Fury War Buffs / Changes and Balances

everyone is playing to 100% efficiency and only the best of the best classes in PvE, TIL

Not trying to defend trust me I hate blizz.

Wait till Fury Warriors get Rend/Dragonslayer.


That’s the thing, YOU think it’s a problem.

They do not, and have stated such, as have many others. Personally I would like them to buff these spes, but it doesn’t really register as a problem at all if they make no changes here.

i say again what the point of ur comment anyway u dont need to tell what they said or not said THIS is the point of the forum if they dont care they will just ignore dude , unless u have something to improve the topic just dont comment .

To try and convince you that you are greatly exaggerating this as a problem, and posing that it isn’t really a problem at all.

I don’t but I can, and I will if I feel so inclined.

No, I’ll do what I want.

Alright dude ur already showed that u incapable of underestand anything away keep going

And you are just showing how little you know about Warrior scaling.

They wont even need gear. They just need Rend/Dragonslayer. They benefit from it 1000x more then anyother class. Even Rogues.

Plus in T1 the old gear was so useless for a Fury they wore Leather. Wait till you see the items buffed too.

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Again dude ik is hard to underestand but this is a game , and u dont need to wait this X patch to make a spec playable .

Sorry you aren’t double everything but a ignite stacking mage this time around.

Really sad for you honestly.

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Ik is hard to read and underestand stuff but again im not asking to be top dps or anything im asking to not be behind 25% of the nearest ‘‘worst’’ spec .
I dont mind being the worst , but the problem is the gap

Why not just go arms? Is it for the feel or for some specific feature?

I haven’t seen logs in a while but holy that’s some Fury Warrior domination on the top page XD.

All the nub Warriors holding back them on the graphs.

I could give u my personal reason but again thats not the point , theres no reason for a Spec dosant matter what is it to be 25% behind the nearest ‘‘worst’’ spec .

where you looking at ? deff not warcraft logs id assume

These are the same people that cried about arms not being good in classic vanilla classic tbc and classic wrath. Knowing beforehand it wasn’t good. And now arms is the best they want to cry about fury LUL.

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I mean that’s the picture for Fury
 And I don’t see Bladestorms? Am I missing something?

Sorry I don’t play Warrior but I do know how they scale in Classic because I played it.

Not really dude , again i could also advertize for frost mage since they are the offically the worst , but at least frost has a real space in pvp , while fury dosant .
And Again idc about being the best , just dosant need to be 25% behind the nearest ‘‘worst’’ spec

Dude please , you making yourself look really not smart , why u linking stuff from SOD , while im trying discuss something about CATACLYSM

That would be my bad then KEK I thought I was on the SoD forums LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOOLOLOLOLOLOL. Because I was just there for the PH4 stuff.

Then yea disregard my comments. It’s guaranteed I’m not the first one to do this. Ty for clearing it up.

if u could delete ur comments to make the post more clear i would appreciate , alright if u dont anyway .