Fyr'alath/Nasz'uro cannot be upgraded at the upgrade NPC after using Scale

At least raise/remove flightstone cap plz?


24hrs and still not fixed, nice quality of devs you have. Still not an answer, not an apology, not even an increase in flightstones cap so people can play the game. Nice blizz, you are doing good.


Its 6am i don’t think they are even at work yet.

No, its been longer than 24 hours. This was reported on the PTR weeks ago.


It will likely get fixed today. It’s a giant bummer for sure, but not on the level of realm stability, so they probably reasonably assessed that no one should lose sleep over it. :man_shrugging:

I’m super bummed about this too, especially as I finally completed the axe last week (dropped for me the very last day of the season) and I’m still feeling the price tag for all the mats. Hunters are already parading around with 535 bows they didn’t have to pay 200k gold or complete a fifteen-part quest sequence of needlessly time-gatey requirements (thank goodness for the Proving Grounds!) for, though thankfully the cantrip isn’t as broken as it was in S1. It just stings.

But it’s hardly the first time Blizzard has botched something like this, and it won’t be the last. It doesn’t signal some sudden precipitous drop in the quality of the work there; it’s always been this way - a predominantly awesome company that also sometimes kind of sucks, maybe because of the nature of the scale of the game itself. It’s just fallen on us, this time.


I could understand the “bugs happen” crowd if it wasn’t a known issue on the PTR. Letting these bugs go to production after documented bugs in testing is unacceptable. We shouldn’t be comfortable with it and it should make everybody pause before preordering a game or buying a multi-month subscription.

I’ve played wow for 20 years. Yes there have been bugs, but they used to communicate on time tables for a fix and steps we can take as players to mitigate the issue. There are dozens of valid replies in this thread suggesting Blizzard gives us a time table, or at least removed the flight stone cap. A cap that is arguably arbitrary as crests are also capped. Instead we get silence.

Its not what Blizzard was built on and it is an obvious change in the company over the last few years.


Looks like they fired the rest of the monkeys they had maintaining retail, or maybe just the lobotomized ones are left drooling in office while pumping out TP garbage.

To be fair though, should we really expect better from a company who can’t fix DC to last boss in vault from over a year ago?

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The road to hell is paved with unanswered IT tickets identifying bugs weeks or months in advance. “Per My Previous E-mail…”

While I agree on the total severity and impact, the issue is that this was reported in test, it never worked. They had a weeks to catch it there. But they decided to push to production anyways.

Then, they had a week grace period, no one was getting the upgrade in week 1 of Season 4. Still ignored it.

Now it isn’t “game breaking” but ridiculous it made it to this point. So yeah, had the developer responsible for fixing it ignored it this long it does become a “fix it before you go home” bug. They had plenty of runway to take care of it without any loss of sleep, but chose a different path.

It was like a damsel in distress tied to the railroad, with an extremely slow moving train that Dudley Do Right did not pay attention to until it actually hit the damsel. And their answer is “it is a priority”. No, it obviously isn’t “a priority”, a priority would have been dealt with before anyone saw it on production.


i mean i hope its today but i have no faith after it was found early in the ptr and was still sent live


“Some time” is simply not an acceptable answer especially in a season that with all reasonable expectations is all but over the moment the next “Limited Time” event begins.

Should “Some time” be measured in hours, days, weeks, maybe a month?

By all appearances the team there already had a month or more to fix this issue and still allowed players to self discover on live realms then report it without any warning from Blizzard.

Players are frustrated and using non quantifiable language only makes it worse. For better or worse at least with a measurable time frame players are empowered to make a choice as to how to proceed.


I hope this is fixed soon its almost impossible to get in keys now as dps paladin when other dps now have max upgraded weapons.


It took over 4 months to acquire it in S3, once progression in S3 was irrelevant.

It’ll take a similar time frame in S4. I’d expect it gets fixed when 11.0 prepatch comes out.

Edit: There is no incentive, no sense of urgency, no care for their “dev” team to fix this.

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I fully expect it to get fixed today. Why? Because I went and spent a bunch of Flightstones to upgrade a 2h to 522 I had gotten. I’m still going to be pissed off when I go to upgrade something else and find myself short on FS and how many stones I missed out on.


I am unhappy too, but this is patently false. :joy: The groupfinder is positively lousy with ret paladins.

What makes you think it will take so long for a fix to be implemented? What does dev in inverted commas mean?

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Funny how bugs don’t always show themselves on PTR and simply being on live realms can trigger things. By all appearances the team working on this has had less than 24 hours to work on a fix.

Of course players are frustrated, that’s the natural response to this type of event. Thanks for pointing out the obvious. I’m sure Blizz would love to give you a quantifiable time frame, but the problem is surely more complex than you are willing to give it credit for. I can’t speak for the devs, but a problem this complex is probably going to take some drastic measures to fix and may even involve figuring out a way to silently replace your legendary with one that can be upgraded. Or maybe its finding the random line of bugged code, or the strange error that happened when item databases got copied. Regardless of what happened, time is the only answer. your tears don’t really help anything, but they sure are delicious.

Satire - meaning that they do not have a competent active development team that is working on how the game functions for May 1st. It shows their development efforts are primarily in future forms of the game.

This problem was notified in the PTR … it has been much more then 24h

As someone who’s been coding for a while, there is realy not much to it… the only thing that needs to be done is basicly delete the restriction to upgrade items that are not S4… ok we would be able to upgrade s3 , s2 and s1 … so what… that wouldnt change anything but letting us upgrade our weapons …


If you actually did coding as you say you are, you would know that when there is spaghetti code that’s 20 years old, that is also combined with other code thats 10 years old… it wouldnt be as simple as “just delete this restriction” and we good.

Doing it as you suggest by just delete the restriction will more than likely break something else in return.

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