Fyr'alath/Nasz'uro cannot be upgraded at the upgrade NPC after using Scale

This. Zero tangible negative impact, and would go a looooong way towards smoothing over this enormous botch job.

honestly at this point i want my 2 bouillons back and ill just go use kharnalax. Just remove legendaries from the game and be done with them, they are hardly legendary with all the cantric weapons out there.


I saved my bullion in case I have to do that.

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Would really love to have some idea how long “some time” is.


If they wait until after WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria, then people will just write off Season 4, and they will not have to fix it.

Agreed actually. If this isn’t fixed promptly, I’d rather just have my billions refunded to buy a pocket anvil or cataclysmic signet brand. This feels so bad.


Insane that this bug was reported on PTR and still went live.

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Agreed. - We should be able to make an informed decision on whether we want to spend our upgrade materials or not. It’s silly sitting here holding them just incase the fix goes out shortly after they’re spent but, here we are.


I cant believe it still bugged after so many of us here complaining about it. Where is the Community Manager? Why none of the streamers are talking about it? Where are those with yellow letters that I forgot the name? The disrespect is outrageous


At this point, the only thing they can do to make it up to us is to refund the bullions for anyone who bought the scale already, and to make the scale free, so its fair for all plate/evokers.


Making the legendary weapons 535 after using the scale would right the wrong and solve the issue the quickest.


i have no hopes of it being fixed, they don’t care enough and never have when it comes to these things.


15 Fyrakk kills, over 300k in gold, hours of killing rare’s and Super bloom’s. What’s another few days? I don’t want to be super negative but I don’t think they will do anything once this is fixed we will all be grinding Flightstone’s together and Blizz will just tell us its fixed.


A reasonable compensation would to be to send players with the legendary awakened flightstones so that in the meantime they can upgrade a different weapon with their crests and receive flightstones to upgrade their legendary once it is fixed.

It would also be preferable if they would announce this as upcoming so players can stop holding out for the fix at maxed flightstones and enjoy content.

Many players were extremely excited for their legendary, especially evokers who may have gotten their legendary during S3 and haven’t actually gotten to use it yet. This is highly disappointing that it is still not fixed to say the least. Please pull developers off War Within to get this fixed!

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0 chance there will be any “compensation” for this

we’ll be lucky if its even fixed by next week’s maintenance


It’s pretty upsetting that there is no ETA.

Please just tell us how long it’s going to be? Like we talking a Hotfix? It’s super bumming me out, please just give us an ETA.


lack of updates and lack of a timeline to fix (a day a week a MONTH??) any kind of information would make people less angry. but nope our patience is fast evaporating for those that spent their bullion and are now screwed over with a 502 weapon

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Focusing my will with the intensity of the sun on them getting this straightened out ASAP.

I’m sure it’ll be fixed any moment now

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What makes me the most upset, is that when it came out that big daddy Microsoft was letting Blizzard be Blizzard, there was a small hope that it meant a move back to the Blizzard we all used to love years ago. This flop, the lack of communication, and the ignoring of a known and reported bug from a month ago makes me think the Activision mentality of profits and timelines is now more a part of Blizzard than quality.