Fyr'alath/Nasz'uro cannot be upgraded at the upgrade NPC after using Scale

Patience is something you have for mistakes and unavoidable circumstance. This has been broken the entire PTR.

So that would make it negligence. Respectfully, you don’t get to ask people to be patient for negligence. You offer an apology or compensation for that kind of situation.


These items are the only items in the game that were previously completely unable to be upgraded by the NPCs. It’s very logical that something could go wrong when changing that, they are not like other items. There’s also no point in deliberately “breaking” these items just to see you cry about it and reduce player satisfaction. What a zero thought process thing to say.

if you cant tell by the vibe of these comments maybe not the best place to white knight! just sayin though :).

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Well guess what, you still have to be patient, so use the almost adult part of your brain to calm down and realize that being a prepubescent child about this won’t make it go faster. And lol… compensation, what’s next, reparations?

Yes so maybe they could have i don’t know, addressed the bug when it was reported on PTR over a month ago.


Love that movie

Talk to me? I welcome all levels of irrational emotional outburst from underdeveloped manchild in this comment section with open arm. If they lose their marbles over having to wait to upgrade pixels in a game they don’t have any form of credibility over what I’m saying, regardless if it’s seen as “white knighting” or not. It’s just basic reasonable thought process.

Can’t wait to get easily out dps’d by people without the legendary tonight in raid.


Sure they could have, they are at fault, no one is saying otherwise. It happens, now we can all do what is in our control, which means playing the game like you all did yesterday without an upgraded legendary. We will survive this unprecedented torture they are putting us through, lol.

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I refuse to login as I don’t want to lose out on flightstones… the upgrade costs are already ridiculous…


People are about to go into raid with an item that wasn’t able to be upgraded, while simultaneously not being able to spend or earn further flight stones while they are capped.

It feels like maybe theres a pretty easy solution to just set everyones Legendary to max ilvl or refund the bullion. This forced “Thank you for your patience” is a bit lame duck.


What an intentionally obtuse, troll thing to say in response to many people having a legitimate reason to be upset; specifically given the fact that this bug was reported weeks ago.

Reported and ignored, btw.


Here’s the more alarming matter that nobody is discussing; where’s the content creator criticism? Haven’t seen a clip from Liquid Max, Dratnos or _______ (insert basically any major WoW content creator that has significant clout in the community,) laying into Blizz for the incompetence. Not saying go Unsub to your favorite streamers, but they’re the true voices that Blizz does listen too. In moments like this Blizz won’t listen to the normal subscriber base, but streamers shouldn’t just sit by and let moments like this go unscrutinized. Take some accountablity for your silence. If something is wrong and everyone knows it, falling back into the shadows when you have the platform for real change and allowing it to happen is as good as you being complicit to the problem itself.


We pay for a game, and many of us play with a team who relies on everyone showing up prepped/capable/contributing, and I certainly care about the fact that I’m A. losing time I pay for without the availability of one of the main selling points of this entire system B. Am gimping myself going into my 20 person team tonight purely because a bug, which we reported 5 weeks ago, was blatantly ignored and then released with an extended maintenance still broken, and then the answer was condescending and didn’t even give a real answer.

You aren’t cool playing the “HAWHAW PEOPLE WHO CARE ABOUT GAMES AREN’T ADULTS”; I take my career very seriously and take issues that could affect my product seriously, why should they not be held to the same standard?


It’s almost like you don’t know how items work in this game. When you create a new item it gets a new item ID, you assign “spell effects” to it for things like procs, stats, ilvl, ilvl upgrades. ALL of the items on the vendors were SUPPOSED to be created the same way. They’re all a new ID vs the old ones, so there shouldn’t have been any issue with the new orange items for the exact same reason. It doesn’t matter if the OLD item ID wasn’t upgradable, the new ones are (or at least should be). Somebody messed up, the mistake was reported on the PTR, they negligently pushed a broken patch to the live servers. People like you that white knight blizzard no matter the mistakes they make are a huge part of the problem and the whole reason why this product has been, quality wise, getting a whole lot worse as of late.

And before you ask how I know how items work, working on any inventory addons tell you how they work. Not to mention working on a private server literally creating items.


After seeing the non transparancy and no time given besides “we know thank you” I just bought another item…that i didn’t want currently, its still a BiS but i wanted to upgrade my leggo, Waited 2 weeks after doing all the crazy nonsense for it. Feels bad not to be able to use it in the current content like its supposed to be. Capped flightstones and had full wyrms waiting to upgrade. Didnt want to wait for the all clear to be able to play. Just feels empty now though.


Feels bad to have upgraded my axe, sitting capped on flights, and getting out dosed because blizz can’t fix bugs reported in a pts….


Can we get an ETA on this?


Blizzard making me think of the auto mechanic thanking me for patience after 1 month of waiting for them to fix an issue they caused from negligence and lack of attention. PTR it was reported on and nothing was done. Really no patience left tbh.


Dead silence, and likely not being fixed thru the night. Downright shameful.