Fury is butchered thanks blizz

Mountain thane is only ahead of Slayer cleave in 5 min plus fights. And behind on everything else. And you’re not doing 5 min cleave fights unless you’re on +10 and higher keys.

This class balance team is just a joke. They nerfed outlaw by like 5-10% in ability damage and then targeted certain abilities…just to turn around 3 weeks later and rebuff them back to the prior state with a difference of like 3 or 4% for dispatch.

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They nerfed Slayer with no end game context then try to buff the suboar spec that’s 12% behind and is now 7% behind yay and are acting like they didn’t still left the other spec butchered

I play what I enjoy regardless of what Blizzard does to my class.

Fury received a slight buff to its tier set bonuses while the Slayer Hero Tree was nerfed again. Mountain Thane got buffs so I’m expecting a lot of Fury warriors to switch over to that. Which I might.

Why does everyone think I’m just bashing at my keyboard or phone. You can be unhappy at changes without being angry. And you can see unfair treatment without yelling at the sky

Your thread title alone implies that. If the title was “Saddened by Fury changes. Thanks Blizz” it would be a differant story. Your anger comes out in your title and OP

I bet you do. I also would wager that you have zero progression in any facet of any raid that’s currently out… And I would also wager that you’ve never set 1 foot inside of a mythic plus key. This means that your love for the class is not kept by trying to join guild/ High Keys… You’re currently not engaging with any content perceived competitive… Therefore you’re not affected by a dog water class like you are.

i thought you meant my trashmaster title. which is a great title and jani is the best.

as for the thread. like i said i am mad at the nerfs and if you read the first few messages you can see me having about it still. besides people that come to act like im ripping my hairs out.

Never mind. I don’t need to wager anything. You literally don’t engage in anything at all with what you’re playing. You’re sitting it may be 570 the eye level and you don’t do anything on that character. You can’t even comment on anything were experiencing because you probably haven’t even grouped with anyone for any content that is considered challenging by the community. When you read this and think of a response. Try not to get in your feelings and be all defensive. I don’t pay for your $15 subscription each month. $15… And if you choose to fly around and do world quest all day or harvest flowers or whatever it is, you do on the Druid… That is your prerogative. But saying you will play whatever you want and you don’t care that simply because you’re not bound by the constraints of other players choosing to pick the strength of your class.

i mean im still playing warrior and i will stay warrior. might switch to arms because id like to be semi competent.

Highly untrue. I completed BOTH the Original MT and the Return of MT on all my classes. Also got my Flying Book Mount from it. Avoiding M+ has nothing to do with my skill level as a player. It has to do with me wanting to avoid Toxic Players.

I am VERY thankful for Delves and I am Quite Content in T8, T9 Delves. I get the gear I want and dont have to deal with Toxic people to do it. This is a Game not a job. So dag nabbit yes I am going to play the way I want regardless of what others say including you.

I am having fun playing the game. Thats what matters.

PS> Yes I am at the “Get off my lawn!” age and that may have a lot to do with my playstyle. When I was younger I raided constantly. My Achieves alone show that. Even then when I was Raiding I played what I enjoyed not whats was “top tier” or “FOTM”

Absolutely. As you should. But your player that always attacks others for asking for Nerf/buffs. Those toxic players that you are trying to stay away from… We play with them daily. So by playing something that we enjoy that is under performing… We are not able to engage the content that we like to do just as you like to do delves. Did fury get butchered? Absolutely absolutely not. But it is under performing and we are continuously seeing nerfs, and the more underperforming we are, the more we’re alienated from any existing competitive content.

You are Understanding my point backwards. If I worded it wrong Im sorry. Thats my fault. My point to the OP and everyone else reading this was Stop playing whats topping the charts because its topping the charts. Also dont play what Guildies or Teammates try to talk you into playing because they “need it more”. Just play the class you enjoy regardless of the changes Blizz makes to it and you will be happier and make less threads like this.

