Fury War Buffs / Changes and Balances

It’s okay I can let janitors do it if they want.

They do it well for things they don’t like.

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Depending on the context of the guild, this is true. Sadly even in more casual settings, trickle down meta and perceptions is a thing.

I saw some ppl getting kicked from heroic dungeons for being fury war , not even saying about raid that normally much more restric on what goes in .

There are other specs, such as frost mage, that aren’t in use as a raiding spec. I dont think that as a problem itself. Thats why I asked if there was some compelling reason to make sure fury is also a raiding spec in the meta

I commented here before but i dont mind about not being meta and all , but the problem is the gap (25% worst than the nearest ‘‘worst’’ spec) that dosant need to exist in difference , it just arbritary numbers , i also comment about frost mage , saying that i know that frost it the offical worst dps spec in pve , but at least frost is the go choise for pvp , while fury loses in both aspects of the game , i would like to frost be buff aswell

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They just buffed Boomkins tho.

True, but that is a druids only caster dps role. They have shown they are willing to adjust roles that are struggling, but not specs.

But I have also not seen that CM around before, maybe they hired some fresh blood.

I mean every tank should complain then about Blood DK’s being 150% better and they are THEE only Raid Main Tank.

Kinda tricky to balance Fury since they scale so well with Hit/Crit and gear. I do think it’s bad design for something to be gutter trash till good gear though. I really hate that in games when people say but…BUT it’s good Latter! A spec should always be good. It should be fun from start to finish.

Sadly a lot of design isn’t like that and not sure if major changes will happin in this accelerated version of the game with limited resources.

The tank struggle i do agree too that some could get buffs , but what matters about tank is being alive and thats it , any dps extra is a bonus , while a dps spec all your job is do dmg , meaning any time you do no dmg u have no value .
Also its not really hard to balance fury war , if they want the eazy way just flat buff % stuff , but ofc they could also just take the hard way and actually change talents and scaling around.

In lk feral got the glyph that made feral good from the start to finish of the exp , and in latter patch’s they also buffs retri making it even better .
So i do believe they could and would buff fury .

I mean that’s not it and good Raid groups pick Tanks based on not just staying alive, but damage and being able to solo.

A Blood Dk replaces 2 Tanks. This means you can run another Dps or a Feral in off spot.

Why bring 2 Tanks when you can bring one. Some groups will opt to bring less Healers because again a Blood DK can sustain and Solo.

This leaves both Prots out since they aren’t Main Tanks and they aren’t Off Tanks. So that is a far larger problem.

While this is true it’s the least value or importance to the Raid. Again I’m not against fixes to Tanks or Fury. Just saying the larger changes which are needed likely won’t happen. Fury is in a far better spot then the Tank problem. Fury still has a spot in the Raid. In original Cata I played Fury because I’m a Prot War and there isn’t a place for me in the Raid.

I disagree on the second part , i belive fury is on a worst spot , since if u play fury u literally wont get in raids , while if u play another tank you might struggle but ppl will accept u regardless , since the main point of tank as i said is just being alive , u might not get main tank but at least u welcome at the raid as off tank , but as fury u literally wont get a spot unless ur guild / group accept u ‘‘trolling’’.

Also im not trying to say that is not a problem and both should be adressed , and acctually you should do another post about it and put down ur points , i might do another post about that later myself too

So you are using Alts to comment.

Again Fury scales well and does well in Raids as the expansion goes on. This is not true for Tanks. There is 1 Tank that takes the place of 2 Tanks which frees up another Dps or Healer spot. It’s not even debatable how significant that is.

Meta Raids play 1 Blood DK not only do they do more damage and healing/tanking but that Raid group clears faster and pumps with more Dps. Why on earth would a group bring 2 Tanks instead of 1 Blood DK and hamper the entire Raid in every possible way.

It’s not and groups don’t consider tanks based on this alone as I highlighted above.

I doubt anything gets fixed or buffed. If it does cool if not then I will likely be playing Fury in the latter phases just like original Cata. I’m resigned to this game barely working and being bugged for the duration.

Heck the PvP + 40 Resil chest enchants don’t even work and you want Class tuning? I just don’t see it happening. At least Fury does get good and has a Raid spot. Good luck.

1.) It’s not that much worse.
2.) It’s better than it appears on logs. Most people glance at the raw data and make a conclusion without even understanding what they’re looking at.

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But it is dude , the logs shows the avarage , but thats not the only problem , perception also is a problem .

You don’t understand logs, sorry.

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true dude nice argument , have fun

I can try to help you understand, but I don’t think I’ll actually succeed. Here’s the 100 parsing Fury on Al’akir normal:


ilvl 352 and also in a bad guild. Why did he get a 100 parse with that low ilvl? Because very few people are playing Fury and almost everyone playing it is in a bad guild.

This skews the average down. You can see his other fights and he’s middle to upper middle of the pack in his guild. He’s probably an average player with a low ilvl in a bad to average guild getting 100 parses.

TL;DR: If you take the top 50 Arms Warriors and get them to go Fury for ONE week, it’ll look completely different on logs. There’s 550 times more Arms Warrior parses on Heroic than Fury. There’s 90 times more on Normal. It’s the same situation for Frost Mages. They aren’t as far behind as they look and you can see this if you actually examine individual logs and understand what you’re seeing.

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I’m using different chars to comment cuz there some limits by blizzard .

Again i talked about it before scaling is not answer since the game is rn , just nerf if needed later patch’s .
And as i said if u think the tank problem is real just make your post just like i did about fury , not trying disagree with you on the problem itself , but the urgency i would still stand on fury side , but again this a forum and dosant matter what we believe it only matter after its addressed by blizzard .

Dude your argument already say that u clearly don’t understand enough , so u saying that a 100 fury warrior can only do as much as 84 frost dk ? that is not even the best dk spec ?
As i said it not that every fury war is doing that amount of dmg less than other ppl , but again is the average of ppl .
And again blizzard is a damn company , its their job to balance stuff , even if the less dps is not 25% as i said , they will analyze it and buff the right amount

– btw i further looked in to the log , but 1 ilv difference and he even did 78 of his own ilv while warrior fury did 100 in both , and u trying to say its not that bad ? a almost whole 20% difference ? lol
– Addressing more of your comment as i said even if the difference was 10% or 5% is a difference that is not needed and should be balanced , but also dosant help the perception of the public as i said earlier .
– More about his 100 with ‘‘low’’ ilv , that shows even more how bad fury is both in the game and on ppl perception a i said , not only his dmg clearly only equals 20% less of the frost dk of the same log u linked if he had parsed 100 , but also the ‘‘best’’ fury on that fight can only play in such as a ‘‘bad’’ guild bcuz the spec is bad to anywhere else to be accepted