Fyr'alath/Nasz'uro cannot be upgraded at the upgrade NPC after using Scale

sleeping. its like 2am there, get some rest and lets hope for an update tomorrow.

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Doing my part too, Axe’s broken, just tested and still not showing up as upgrade at vendors.

so what happens to those who upgraded it will it work once its fixed or will they need to buy abother upgrade token thing

Sucks I feel like I couldn’t do anything because I’m capped on stones and I don’t know when I can upgrade it.
Really wish they’d of given a real update timeframe.
Need to get keys started today…


I hope this gets fixed as a priority issue! Unfortunately the bugged awakened cache of treasures was not :frowning:

Honestly, just do ur key or push if you want, these are repeatable sources. Not a real issue.

The real issues are those that are weekly or one time source like awakened flightstone item etc. Save those for when the fix arrives if you need some. And it seems like we are getting 50% discount on requirement on bullion upgrade items too. IF applicable you might not even need to save these items.

But keys? Just go ahead and do ur keys/raid etc.

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Fair enough. Just gave me a bit of anxiety about it all. Definitely gonna just jump in and collect the new crest cap for the week.

Hopefully they fix this within a short timeframe. It really makes me nervous they didn’t give an estimate.


I upgraded one 2H heroic weapon to 522, used 1850 flightstones and raided with guild, now I am saving another 2000/2000 flightstones for the fix.


This is somthing u guys should have had ready to go when this patch hit. Someone dropped the ball. And the only answer u have is give us aome time. U do know we spend money too play this game. And we dont get refunds as we spend at paid time waiting on u too roll out fixes so we can play. Do better bliz.


At this point after all the crap people were put through and continue to be put through over these legendaries Blizzard should just add at least a cosmetic version to the bullion vendor (since the expansion is practically over and has been for months now) if not even full versions of these items. This “season” is already a joke anyway seeing as it provides zero new content. Might as well treat it like the upcoming Pandaland timewalking extravaganza and at least let people tie up loose transmog ends. After all filling up the collections tab has always been the real endgame.

Any updated information you can share?


Quite the bummer buying the “upgrade” item just to get gated behind this with no explanation other than “it’ll take awhile” to fix.

Would have purchased a trinket instead.

Right? No weapon dmg and no shiny trinket. THE STRUGGGGGGGGLEEEEE lol. Totally expected to wake up to a fix tho, not gonna lie. Feelsbad


This just goes to show they have massive gaps in their Core QA and Live Ops departments.
The fact such a big bug which was already seen and reported on the PTR a while back was not picked up, but also they failed to do any proper Patch Update based testing on the new season gear acquisition tells you everything you need to know about blizzard’s ‘Minimum Viable Product’ philosophy/approach towards the live game. It has been this way for years now, many bugs which a normal thorough QA process like a BVT, or Upgrade Checklists could easily cover, are all missed.
Pretty much all their QA analysts need to be looked at, and their QA management too. Very low standard of processes, leading to a low standard product. As someone from the same field, this is an absolute embarrassment, and has been for years.


Now fix the broken vault.

Still no news? lol not even a hey guys heres a projected timeline?


I can’t believe we’re still here waiting for a fix to this… this is like the easiest fix to do. At least give us some news … something to chew on … its been radio silence since yesterday


Any crests i spend on an alternate weapon in the meantime will be removed from the cost of the legendary when i upgrade it right?

Yes, up to that ilvl. Also a discount on flightstones.


So, it still broken, no update and there’s lot people who are pissed off and they have right to be pissed off who wasted their buillon. Thank god I didn’t used buillon on this toon.