Fyr'alath/Nasz'uro cannot be upgraded at the upgrade NPC after using Scale

I’m on the hopium that things like that are part of why this fix is taking longer than we’d expect, because they had to do a full review of the legendaries’ upgrade and realized way too much was missed.

Can we just get an update please?


Datamining also is showing that the 50% discount isn’t applied to the Legendary items for upgrades (i.e. if you already have a upgraded weapon you have to upgrade your legandary, again!)

If so… holy forking poops! Does the dev team hate legendary weapons or something?

Also, still no ETA? So sounds like a hotfix is out the window at this point. The real question is, will this problem be fixed before we earn 2 more bullions?


When is the fix for this, uncap flightstones if this is going to take any longer!


Give an update. It’s been 24 hours +.


would be pretty sick to just get an update on whats going on with this so people can actually plan what they are going to do this week with their resources

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i am going to commit sudoku (in game)

I think you have your japanese words mixed up LOL

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Called it.


Seriously Blizz, wtaf? Between this fiasco, 493 cache last week (my warrior got a 441 curio and NEVER got a replacement cache), people not having loot in their vault, and other big issues you would have thought this was going to be a priority.

And now that WoWhead is reporting that the code doesn’t even look like it’s giving the 50% discount, just make the upgrade a 1 time deal. It is a legendary anyway and as other have mentioned the time, gold, and hoops we jumped through to acquire them then build them it would just make sense to take the L, realize you guys screwed the pooch and give us a max upgrade at this point.

Leaving the community hanging on what to do with their currency and sitting in a holding pattern isn’t the right answer.


This is too simple though. The solution must introduce further bugs via spaghetti code and incompetence before deployment!

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“The Incompetent” should be the season title to honor the dev team

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My guildies and I had an interesting conversation last night. This wasn’t intentional, was it? You wouldn’t intentionally ignore a “bug” that was reported on PTR for the sake of… time gating our legendary upgrades, would you?


Worth noting: Upgrades don’t work for anything at all on the 10.2.7 PTR :upside_down_face:

Unbelievable it is over 24 hours with no update. I don’t have social media, but someone with it should be pegging Blizz’s official twitter with this. The more publicity we bring to this issue, I hope, the more apt they’re going to be to resolve this.

Up to this point i think the best we can do is to upgrade regular gear and use the inc week crest for the lego update, as what we can see this wont be fixed until weekly reset unafortunaly, this feels so bad to run out of hype for things reported back on the ptr time :confused:

They just patched it but when I went to upgrade it, it shows it will change to a 506 Epic item…

The leggo may be fixed, but it ALSO has NO DISOUNT FOR HAVING A HIGHER WEAPON! RIP

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Not working for me.

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there is some kinda update. waiting for it to download. I’m guessing its just the trading post bug with the bug