Start the expansion as an awful spec
Finish the expansion as an awful spec
Start the expansion as an awful spec
Finish the expansion as an awful spec
So just so we understand this correctly:
You nerfed Blood DK and after looking back at the numbers and seeing public outcry you reverted some of the nerf (no problem with reversion itself, for the record).
You nerfed fury warrior before ACTUALLY collecting any live server data and despite it putting the spec in a bad spot and contributors like Archimtoros providing data that it was bad, you still are sticking to your guns.
Is your balance team just still doing cubicle crawls and getting drunk, or what’s up?
There are times when they don’t want certain specs on top. This was said during WOD by Ion and pretty sure to this day that it is still the case. They didn’t want fury to be Meta.
I feel like there should be a middle ground between meta and dumpster. I would be ok with small buffs to our single target. I think another 1k dps would help out a lot.
“Was sTrOngER ThAN intEndEd” While tanks are doing top dps in some cases. Good job Blizz.
It hasn’t been meta the entire expansion, and we’re back to CN-tier. At least Arms was strong in SoD… with Crutchfury buffing its damage.
Yeah, the whole before a lot of data was collected nerf is what frustrates me the most. I just feel like anytime fury seems to get a cut and dry single target spec it gets nerfed into the ground before people even play it. The whole feeling this expansion has just left a bad taste in my mouth for my warrior. Every patch it was well this sucks slightly less than that, I guess I can make it work.
The joke keeps coming full circle of “meaningful choice.” Every time warriors want to make a meaningful choice to spec pure ST it seems that choice is made for them by gutting specs or upcoming content, and I don’t really see a good reason for it.
Arms 2pc/4pc were nerfed as well before going live. Look at where arms is now…2nd to last. The tier set nerf should never have happened.
Gotta be kidding me. With how broken rogues, demon hunter, hunters, are nerfing warrior which is the bottom of the raid dps charts in pve and the same in pvp lol. Unreal
It’s not too late to revert or partially revert the nerfs.
This, Blizz, please adjust and be consistent.
We have been bottom 5-7 the entire patch while watching other specs, including secondary specs for other classes, get buffed even further above us so they can feel happy. Even in M+, due to target cap, we’re useful but quickly dropped as gear improves.
I deadass said “there’s no way blizzard is that stupid that they nerf fury warrior before mythic even comes out right? If they do I will delete my warrior.”
Well I didn’t delete my warrior but blizzard’s class balancing department are absolute monkeys…
Please don’t insult monkeys that way. I wonder if warriors weren’t spit for one tier only because the big boss at the time played one.
Oh, no. The Arms tier was unbelievably insane pre-nerf. It definitely needed one, but like Fury it was too much.
And here we are, the lowest dps overall per wowhead damage round up
Yeah this kinda bugs me a bit. We were on Heroic Rygelon last week with my guild. Our pally tank was 2nd in dps, and our tank druid was 2 spots ahead of me, I was 2nd to last in dps and I’m Fury. I got sat the last few attempts and I’m the only warrior. Even without me they didn’t kill him. Still #feelsbadman
This should definitely not be the case though, even with fury being relatively bad on that fight.
Something is way off or the pulls are lasting like two seconds if tanks are beating all your dps in raid. M+ is one thing, but to an extent that’s an execution issue if your tanks are beating you in dps in raid.
Doubt anything will happen now, we will have to wait for 9,2,5 most likely before any changes are made. Sucks Blizzard didn’t listen to the warriors like they listened to the other classes. These nerfs just didn’t need to happen at all.
It may have been insane for tier bonus, however compared to the other specs that made it live, it is not.
It’s because our baseline is pretty nads. Set machine was just a slot machine lazy design, but Fury has been cursed with that since WoD (though I didn’t plan MoP).