Fyr'alath/Nasz'uro cannot be upgraded at the upgrade NPC after using Scale

i mean they did add it for s4 , since you could upgrade these last season and now you cant

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Someone will math out that a tier set or trinket that came from a closed season and is supposed to be unobtainable is better than Season 4 gear, people will still have it in their banks or be able to item-restore it, upgrade it to whatever its maximum was/is, have an advantage that cannot be overcome by anyone who did not obtain it when current, and wreck arena.

? pve trinkets have historically been nerfed significantly in pvp to the point they aren’t worth using over the double pvp trinket bonus


that would be impossible with the ilvl gap… highly doubt no matter how strong a tierset can be… a 100ilvl gap with about 2k main stat is too much of a loss anyway

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I am remembering the Unstable Arcanocrystal that people wore through 3 seasons if it Titanforged.

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Except it was reported, MULTIPLE TIMES on the PTR. So yeah WAY MORE THAN 24 HOURS there bud!


The mystery of “known PTR issue” that made it to live is obviously the problem here. Did they ever fix it on the PTR or was it a persistent issue right until the patch went live?

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i gotta say that is true , but that was 1 item with only 1 stat on it. A full set of 4 pieces? thats alot of stats. Tho i did say to lift up the restriction to upgrade the item… since its what causing the problem… not taking out the actual seasoning from gear. Just the one NPC that lets you upgrade your items… doesnt need to check if its current season or not. the reasoning behind this would be as follow

a 489 item (4/4 myth track) wouldnt be upgradable
a 483 (2/4 myth track) would be upgradable to 489

that wouldnt change anything at all except for the fact that we would now be able to upgrade our legendary … and also that would solve a problem where if you were playing with a 2 hander last season , and loot a 1hand this season , if you had a off hand laying in your bags at 470ilvl lets say hero track… you would at least be able to upgrade it to 483 to make the ilvl drop less impactfull

I think the bigger issue is the people who stock piled crests/flight stones anticipating upgrading their weapon. Now we’re kind of stuck either sitting at cap or upgrading gear that isn’t ideal.

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This is extremely disappointing across the board. Based on the information from various people in the thread, this is an issue that has been known for at least a month and has not been publicly acknowledged outside of the statement from Kaivax.

From my perspective as a raider, it is frustrating to know that the best weapon option available to me, which I already had to work to both receive and unlock, is now just not available because of an oversight.

In a total vacuum assuming a complete BiS gearset for this season, it is a ~22,000 (~5%) DPS loss at minimum to not use Fyr’alath as a Ret Paladin, to say nothing of Death Knights or Warriors. In addition, Nasz’uro has a higher impact on performance for evokers, which is to say that the lack of access to both legendaries is an active detriment to the player’s ability to contribute to their group, whether it be raid or dungeon content. Does this render the classes completely inviable? Absolutely not, but it’s facetious to say that it doesn’t feel bad to know that you’ve been placed in a situation that is wildly out of your control.

I’m not a developer of designer of any sort and won’t pretend that I know better than the Blizzard team as to what challenges are presented when working with a 20 year old foundation for new content in WoW. From an outside perspective, obviously the time and focus needs to be dedicated to making progress on the next expansion, but if the original Fated season was able to be designed by a team of people I could count on one hand, and Awakened has less design to it than Fated did, there doesn’t seem to be a clear reason for why this could be allowed to slip under the radar.


Jeez, this still hasn’t been fixed? Was there an update of any sort? At this point, just give us the 2x bullions back.


i’ll take my 2 buillion back, its not looking good for a fix this week.


The next day…

Cuzolth does not want to upgrade my weapon, maybe he does not like weapons that were used by endgame bosses. How about we offer him 258k gold in exchange for his services? A little incentive to get things done… right.


I read about the bug before I got my second bullion, so I refrained from purchasing the Scale of Awakening and saved my bullion, in case a Nasz’uro upgraded before the fix will be stuck at 502 forever, and I need to purchase Kharnalex instead.

Don’t tell us thank you for our patience when you knew about these issues the entire ptr. Anyone of us that would turn in unfinished work would be fired. What’s the point in doing a ptr if nothing reported gets fixed?


I mean, at this point just abandon the upgrade for the legendary and set every 502 legendary to 535.


Just rename ptr early access at this point cause thats all it is it seems.

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boom problem solved, most of us are prepared to max them out anyways.


they shouldn’t even be on an upgrade track being, how much time, effort and gold we put into them and the little use we got of them s2


So that entire month it was known to be an issue blizz just did nothing but sit around with their thumbs up their back end or what? Why even have a ptr? It’s sad that people pay to buy the game, have to pay a monthly sub, and even with a test realm blizz can’t seem to get anything right or even bother to fix their screw ups until a large portion of the player base gets out the torches. At least we have evokers to light said torches… I had to find a silver lining somewhere.