Fury War Buffs / Changes and Balances

Again dude there is literally 2 disclaimers in the top .

This is a payed game

i couldant care less how many devs and what not, its their job to do stuff and again blizzard is a company u don’t need to defend them saying how busy they are .

And class balance is not fine , just comparing the specs like war fury war and arms , there’s a flat 15% difference in dps just by playing another spec for no reason .
lets not even talk about tank balance and others specs that are also in pretty bad shape rn .

Uh… and?


Idk, looks mostly fine to me. Druids and ret are a bit sad again.

I’m not defending them. I simply don’t want them to even try. They’re not competent. The feral druid buff/nerf/revert/nerf/revert fiasco was enough for me.

That would be spec balance. Warrior dps are fine. They have one of the best specs in the game.

And i do want them to try that the whole point of the post anyway .

If u dont care about paying and getting a bad product that is on u , i do care and thats why im complaning

Yeah, that’s why I’m arguing. I strongly prefer the class balance circus staying in retail where it belongs.

I dont see how that’s affects u in a bad way , and instead of giving others solutions or improving somehow the post your here to complain .
But your welcome to comment more and give me more views to this post , be free and happy .

Looking into ur char says a lot about ur opnion anyway

Sorry I couldn’t live up to your expectations, dad.

I swapped mains in Wrath because my class didn’t get buffed and others did :person_shrugging:

Nah u changed cuz u clearly bad that can be seen by ur logs , but alright lets pretend the buff was the problem


Yeah, look how bad my logs were before I swapped mains. I was just awful. You’re so right.

So you saying that bcuz there were no more buffs and changes bcuz ppl were too anti changes you had to change classes ? Totaly agreed xD

No, I would have preferred no changes at all to class balance. Rogue’s position was relatively worse because other classes got Classic-only buffs.

What were you saying about my logs, though?

Congratz on after trying over and over again you got ur log decent .

What you mean u dont play ur spec they way blizzard intented without looking at dmg comparisson ?
So u saying if everything was decent balanced you would continue playing the spec u wanted the most ? what no way.

97.2 median, you are a trash-talking clown.

Fury won’t be buffed. Cope.

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Alright thank you for giving more attention to the post XD

Warrior has 2 viable PvE Specs, with Arms being a top performer right now. They don’t need buffs as a class. If you want to perform as a warrior you have one tree available, otherwise I want Feral, Balance, Destruction, Frost Mage, Marskmanship, Sub and Retribution buffs to compensate warriors getting special treatment.

See how it would be unfair? If you still don’t care then just know: You are not special, you are not entitled to anything, if you don’t like it, peess off. Buff everyone or no one.

Fury is the most gear dependent that there is. It’s power scales as your gear does. WoW! shocker huh?

There’s literally a phrase saying that im just putting fury on the spotlight here and all classes specs should be balanced not only fury ???

I also addressed that even with gear simulations on fury on full biss , fury still loses by 15% to arms .
In what i said even told that theres no reason to have to wait to X patch to your class be viable while they can do now since is a payed game and balance should be kept all the time since is their job.

Again all classes specs should be balanced and taken care , since its my post im just putting fury on focus , but i adressed balance as a whole

Again all classes specs should be balanced and taken care , since its my post im just putting fury on focus , but i adressed balance as a whole

I wish the balanced was addressed more , sad

Yup, but it’s been known and expected that fury was going to suck, so if you rolled a warrior just to play fury that sucks I guess, but it’s your own fault.

Arms is considered top tier all through the expansion though so you have that. I think because arms is so good fury won’t get buffed.