Fyr'alath/Nasz'uro cannot be upgraded at the upgrade NPC after using Scale

i sure do love being soft locked out of a character all day while all of my friends get to enjoy doing dungeons because I am capped on flight stones/crests “waiting patiently” for a fix


Have you designed the exact same system in WoW for this expansion in this specific season for an item that was previously not upgradeable to be upgradeable?

Then no, what you said is simply not true unless you show some actual proof that you have.


they sure as hell knew about alot of these bugs, but still pushed out a steaming pile of ‘update’, instead of I dunno taking the pissy peoples criticism about patch being pushed back, while they could still do things on their toons while waiting a bit longer… and things actually working when they do push it out.

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Wait did white knight change definition? Everyone is using it as if it meant “if you disagree with me you are white knighting whoever I’m trying to portray as evil”.

If you scroll up I was in the earlier people complaining about this issue, I’m just laughing at insane people acting like this is the end of the world, literally asking for compensation and literally throwing a fit at the idea of getting outdps’d in their raid tonight.

Answer me this honestly, we can all agree that the bug sucks and it’s a clear mistake on blizzard and they should have fixed it when it was reported in PTR, but do you think the exaggerated outrage behavior from players making entitled demands as if video games shouldn’t ever have any bugs is justified?

a lil, like i said if it was one or two things, then ya even if it was just the leggo thing i could get behind ya on yea people are overly complaining. but the fact of the matter is there is bugs currently that are affecting most of the player base, so a bit of irritation and baby rage is justified when the answer is effectively sit and wait with no follow up.

now the people making demands, that s*** is just dumb, like "i want it to be free and fully upgraded’ or things like that i agree, those people are nuttier than squirrel s***.

demand this gets fixed: acceptable.
demand more transparency from them: acceptable
demand whatever childish crap you think you deserve: not so much

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Well I don’t work for blizzard, so obviously I’m not hands on with their engine. But I’ve done similar stuff, and I don’t see a universe where devs have to redesign items from scratch for every season AND where every item would upgrade correctly except COINCIDENTALLY the only 2 items that were previously not upgradable.

Basic logic and common knowledge of similar systems tell me the S4 version has its properties copied from previous season and the modification to make them upgradable was simply not well done. It’s 100% mistake on their part, it does suck, I was also not happy about it when I found out, but I’m not losing my mind over this as if it had an actual physical real world consequences, it’s gonna get fixed and we’re all gonna have our big weapons just a bit later, it’s chill.

You contradicted yourself here.

This 100%.


So hypothetically you go to any coffee shop…order a simple coffee

Barista begins making it, fills your cup, calls your name as it’s placed on the edge of their counter.

You open it to find it’s a cup of hot water filled with coffee beans.

So you should just take what you are given, not asking for a refund or a new actual coffee based on ground coffee beans with the water dripped in it. It has all the elements for coffee but not fully coffee. It’s a luxury item, not a necessity. Be happy with hot water with coffee beans in it, take it, acknowledge you paid for it and leave the store.


Blizzard, where is the fix or ETA? It has been WAAAAY more than “some time”.


7 hours for an update on a ‘priority issue’ is a bit funny tho ngl.
lol this kinda sucks tho.

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To be fair they didn’t say what kind of priority

It could just be low


true, didn’t consider that, good eye.

why hasn’t this been fixed yet lol


Wasn’t this reported during PTR? What’s the point of PTR if MAJOR bugs like this are ignored?


So i wasted my bullions then great.

Your last priority fix for black netherwing grotto scales took over THREE WEEKS and 3 attempts+ to fix.

A guildie of mine is still waiting for his.

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will you just go away already everyone can see your just trying to pick a fight and some of us just want to keep an eye out for updates without listening to you reee about how you’re just so morally superior and everyone else just has such low IQs that you are doing us a favor by gracing us with your presence


Just flag him as trolling until he gets auto silenced.

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Your subjective opinion is incorrect in my point of view, like my subjective view is incorrect in yours.

Nothing you say, will say or can say will convince me you are correct.

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Yea large dog, lets make a more accurate comparison

You go to order coffee and find out their machine doesn’t heat up the drink so you let them know theres an issue

You come back weeks later and order a coffee and turns out he machine still doesn’t heat up the drink, and then they just say “We’ll heat up the drink eventually”

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