Fyr'alath/Nasz'uro cannot be upgraded at the upgrade NPC after using Scale

Dude, you had one job…
Why do PTRs?!


PTR now exists solely for “sneak peak” streamer revenue. It’s not used for actual testing.


Just rip off the seasonal restriction to upgrading items realy… Does it matters this much if i want to upgrade a 470 to 483 or even a 415 to 441 thats my problem isnt it… Why is that even a thing … its not like we’re gonna drop season 5 or TWW items anyway. IMO if theres still upgrades available to put into an item … you should just be able to upgrade it no matter what

Whomever is responsible for bungling the PTR feedback should be reprimanded. This is inconveniencing a large amount of your subscribers, recompense is required. And for those who might say “It’s just a game.” True, it is, but it is also their job. If I dropped the ball in my work duties there would be consequences (and I’m not in charge of something that has nearly the scope of reach this does).


Can you tell me who actually reported it? The odds that someone was actually forming raid groups multiple weeks to get Bullion on the PTR to test this are very remote, especially since Wowhead didn’t even know their source until right before the season launched.

I’m not saying this isn’t Blizzard’s fault either case, but their testing setup is 100% to blame here. Bullions should have been on a Flaskataur NPC instead of being completely untested.

The weekly dungeon quest on PTR awarded 2 bullions specifically so people could test getting them and using the vendor along with upgrades of the items. It was available if I remember correctly 2-3 weeks prior to PTR ending. So YES bullions were available in PTR without raiding.


Do you think it’ll take longer than a week? I’m not trying to rush or complain or anything, just trying to decide if I should use my first two bullion on a trinket or wait incase it’s fixed by next week and the axe finally drops for me.

If you upgrade (or loot) a different weapon in the mean time then you’ll get a 50% off flightstone discount and 100% off crest discount when upgrading the legendary up to that ilvl, so hoarding for a specific item isn’t really necessary.

How about uncapping flightstones in the interim? Many of us are sitting at/near cap and are unable to use them due to this bug.
Flightstones really never should have been a S4 currency to begin with.


that is still almost 1500 flightstones worth of upgrade you could put on something else


Uncap flightstones, then this wouldn’t be too much of an issue.


flightstones are fine as a s4 currency, just the cap is dumb as hell. why the hell are the capped to begin with, i’d get it if they carried over between seasons but they got zeroed out, so why bother capping them, just let me run s*** without having to worry about if I forgot I capped them


Can we ask what is going to be down to prevent these kinds of slip ups in the future? I would be interested in what meaningful changes are to be made to prevent these issues?

Simply put I know it’s a legendary and it’s “one instance of an issue” but seriously this kind of thing has happened a few to many times to simply forgive at this point. There needs to be a meaningful discussion from blizzard on what they will be doing to provide people who pay a monthly subscription fee a more polished experience.

I expect as a gamer and a customer a better experience out of the end product that I and others continue to put money into. Polish your game for the love of God.


They clearly do this as a way to keep subscribers since you’ll need to play over the course of multiple months to upgrade / craft all your optimal gear.

It’s just unfortunate that with so much content being pumped out (Cata/SOD/Pandaria Remix) over the next few weeks that we are still being forced a cap in Season 4, which for all intents and purposes is simple a meme season.

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Knowing our luck they will mess this up too and we will have to wait for a second fix.

If you upgrade a 2 handed weapon it allows you to upgrade a 1 hander and shield for free as well. It was easily the best investment last week if you also tank.

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Why did this ever make it past the PTR? Should I just log off, cancel my sub until you can fix it since I’m flightstone capped?


Same issue. I saved up upgrade currency all last week prepping for the axe upgrade. “Take some time” is not good enough, we need a timeframe. If it’s going to be fixed tomorrow, then I’ll keep saving currency, if it’s going to be another 2 months, then I want my bullion back to spend on something else. Seriously, I tend to defend blizz for bugs and the like, but this is embarrassing.


“We’re listening…”

This is all you’ll ever hear. They’ll beat the same dead horse because they truly don’t care. This isn’t a priority issue to them.


Does the rest of the world have to wait for Meeres to upgrade his all the way for it to unlock for us?


Our patience was burned away when the axe took an entire season to acquire.


problem is it used to be easier to defend them, when it wasn’t every patch rolling out with 6+ different bugs affecting most of the playerbase across all of them