Fury War slaughter house need to be nerfed

Am I missing something? Is this a dozer thread??
I get that op is a mage player, but I don’t think that he’s wrong that war in general is still nuts.


it’s prob up to standard with every other class rn. spec wise its def still better than most but the only other alternative is arms which is kinda butt

Tbh i get hes made 999999999 posts about fury but he’s right

Slaughterhouse is a really stupid talent


Slaughterhouse isn’t inherently a flawed talent. Fury warrior being as passively tanky as they are between warpaint, large healthpool, and the strength of their wall while stunned COMBINED with their insane mobility btwn charge, leap (with barbarian into stuff like locks), and crushing blow charges.

I think war mobility is probably okay, but I’d like to see battle trance just not heal and nerf the conduit for wall reduction on arms/fury.

Fury shouldn’t have a better MS than arms, it should cap at 25% at the most.

Slaughterhouse was clearly designed to have limited uptime at maximum stacks but the current fury war toolkit allows for it to be up almost permanently on a target.

Slaughterhouse is over-tuned and should be nerfed, unfortunately this is probably the last balance patch we will have this expansion so it’s unlikely. War rep is irrelevant, it’s an over-tuned talent on a spec that shouldn’t have it.


Lok’Tar Ogar, Orkmonk. As a Windwalker player myself, I understand the pain of facing a Fury Warrior toe-to-toe. Some may ask, “Why face-tank Fury?” the answer is simple. You don’t choose, the Fury chooses.
They are str8 up the most annoying melee class to fight, and can just sit on anyone they please an entire match while menacingly tearing their target apart.
The point of this comment… buff munk, nerf fury… make arms good again (not like s1 plz).
Edit - I like the 25% cap… 40% MS with 60%+ uptime in a single match (60% is generous, it can go as high as the Warrior wishes)… Just absurd. They should make Tailoring Bandages so they can cure MS effects in PvP. MS bleed? I bandaid.

crushing blow could do the exact same dmg as rb and RA would still be a valuable talent because the reset frequency means you have a 10 yard gap closer baked into a damaging gcd that builds the next rampage 50-90% of the time while reck’s up

they need to just ruin the charge bonus in pvp. impossible to make it feel fair for all 6 players in an arena

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That’d just be silly considering how much more difficult it is to stack, especially without tier.

no its not

all they have to do is remove the 8 stacks and keep the 4 stacks and it will be fine

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the splitting point here is that everybody except fury players is eager for the end of tier to mean the end of fury presence in pvp. “but it would hurt us when tier is gone” good.


To sum up this thread and all those charts. BM hunter needs buffs


fury is one of the least tanky melee specs rn, especially into melee specs like rogue, ww monk, and dh. if fury doesn’t stick to a target it can actually hit, it dies quickly. yall acting like fury has the survivability of arms during S1 and S2 but its not even close lol

so just a worse mortal strike?


uncle jim tilting 1400 mages until they have a mental breakdown

they can tweek the ability and give it 5 extra % and make it the exact same as mortal strike who cares

it just shouldn’t have 8 stacks of healing debuff that’s just awful game mechanic

Exactly what it should be.


Applying 4 stacks of slaughterhouse costs more than double the amount of rage MS costs, requires another 160 rage to reapply to 40% MS if the war is cc’d at all while it’s up, and doesn’t apply at all if the target has any other MS effect on them before it reaches 3 or 4 stacks.

Maybe 30% reduction can be a compromise but making the debuff equal too Mortal Strike’s debuff still makes it worse, especially considering it’s a PvP talent and not baseline like MS is.

I can agree that fury can be bonkers sometimes but it’s been nerfed like 3 times this patch. At some point I just think some of you just want warriors to be a free win

Right lol. There was a time and a place when Fury had none. Oh wait, that’s for most of the history of wow lol. Gosh gee, give someone something and then they want the farm haha.

so a pvp talent should be worse than a baseline ability for a spec of the same class? just use fist of fury and laugh while the war can’t apply slaughterhouse damn

tell me how many fury warriors you saw during S1 and S2 when slaughterhouse was right there

what are you even typing?

rage is barely an issue for arms or fury the fact that you are basing the abilities on rage cost tells me you don’t know how the class works

like you do realize it’s impossible to be rage starved on fury when you press recklessness or necro banner not to mention your tier set procs how can you even argue that 4 stack ms would be awful on fury because you are rage starved? lmfao

Yes, Fury shouldn’t have a better mortal strike than the actual mortal strike spec. Do you not realize how absurd a 40% MS which can be kept at nearly full uptime and be quickly re-applied at 8 stacks after it falls off due to kiting/cc is? There is a reason arms isn’t a perma 50% MS anymore.

It is a non issue for fury to quickly get and maintain 8 stacks of slaughterhouse at the moment and that’s a problem, a pretty big one. Fury has insane damage and that’s fine, it shouldn’t have the best MS in the game on top of that.

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