Nah, legendaries with difficult acquisitions should be broken OP, and that’s fine. Gives players something to strive for, but their specs shouldn’t be held back because devs feel with that legendary they’d be too strong.
It’s a legendary, it’s supposed to be super strong. If they can’t wrap their heads around that, just stop making these items.
The fact 2h strength users have no cantrip weapon before hand makes everything feel even worse considering the other fyrakk weps are like 5-6k dps boosts
You’re not wrong. I am sounding contradictory but I don’t mean to sound so. The bottom line is that it feels not great to be working on high level content with what feels like a limited toolkit. I guess that’s the sentiment I’m most troubled by, not the dps per se or being below others. Knowing that my BiS item by a substantial margin at this stage is not farmable.
But why? Killing him on a higher difficulty not only factors in the lower ones you haven’t done yet into the roll, but the greater blp token also applies to those lower ones as well. If you are doing normal first you are really hurting your changes of getting it from heroic. As you just removed lfr and normal from the cumulative drop chance for that week.
I hear ya and I understand your frustration. I’m just saying there’s almost always going to be something that is less than ideal (though not always to this extent) and focusing too much on what you don’t have is only going to make you feel bad. Rng will always be a fickle mistress and changing your expectations and perception of what is and isn’t important is much more likely to happen than Blizz making leggos something you can just farm out over time.
Anyway, I appreciate your civility and I wish you the best of luck gettin’ that axe.
Heroic is higher than normal, so no idea how you got that conclusion from what I said. If you do normal first then heroic, you are only getting the heroic chance from the heroic kill. However if you do heroic first, it includes lfr and normal into the roll. So you are better off doing the highest difficulty you can do first.
This wouldn’t work with bad luck protection. Lets say a greater ember is 2% extra chance at loot and you have 20 of them. So you have base lfr chance + 40% on an LFR kill, which will drop a greater ember for the week. Now you kill normal at base normal chance + 42% which is objectively 2% better roll in all situations, and a 2nd roll at the dice. Now the normal kill won’t drop an ember of course since ember is one per week. Now you go kill heroic for base heroic drop chance + 42%. That is 3 rolls on the axe, 2 with an extra 2% on them.
If it works how you say it would be something like:
Kill on heroic > Rolls IF(lfr+40%)=0 then IF(normal+40%) = 0 then IF(heroic+40%)=0, give greater ember, else give fyrakk axe. Best case scenario it does work this way you are always 2% worse off not doing a lower difficulty first.
That is not how it works. Once you have done a difficulty it is removed from the pool for the higher ones. So if you do LFR first then heroic. The heroic kill will only add on the normal kill.
Nope. If you do lfr first then do normal, you get 2 embers. one that only affects LFR and the other will only affect normal. If you do normal first, it will affect LFR.
Doing LFR > normal > heroic does nothing to better your chances during that week.
Each difficulty has its own base % chance and the greater embers only affect the difficulty you got it from and those you have not done (provided they are lower difficulties). I think you need to reread the blue post Blizzard posted about this.
This refers to each difficulty having their own base drop chance. With LFR having the lowest and mythic having the highest.
Refers to how completing higher difficulties first includes the chances from all uncompleted lower difficulties for that week. Meaning if you do heroic first, normal and LFR are included.
Refers to how consuming a heroic greater ember will also apply the greater embers towards LFR and Normal provided they have not been completed that week for example
The game is so different now compared to when Sulfuras or other similar low % chance legendaries were a thing, the only excuse I can imagine Blizz having for this awful system is they want us to roll alts and keep playing every night of the week.
I know this comes off as hyperbole but I’m taking a break after this season purely because of how tilted this axe has got me. I actually dread killing Fyrakk every week.
You are either trolling on purpose or just being dense for no reason. The ember from heroic ALSO GIVES YOU BLP FOR LFR AND NORMAL IF YOU DO HEROIC FIRST. I quoted blizzard saying that.