Fyr'alath + Nasz'uro - The Major Issues

It’s not even possible for me to win my BiS trinket (Suncaller) I have to have someone else win it then bribe them for it.

So you are saying if you finish normal, there is no point progging or farming heroic that week? Getting a normal kill locks you out of heroic roll?

Heroic is higher than normal, so no idea how you got that conclusion from what I said. If you do normal first then heroic, you are only getting the heroic chance from the heroic kill. However if you do heroic first, it includes lfr and normal into the roll. So you are better off doing the highest difficulty you can do first.

No. Neither of these numbers actually add up. So imma say i disagree

This wouldn’t work with bad luck protection. Lets say a greater ember is 2% extra chance at loot and you have 20 of them. So you have base lfr chance + 40% on an LFR kill, which will drop a greater ember for the week. Now you kill normal at base normal chance + 42% which is objectively 2% better roll in all situations, and a 2nd roll at the dice. Now the normal kill won’t drop an ember of course since ember is one per week. Now you go kill heroic for base heroic drop chance + 42%. That is 3 rolls on the axe, 2 with an extra 2% on them.

If it works how you say it would be something like:
Kill on heroic > Rolls IF(lfr+40%)=0 then IF(normal+40%) = 0 then IF(heroic+40%)=0, give greater ember, else give fyrakk axe. Best case scenario it does work this way you are always 2% worse off not doing a lower difficulty first.

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That is not how it works. Once you have done a difficulty it is removed from the pool for the higher ones. So if you do LFR first then heroic. The heroic kill will only add on the normal kill.

Nope. If you do lfr first then do normal, you get 2 embers. one that only affects LFR and the other will only affect normal. If you do normal first, it will affect LFR.

Doing LFR > normal > heroic does nothing to better your chances during that week.

Each difficulty has its own base % chance and the greater embers only affect the difficulty you got it from and those you have not done (provided they are lower difficulties). I think you need to reread the blue post Blizzard posted about this.

This refers to each difficulty having their own base drop chance. With LFR having the lowest and mythic having the highest.

Refers to how completing higher difficulties first includes the chances from all uncompleted lower difficulties for that week. Meaning if you do heroic first, normal and LFR are included.

Refers to how consuming a heroic greater ember will also apply the greater embers towards LFR and Normal provided they have not been completed that week for example

So you miss out on embers by doing Heroic first and miss out on bad luck protection.

The game is so different now compared to when Sulfuras or other similar low % chance legendaries were a thing, the only excuse I can imagine Blizz having for this awful system is they want us to roll alts and keep playing every night of the week.

I know this comes off as hyperbole but I’m taking a break after this season purely because of how tilted this axe has got me. I actually dread killing Fyrakk every week.

You are either trolling on purpose or just being dense for no reason. The ember from heroic ALSO GIVES YOU BLP FOR LFR AND NORMAL IF YOU DO HEROIC FIRST. I quoted blizzard saying that.

The axe isn’t even the lamest legendary this expansion.

I am not trolling, you said the embers are difficulty specific:

So if my 10 embers from normal increased only my normal drop chance, then killing only on heroic is wasting my 10 normal kills worth of embers.

So if what you said is true I should stop killing on heroic and only kill on normal, where I have the most Greater Embers.

no because the normal drop chance will be included in the heroic one. How many times do I have to say that? I even quoted Blizzard saying that.

yeah I reckon otherwise.

Either that or you just cannot admit that you are wrong.

As many times as it takes to stop contradicting yourself, either the badluck tokens are a single drop pool OR they are difficulty specific.

I don’t care about wrong or right I have no ego here. Everything that has been said can’t be true at once. If it is difficulty specific then doing LFR>normal>heroic is vastly superior. OR it isn’t difficulty specific and you just do heroic.

It is not a contradiction.

You can do LFR, then normal, then heroic and get a greater blp for all 3 or you can just do heroic and the heroic one counts towards the other two. Again, I quoted Blizzard saying exactly that. Just take the L man. Stop embarrassing yourself.

Why are you having so much difficulty understanding that?

I literally bought a Legendary item with Anima back in SL. Legendary does not mean rare. It means meaningful to the lore. L move from Blizzard making this luck based when they could have made it a guaranteed drop from a quest chain.

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So it isn’t difficulty specific then. Make up your mind.

They mean that the BLP at the highest difficulty folds into the lower difficulties. If you do Heroic first, it counts the same as having done it on all three. This removes the need to waste your time clearing it on all three difficulties.




And here I thought quoting Blizzard would be enough. Turns out it is not.

So the only way that works is if it’s programmed EXACTLY as I initially suggested:
You kill heroic Fyrakk and it rolls 3 dice
LFR%(+embers from lfr%) didnt drop? roll next
NORMAL%(+embers from normal%) didnt drop? roll next
HEROIC%(+embers from heroic%) nothing or axe.

And that would do exactly as you describe.

Which means the best thing you can do is LFR for an ember then Normal for an ember then heroic last.

It may only be a tiny advantage (whatever the ember % chance is) but it IS an advantage because if you kill on heroic it just counted LFR and Normal with 1 less Ember of bad luck protection.

Unless you want to argue the formula automatically grants an LFR ember AND a normal ember before calculating, and then still gives you a greater ember from the heroic kill. Blizzard isn’t that generous.