Fyr'alath/Nasz'uro cannot be upgraded at the upgrade NPC after using Scale

what is the ETA?


Same here unfortunately

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I would love for everyone who actually bought the upgrade to get 2 free bullion and make the lego upgrade free


Imagine that happening

Only had to deal with terrible rng and a large gold sink when everyone else got their bis of basically the same strength way faster

Any ETA on the fix?


What a SICK joke, so all the freaking leggo users can go screw themselves while the rest of classes and specs that buy their bis item with the bullion pretty sure they already max it out, no ETA no NOTHING, a freaking issue that I am pretty sure it was reported in the PTR, but as ALWAYS, NA players are the free testers for blizzard, either they have the same dev team working on all versions of wow just to save money, or the devs are just a full of lazy people.

Not even a downtime for tomorrow to fix any issue that might show up this day, NOTHING, just a single message and wait until god knows what.


The Busch League dev team still on Dragonflight is obviously all on PTR and off for the day.

This will be added to their list when they feel like getting to it.

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I think the best we can hope for at this point is they push it with the EU reset. I have a feeling that this would of been way easier to fix it they did it before the bug went live, But now that the bug is live I think its going to be significantly more difficult of a fix and they will probably wait until EU maintenance to test it.

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The only new item is the scale, which upgrades the pre-existing item to a new ilvl, we don’t upgrade the newly created item. In games, entities are not all made from scratch like you suggest, to go faster when an item is a copy of another, its properties are copied over, so the legendary items of season 4 ilvl has the same properties as the previous ones, and then they have to manually change those. Obviously they made a mistake somewhere. But your belief that items are all entirely remade from scratch is absolutely, and objectively, incorrect.

One item not upgrading doesn’t define a “broken patch”, I get it that you are mad, easily offended, infuriated over nothing, and outright enraged at my comments not supporting your crusade against evil blizzard taking your hard earned 15 bucks, but I’m sure there’s a tiny bit of critical thinking left in there to bring you back down to earth, take a minute to breathe, and realize you’re not gonna lose an arm over this.

And before you ask how I know how in-game entities work, working on making actual games, in engines, and creating stuff from scratch, unlike you in addons and private servers. Before making idiotic superiority complex appeal to authority in what is nothing more than your assumptions, keep in mind you could at any point run into someone who simply knows more than you from experience. Go be wrong somewhere else, I’m not white knighting, I’m arguing with basic common sense.

Got some awfully shiny and white armor for someone not white knighting.

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Textbook example of the appeal to authority fallacy.


Except what I’m saying is true regardless of where it comes from.

That’s not cool lol. I was saving my flightstones and crests so I can upgrade it but nope.

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Yea dog, them making the legendaries upgrade in the exact same way every other piece of gear they made the entire expansion sure will be a huge job

People sure are underestimating the difficulty it will be to do the same thing they’ve done for hundreds of other items, basically a herculean task

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My issue really isnt with them taking so long to fix this, that sucks enough. Its the lack of communication regarding any time estimates, any sort of apology, or anything. Its just disrespectful.


id be right there with you if it was 1 broken item, but its been bugs left and right, and as far as items broken its both leggos, all the jewlery from the vendor that sells the stuff related to the ONE thing this season adds, keep white knighting a company that honestly couldn’t give a S*** about you, me or anyone else with problems: they already got your sub money, so we can fix it on our time.

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Strawman. I never said anything about fixing this taking a long time, it really doesn’t. You’re just emotional so if I’m not parroting exactly what you want to hear, you see me as “against you” and automatically assume I would disagree with everything you belief on this topic. Couldn’t be further from the truth.

Are you kidding me??? 9hrs and still can’t fix this??? what kind of developers you have … blizz AT LEAST you should give us an ETA and not that awful answer which is so disrespectful with your players, specially after knowing the bug and going live anyways.


Don’t worry guys, they will implement some bad luck protection to ensure that we can upgrade our legendary! It might take you weeks, or months, but dang it we will get to upgrade it eventually!

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Yea big dog, people expecting the game to work is pretty bad

People need to respect how much work they do towards not fixing things that they knew were broken weeks ago