Fury is butchered thanks blizz

first of all ive played warrior since wow released.

second you have no clue what youre linking. none of thos buffs matter. they are pad buffs to make it look like blizzard is actually reacting to the complaints. its currently 23rd place on all of the specs in single target and lower mid for m+

anyone that played the class and understood what we needed to not be broken because we werent the only reason we were topping charts in heroic and normal raids was because we have alot of burst and it was enough to clear the adds that spawned right on time with our cds.

but heroic and normal are not competitive content. its lower content. content that you dont care being top dog on. mythic +10s and higher and mythic raids are competitive content and things last 4 times longer in that content. hence burst like the one we had wouldnt matter and it would normalize compared to other longer cooldown classes.

blizzard knee jerk reaction nerfs towards fury made it so that not only we underperformed in normal heroic and low mythic keys. but it made it that when the content that mattered that being m+10s and higher and mythic raids opened we were not only already behind everyone else for what i just explained but on top of that nerfed further more because of the aforementioned knee jerk reaction nerfs.

i very much doubt you will read all this.

just know that you have absolutely no clue of what youre talking about. you obv dont play warrior and have zero retorts besides " stop chasing meta " which it isnt. since as i said. ive played warrior for the length of the games life.

Valid Point. I edited my Original comment. Thank you for pointing that out. Its more simple and to the point now.

Mountain Thane is pretty fun. Very bursty rotation with the exception when Recklessness, Avatar, Odin’s Fury and Ravager are on CD which if you follow the Mountain Thane skill rotation, deals substantial AoE damage and melt mobs in a quivering pool of blood.

My Fury Warrior is 610 and just casually going through Delve T8’s for weekly (with a L52 Brann as Healer) and it’s a refreshing experience, though I was going through them at 590 w/ Mountain Thane.

If you’re bound to try Mountain Thane, I highly suggest you follow the WoWhead Fury Warrior “Full AoE Mythic+” build to include using it in Delves. There’s not much of a difference btwn the M+ and Delve build (I just use the Full AoE Mythic+ one anyway) and follow the “Rotation”, you’ll like it. You will have to get used to using the rest of the rotation until your main damage dealing abilities (Recklessness, Ravager, Avatar, Odin’s Fury). Thunder Blast is pretty cool visually since it like you’re being Thor with a lightning bolt just shooting down onto your target.

Without a doubt, I’m enjoying Mountain Thane and can’t wait for Tuesday for the Hero Talent tree buffs! :+1:

Agreed, but you realize you’re crying about people crying, yeah? Lol