Lot of them were not as heavy rng, you can’t compare a legendary that can drop week 1 vs week 12+ for someone and those that are nearly guaranteed to be obtainable in the same month of time on average.
RNG is not the same if one is building upon it weeks after week and the other one is just dropping the item and hoping.
It’s also funny in a way to talk about crafted legendary when you still craft Fyralath. xd
As a recent owner of said legendary, they should at least have the tokens give a much larger % boost in the drop rate. The questchain itself is annoying enough without first tryna get the thing to drop.
I don’t play plate doesn’t matter to me. It made me angry enough to not play my evoker this patch since I just didn’t get it last patch. Its still tilting to me though since my guild has been doing heroic for months now none of our characters have gotten a single one and we have three “extremely rare” mount skins for our efforts instead. Rng outliers suck and should not be encouraged. It was also the same for our evokers last patch where we got like 5 or 6 mount skins and 2 out of 3 fists the first fist being 3 months into the patch.
I’m still annoyed about the evoker one and being obligated to do heroic each week because my gulid did it for me last patch, and I will gripe about it incessantly because its been a real low point of the last two patches for me and others. I want my feedback known that my subjective experience with this system was a bad one and hopefully they won’t bother making another legendary if they make them like this.
It was never intended for everyone to get it.
Idk where that expectation came from.
Blizz could literally tell people it’s a 1% chance and people would still feel like they should be guaranteed to get it by week 4-5
I get it if you don’t like that, but you shouldn’t be surprised. People out here acting like it’s a 50% chance or something
Blizzard designing a bad luck protection system for it. After people have hated the drop rate on the evoker legendary, probably hoping they learned from it.

If it is 10 fold, then it’s anything but semantics.
But enough of that from me - I can agree on it feeling terrible for those who have it as their goal and not getting it.
I really hope the Axe drops for those still at it weekly, like yourself.
GL man!
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This is the first expansion in awhile where we didn’t have everyone legendaries and it stings.
The evoker leggo had BLP too though and is still extremely rare.
When they said the axe would also have BLP… to me that meant it would still be extremely rare and may not drop even after 25 weeks just like the evoker leggo.
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To me that’s the worst part of wow currently. Poor rng combined with seasonal gameplay. Some people won’t get it at all? That stinks. The game is meant to be enjoyed and playing with cool weapons is part of that enjoyment for many.
What’s the denominator here, “All” accounts, or accounts who have a final boss kill on a plate class?
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I’m playing roulette with my plate boys. First guy to get it gets the golden ticket to be new main or something.
Then the question of what is considered “Unlucky” is where the contention lies.
Are you protected from never getting or from getting it long after it was a use to you?
Most people would consider getting the ax durring next expansion “unlucky”.
Source? And how does that compare to Nasz’uro?
100% of profiles which have done it every week it was available seems like a good number.
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Source of this stat? I agree the drop rate is terrible (I’m almost to 300 kills across my army of plate characters), but that stat seems low based on me randomly wandering around Valdrakken and seeing it multiple times.
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None. As thunderfury came out with blackwing lair.
Semantics. You know what I mean. You had to run MC to get it.
Classic content was not as disposable as current raids are in retail.
Raid content has been seasonal for years.
Exactly the same as Love rocket changes…Reward Devs in this game…