While I appreciate the effort, I’m not sure splitting the difference is enough. Using the same numbers as before (again in full T28 gear, which most players won’t ever even get - the build really does not take off that hard without extra stat inflation through ilevel):
So Necrolord gains +1-2%, which is simply not enough to encourage playing it, especially when the potential for failure due to downtime means it’ll undoubtedly perform worse than the others on average, and I don’t know any nice way to say it except that nobody cares about the group buff.
Tuning Necrolord around the buff to other players has left the Covenant in a bad place the entire expansion (despite potentially being the most powerful when considering that value across the entire raid). There’s no mincing words here - it’s been virtually unplayed:
If the group buff truly is the tuning point, then nerf that - it would be far healthier for the game as a whole to reduce stacking burst damage, and reducing the allied buff to 200-300 Mastery instead of 400 would allow the Warrior to actually gain something meaningful from their own covenant. At the same time, multiple banners really should not be able to stack on the same player.
I know 5 rage doesn’t feel like a big difference, but requiring 25% more rage is a dramatic nerf to the legendary. Consider that the 4p tier nerf already penalizes that feedback loop, and please undo this nerf entirely.
Update to make something clear: Warrior is still a good class, it’s still going to get played regardless. This raid has a lot of AoE and Kyrian (maybe NF) will be high on the overall rankings for that alone. Necrolord doesn’t do that though - it’s a very single target focused build which gave Warriors the option of effectively doing something other than AoE - trading out one tool for another, which is a hallmark of balance.
The 16k-ish number that I suggested isn’t even particularly high in single target, still well below the projected output of Rogues, Mages, Shaman, Warlocks, Druids, and Priests, roughly tied with Demon Hunters, Death Knights, Ferals, and Hunters.