500/500 as soon as it started bc we all where digging and not afking lol

Yeah I think the main issue is actually trying to do it not in a raid group. I don’t really care about mount farming but I’ve been casually doing the scrap farm just because there is nothing else to do (awesome first week of patch lol…) and it will usually be me waiting for others to arrive and then someone just walks up and starts it right away and we fail. :expressionless:

yep, raid groups are 100% 500/500 every time, I did do 5 man groups and got the 500/500 but all of us dug, robot helps a lot too, and so does drinking the coffee

No people just get mad at horrendous takes like this. Think before you open your mouth next time.

People dont like a horrifcly low spawn rate on a rare for a low mount drop that is not fun game play.

Stop trolling


It’s very poorly implemented. Unless you join a large group, there’s a good chance you won’t get 500/500. It’s hit or miss. Sometimes a small group can do it or a bunch of randos can do it if they’re really trying, but often there are just AFKers along for the ride who bump the # of obstacles and mobs that spawn. It’s just bad all around. Everything is bad about how this rare and event is implemented.

Apparently this event was different on the PTR? I didn’t play PTR so I can’t say.

they dont what rares are anymore, you remember having to camp rares back in the day for 8 to 24+ hours for the rare to spawn but could spawn in 5 locations so had to pick which one you camped? granted yes mount was 100% but still had to pick the right camp spot and camp all day/night and hope you picked the right spot

No they arent lmao
Atleast two piles consistently break with bad bomb spawns
And even with 40 mans its taking a lot of groups a good two to three hours to get one spawn

I was in one group today that said it took 72 piles to get it to spawn. I was there for about 30 of them. Someone in the group was counting.

Sounds about right for a rare, Sha was like that back when Panda first came out and didnt drop the mount 100% but spawn was NOT! always 15mins…but remix ruined that mount by adding to the vendor during remix

I don’t know about PTR, but they did change it to spawn more adds/bombs/bags of dookie than were spawning when the patch went live.

they made that change when they changed how often it spawned, think it also had to do with some times DIG spots bugged and no mobs spawned to stop you from digging

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No, sha was not.
Sha and galleon were broke and not even dropping mounts. This was a documented issue until ToT

Tell me you didnt play mists with out telling me

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actually i did been playing since day 1 lol, and they did drop mounts for people i saw someone get first kill… RNG is RNG my friend, tell everyone you want all mounts handed to you without trying to get the mount…oh wait you just did lol…welcome to the ignore list

go to the vendor and buy the blue chest that have a chance at a mount.

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Most people have that mount by now because it actually has a reasonable rate of acquisition, unlike Gallagio Garbage.

shocked people arent complaining about that 1, not being 100% drop from the item lol…took me 120+ chests to get it to drop from my chest