Lastly Fury is not Underperforming. Its just not top Banana. Its doing ok. Does look like some massive changes are coming to warriors though…

  • Warrior
    • Hero Talents
      • Colossus: Arterial Bleed causes Colossal Might to increase the damage dealt by Deep Wounds and Rend by 3% per stack (was 2%).
      • Colossus: No Stranger to Pain increases total damage ignored by Ignore Pain by 20% (was 15%).
      • Mountain Thane: Lightning Strikes damage increased by 25%.
      • Mountain Thane: Ground Current damage increased by 25%.
      • Mountain Thane: Thorim’s Might causes Lightning Strikes to generate 3 Rage (was 5).
      • Mountain Thane: Thorim’s Might increases Revenge, Raging Blow, and Execute damage by 25% (was 15%).
      • Slayer: Culling Cyclone bonus Bladestorm damage reduced to 10% (was 20%).
      • Slayer: Opportunist now increases the damage and critical strike damage of your next Overpower or Raging Blow by 20% (was 30%).
    • Fury
      • Nerub-ar Palace 2-Set Bonus: Bloodthirst increases the damage of your next Rampage by 15% (was 10%). Does not affect PvP combat.
      • Nerub-ar Palace 4-Set Bonus: When Raging Blow resets its own cooldown, the damage of your next Bloodthirst is increased by 20%, stacking up to 2 times (was 10%). Does not affect PvP combat.
      • Mountain Thane: Crashing Thunder causes Thunder Clap to generate 8 Rage (was 5).
      • Mountain Thane: Strength of the Mountain increases Bloodthirst and Rampage damage by 30% (was 20%).
    • Protection
      • Mountain Thane: Thunder Blast generates 8 Rage (was 10).

Needs more nerfs tbh

Unfortunately this is a social game, so in the interest of time people will put their efforts toward “competitive” specs. When I’m playing a single player game no one cares if I do a challenge run of a non-meta spec for the fun of it, but if I go into a dungeon or raid I better know the fights and know my role. I may find an underperforming spec fun, but I won’t find the game fun if I don’t think holistically.

Can’t remember who said it, but I want to echo “[don’t say] we are fine…why would anyone want to log on just to be ‘fine’”

We are dead last single target. We are slightly above middle of the pack in AOE… if you need data for this, I will gladly share it. The raid is designed to spawn mobs that need to die in five seconds or you wipe. Luckily, this specific niche that fury warrior fills, is to press three AOE abilities every 1.5 minutes, That one shots the adds every time they spawn.
If any situation that exists that I did not just describe we are bottom 25% of the raid. Now that we are in mythic difficulty, and the adds have more hp, other classes are able to overtake us in AOE because we no longer one shot the adds.
Additionally, we have been nerfed every single week since the launch of the expansion and we have two more in the pipeline. The nerfs that are coming lower both our AOE, which is not the best…. And nerfs our single target which is already the worse.

credit goes to the warrior discord for doing the math on this
Some Preliminary Numbers on Upcoming Live Hotfixes
This is without considering any potential action updates as a result of these changes.

  • Slayer Arms down -1.3% in single target, down -0.9% vs 5 targets.
  • Colossus Arms up +0.9% in single target, no change in multi.
  • Fury tier changes increase the full 2+4p bonus from +2.1 → +3.5% in pure single target.
  • Slayer Fury neutral change in single target, up +0.6% in multi.
  • Thane Fury up +9.2% in single target, up +6.6% in multi. This puts Thane ~7% behind Slayer in single target, ~2% behind in single target with a multitarget build, and +12% ahead in multitarget though it doesn’t deal damage nearly as quickly.

TL;DR Small nerf for Arms single target, and a big increase to Thane for Fury, though it is still behind Slayer in raid. Thane will probably make a strong showing in Mythic+, though Slayer still has much faster burst, an easier rotation, and isn’t subject to ground targeting.

These massive changes that you speak of… His blizzard trying to Band-Aid in an entire hero, talent tree that wasn’t being used at all because it was dog water. Fact of the matter is… Even after these changes or implemented… People will still not play it. It still is 7% behind single target of the slayer tree, and it doesn’t bring the burst dead slayer brings, which is the only niche that we currently fill.

The changes to the set… Is to try to bring back our single target from the nerfs that they’re doing to the slayer hero talent tree.

When it’s all said and done, our area of affect damage will be overall lower… And our single target will be about the same. Meaning we will still be in a good spot. They would need to buff mountain thane by at least 10 more percent before it’s viable.

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I am still annoyed that I cannot use ravager anymore with my spec.

You literally opened with

Wording it wrong is putting it lightly

We got a Pandaren on our Rogue forum who does the same