Fury War Buffs / Changes and Balances

Thats a whole 5k difference making 15% difference in terms , i also said in the post , even the if the difference was not exactly 25% its a huge difference for absolute no reason .
As stated before its their job , we don’t need to excuse them for not doing their job in a paid game , there’s no reason to not balance stuff ( not only fury but all specs included ).
And again Simms and numbers aren’t the only problem , but just addressing the Simms itself most time is not a real representation of the dmg since it can be higher or lower since fights variate

No, that’s not what you said. You said it was 25% difference from the NEXT LOWEST SPEC, not from Arms:

As i said 25% from the nearest spec in that average ppl logs , and i also said again u don’t need to take everything as 100% correct .
Again blizzard is a company and is their job to see what the actual difference are not mine .
And last im saying its a lot about perception not only the numbers anyway , and if u think i cant be lil overdramatic to gather attention just bcuz the problem is not as big as it might be , you losing the point of the forum .

Always remember even if is classic we are literally PAYING for this , and if they didn’t want any type of changes they wouldn’t done any so far in any spec and at any moment , as u could see they clearly did in multiple cases .

Yeah, and I tried to explain to you that’s an inaccurate representation of actual DPS for various reasons. You tried to say I don’t know what I’m talking about, which is laughable. I know exactly what I’m talking about, and you can barely string together a legible sentence.

oh no how dare i not have 100% domain on third language how bad i am so sorry lol .

Mr right thank you for your benevolence of trying to explain to me with your all might knowledge , Mr right sometimes cant take the point of the conversation but i know you always right anyway , ty again xD

I also wanted to bring that even their Cata War Discord the tab of fury war information only has one phrase saying ‘’ Don’t play Fury War ‘’ , i know is kind of a joke but even there the perception show that the spec dosant even exist .

I’m also not saying they shouldn’t buff the spec. They probably should, and if they do they should also look at TG and balance that with SMF too. I think small buffs to the very bottom DPS specs would be a good thing, if Blizzard can actually manage to do it properly.

Yup, soon as they start tinkering I’m outski

Knowing Blizzard, i wouldn’t expect any out of cycle buffs. This expansion has already come and gone. If you didn’t know, its a wow gy. Its fine to want changes, but it isnt realistic to expect any.

Not only they did buff feral and retri before , but recently they addressed boomie bug and gave a to them to ‘‘compensate’’ the bug that some ppl were abusing , so id say there is a decent chance to happen , and that’s kind of the point of the post on forum to gather attention and give feedback .

This Expansion has already come and gone .

Dosant matter this is a payed game. If the point was not doing changes they already proved that they willing to change stuff aka ( Transmog trough account and Archology before patch ) and others like the class buffs cited before

What you mean ? both retri and feral and now recently changes to boomy are good and seems you still there .

I don’t want them to change Fury either but it’s going to happen eventually 100%.

Edit: I’m saying changes will happen, not necessarily changes to Fury, which I doubt.

I sayed in the post , they prob might just do some flat buffs instead of real changes tbh , since is more simple to do and wont affect the ppl that use fury for fun instead to ‘‘compete’’.

I would like to see more changes tbh .

Would be interested in bringing even some animations from ratail to classic

With arms being as strong as it is? Yeah, no. They’re not going to buff the other dps warr spec when they already have one of the best dps specs in the game.

Paladins and druids didn’t have another dps spec that’s in the top 5.

They weren’t bottom tier dps too just wasn’t near top . I already commented on that this is also about balance of specs and perception .
I dont see why they wouldn’t buff something that ppl are literally kicking off ppl in heroic dungeon groups not even talking about raid .
And i too talked about not necessary needing to bring fury to top dps , just adjust the bottom specs in a overall to make the difference not so huge like it is rn

Ret was certainly bottom tier dps pre-buff lol and feral wasn’t much better

Because it takes 10 seconds to swap to an actual good spec.

So you saying , yah i don’t care about balance and blizzard doing their job in a payed game lets just keep those specs useless for the rest of this expac all right.
Like what the point of that , theres absolute no reason to not re balance the game to get that difference that is rn to something that is pretty close in all specs .

Class balance is mostly fine. :person_shrugging:

You make it sound like this is easy lmao they have 2 devs working on this game and can’t fix bugs for months on end and you think they can achieve perfect working class balance?