Fury War slaughter house need to be nerfed

Me trolling a Mage aside, this basically sums up what needed to be said on the subject.

I can agree with that in principle but in practice Iā€™m not convinced itā€™d be the right decision atm. Itā€™s really not that hard to get stacks to fall off for enough time to get full heals in but I donā€™t play healer so idk how difficult that currently is.

Iā€™m curious if wars would just switch to arms if slaughterhouse was nerfed like you suggested

You would probably see more of them but Fury still has amazing burst damage, self heals that matter, good defensives in that they can use in stun, and more mobility thanks to their better tier bonuses.

It wouldnā€™t break fury at all, it would balance them. The gap between the two would just lessen. Both would be playable, just as they are right now.

40% MS is just bad for the game in general, Sharpen blade is a small window with a forced cooldown so it can never be abused at the level of perma 8 stack on massive cooldowns. This isnā€™t entirely about fury vs arms.

Extremely. Their target has a hard time kiting them, and you canā€™t mitigate stacks because the enemy healer has a purge 90% of the time.

Playing into MS classes if your DPS doesnā€™t have one is an instant mana disadvantage.

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when your gameplay has to be revolved around using your ccs to stop a warriorā€™s uptime so his stacks fall off or use cooldowns to trade just so his stacks fall off the game is awful and imbalanced

stop trying to justify a broken mechanic

I mean thereā€™s a reason why you donā€™t see fury spamming Ignore Pain nearly as much as Arms wars do. Itā€™s practically an ā€œeither-orā€ situation if you want to keep slaughterhouse up or try to survive because of the rage costs.

I donā€™t think rage generation itself is the problem, itā€™s the cap, how much the abilities costs, and how long it will take to generate enough to continue or switch playing offensively and defensively.

with how many broken mechanics are in the game rn, itā€™s pretty par for the course. We know it and others getting nerfed in DF when tier is gone but in the current state of the game right now, Iā€™m not going to just say ā€˜yeah get rid of it right nowā€™ when thereā€™s a mountain of crap like it still around.

hopefully in DL, things will be right in the world where arms is better than spergy fury

Maybe if youā€™re playing Impending because calling Trance or Bloodthirst meaningful healing is like saying Karma is a significant defensive.

Itā€™s fine with how the spec normally works. When tier is gone and weā€™re back to 10% haste Fury will have probably disappeared entirely, but I guess that depends on the state of Arms.


they donā€™t spam ignore pain because they donā€™t have to spam ignore pain whenthey have a talent gives them 10% passive dr and also self heal whenever they enrage, not to mention the 99% of fury warriors run the animas sphere heal conduit which is another 5% self heal on top; also the dps they output allows them to be on the offensive so they donā€™t ever need to worry about spamming ignore pain on the backfoot

just stop making suggestions on the class balancing when you literally have no clue how the class works

like why do you keep actring like fury warriors getting rage starved is an issue to be addressed LOL

No, they donā€™t because itā€™s a horribly inefficient button for Fury. See, Arms doesnā€™t have a good button to press aside from Mortal Strike, so theyā€™re ā€œfreeā€ to dump excess rage into Ignore Pain because Slam outside of CDs is underwhelming, whereas Fury has to crank out Rampages for the spec to maintain and, well, function.

I donā€™t even know why youā€™d mention this thing which has been gutted to near irrelevancy. Itā€™s only played because thereā€™s nothing else Fury could conceivably run. Thereā€™s the impending conduit but thatā€™s dead if you run bolt.


Donā€™t get me wrong, Fury isnā€™t a healthy spec or anything, but you canā€™t just IP off CD as Fury in the same way you can as Arms. The spec just falls apart.

if you think nerfing slaughter house to 25% will make the spec fall apart you are more delusional than i thought and itā€™s probably not worth explaining to you how the game works

also imagine selectively taking what i said out of context, cringe

i mentioned the anima sphere conduit ON TOP of other self healing it has which synergizes well with that spec as a whole, it doesnā€™t need to press ignore pain because thse self heals and passive dr from warpaint is more effective than pressing ignore pain, not because you are rage starved

iā€™m not as good nor knowlegable as some of the warriors around these forums but iā€™m not a moron. I actually play the class and donā€™t hide behind an alt. Nothing you said indicates you actually play the class at any level above 1600 so maybe check yourself

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A 50k heal over the course of like 6 minutes.

Just crazy (on Fury in particular).

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you unironically just try to ego me by saying you are above 1600 you clearly are a moron LOL

also i wasnā€™t the one that brought achievements into this btw, but you opened the door to it so

you are literally peak rival every season and you have a negative win rate at 1600 please donā€™t say you know how fury works lmao you just tried to convince everyone that slaughterhouse 8 stack isnā€™t broken

youā€™re just being a dick because I donā€™t agree with you. Iā€™m just going to ignore you because itā€™s clear talking to you is pointless

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why you flexing on someone at 1600?

he is also right tho rage starve isnā€™t an issue at all for warriors lol nerfing slaughterhouse wouldnā€™t make the spec bad just because it ā€œcosts more rageā€ than mortal strike does on arms

if you think slaughterhouse doesnā€™t need nerf you are delusional

I think a constant 40% MS is a bit much, personally. Warrior has too many ways to break CC without needing a healerā€™s help, and can passively turn half my mana pool into wasted effort. I donā€™t want them nerfed into unviability, but the class could use some change to make them feel less oppressive, in my opinion.

Iā€™m not flexing on anyone. I just said he sounds like he doesnā€™t play warrior above 1600 based on what heā€™s been saying. I donā€™t think thatā€™s a diss if he doesnā€™t play warrior, especially after he said I donā€™t know the class at all.

fury with no haste or tier :face_vomiting:

Op is accurate af. Slaughter house needs to be toned down

i mean nothing he said is wrong

rage isnā€™t an issue for fury at all if anything haste is

4 stacks of slaughterhouse is more than enough