Fury War Buffs / Changes and Balances

Buff Fury and the bottom specs :slight_smile:
I wanted to address if we could get some change in his talent tree , maybe that would cause the spec to be a little worst in pvp (buffs might compensate that too) , but arms being already a better spec for pvp anyway in the end, making me believe those changes wouldn’t pose a big problem .
If you look pass his third roll of talents in the further talents they are just lacking any real option to get any dmg and you are getting forced to spec in the ‘‘useless’’ talents , also because we re locked by spec till we get to the bottom/enough points spend you cant even put points on the others specs to at least get something better of them .
Id say you could just replace those useless talents for flat dmg or adding a modifier on them making it increase the dmg for flat % while keeping their normal Functionality something like that .
Anything Changes are really welcome either a flat buff or changes I’m just trying to think about the easier way since blizzard normally dosant like to be bothered with changing stuff that are too hard or would change the actual tree too much.

EDIT ------------

  • Big Disclaimer that this is a Pay to play game even if its a old version .
  • Also this is a Game and balance is part of the JOB from blizzard , not a Favor

Again since a lot of commentaries , I’m not complaining about being the worst dps , I’m complaining about the difference of 15% or more from the nearest ‘‘worst’’ dps on avarage logs , i dont mind being the worst but that high difference from the nearest and any big gaps makes no sense.

As we could see with Ret and feral and Recently boomy https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/balance-druid-changes/1875457/3 we do can have adjust in stuff that are somewhat unreasonable .

And even if the numbers im saying might be a lil overdramatic you gotta remember that a lot of problems come from perception of public about specs making any % less of dmg even if the % is not the exactly as i said , it already makes opinion worst towards those specs making a lot harder to play .

Fun Fact too I also wanted to bring that even in the Cata War Discord the tab of fury war information only has one phrase saying ‘’ Don’t play Fury War ‘’ , i know is kind of a joke but even that being there show Meme the spec is right now .

Having to address too the ppl talking about either tanks or others specs being also bad ,
i do agree on the fact that fury is not the only with problems and i hope you see and understand in post that the balance should be for all im just putting Fury on the focus on this post

I also want to point that we get to see ppl getting kicked from X heroic partys or raids just for being Fury or any of the bottom specs , so this is not only a problem in dmg wise but makes the player experience worst

Last i understand some ppl wouldn’t like their specs losing position cuz X spec was buffed , so just reminding again that im just asking for balance not a new meta, i just want the specs in overall didnt had such a gap


Fury SCALES at endgame. It always has. It’ll be good later with gear. Most likely still beaten by arms until MoP.

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Thats not a answer , having to wait last raid to be able to perform anything good , if was a matter of just being middle of the group or just not top dps i could agree , but no , Fury war is around 25% behind even the next ‘‘worst’’ dps and there’s nothing to prove that fury wont be the same bad , also if gets too strong they could just nerf anyway .

Thats fury warrior in pretty much all of WoW even to this day on retail idk what to tell you. You have to suffer it out early on to be god later. Just spec arms, and be top 5 every raid and be happy.

To be fair we saw how the “buff and nerf” game worked out in Wrath with Ret and Feral


not really in retail no spec is almost 30 % behind the next one without getting buff right after , and wtf is u gotta suffer fist ? this is a game not military dude , just buff fist and if gets too good nerf lol .
And Again im not asking to be Top dps or anything near it , im just asking for being real playable in pve instead of getting insta kick cuz of a spec

Warrior dps are doing well.

Play arms. I main a warrior. It is what it is.

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Dude again , thats not a answer this is a game theres no reason to make one spec literally unplayble in pve

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im talking about fury war , and no they are not , if u check any logs .

Blizzard has stated that they don’t care about individual specs and instead focus on roles.

DPS warriors are doing well when specialized in a way that maximizes their damage output. That’s all they look at. It’s the same reason you don’t see frost mages being buffed.

Again what the point of that comment ? oh yah let me let this spec literally 25% wrost than even the nearest dps and literally unplayable in the content , they say they dont care if the specs are doing okayish and dont borther doing mutiple specs at top dps , but again thats not my point i dont want it to be top dps , im asking to just be playable really

I don’t think it would be a bad thing to balance the low specs, but I do think it is outside of the scope for this classic project.

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Dog again it is an answer. Just not the one you want.

There are many issues in the game that takes this team long enough to solve, and undertaking an extensive balance push on top of the crap they are doing now will probably not get completed until Cata is over, and then the game changes again with MOP and you have to do the balance yet again.

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so you absolutely cannot clear content as fury? TIL!!!

Dude why u trying to defend them this is literally a company is their job , again they could literally just flat buff in numbers dosant need any real thinking and long process to do it , but i also inquired about doing changes , either one is good .

Unless u want to be carried , yah no

I am not defending them. I am merely stating that other things are far more important. And simply “tweaking the numbers” never works. Something always breaks.

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again thats the point of forum is to make exposure to problems and make sure this is a problem , not to try excuse them on how much they already have , i say again is THEIR JOB , idc if they have much