Fury is butchered thanks blizz

You’re right in that we need a redesign in our talent tree. Put Onslaught onto a choice node w/ OF and give its spot in the tree to reckless abandon? Then you’ve at least got toggleable nodes that are decisively single target OR aoe.

Was going through the tree yesterday and Slayer as a whole prechooses some talents for you. Namely bladestorm. Like, Ravager is a completely nonexistent spell for fury warriors as a result.

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No spec should ever be below aug for ST.

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To put a pin in this one, an Aug playing perfectly on single target should be the #1 dps.

We’re comparing ourselves to our peers. Namely ret paladins and DK’s.

Aug is and always will be a mess to balance, because the value of the buffs it gives depends on the power of the players that are being buffed.

Can just put one sword down and go arms. Its funny considering fury uses both arms ;3

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I mean yes, but (judging by this thread), fury is the only spec that’s a problem when it happens to be the weaker DPS option in a class with multiple DPS specs.

Maybe blizzard should just giga-buff SMF only.

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Do you expect a thread about warriors to talk about other specs?

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I expect warriors to know that arms exists, and accept that sometimes the spec you don’t like is tuned higher, and is the optimal play.

I’m not the biggest fan of Aff, but I play it on court because it’s the better spec on that boss.

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To all the upset fury warriors. I have a very helpful advice: roll a BM hunter.



That was all of Dragonflight. Fury gets good for 2 weeks and gets nerfed out of the game. /thread

Side note, love your character name lol.

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If you think that’s ironic, you don’t understand irony

top damage for a very, very short time on the adds phase. they were bottom of the barrel for the rest of the time.

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I feel bad for fury warriors. They were having fun for a short moment just for it to be taken away :frowning:


Even more irony…

they want attention from everyone :joy:

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The crazy thing in your post is that in M+ keys fury is still insane busted levels of AoE.

Press Odyn’s Fury to do 4M DPS GG ez lmao

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I mean, you’re not getting any disagreement from me here.

If you think a poster commenting that the OP does not contain any useful information is equivalent to someone creating a forum thread to discuss nothing of value, I don’t know what to tell you.

But you’re wrong :smiley:

You’re not completely obtuse then I guess…

Let me make this really simple for you… since it seems like it’s necessary.
The person who replied, that I commented on, made a post with no value, and no useful info.
All while claiming the OP posted nothing of value, and provided no useful info…

Maybe you are that obtuse…

So, to be clear, using a hypothetical:

Person A is shouting nonsense and misinformation in a park

Person B tells other people that person A is shouting nothing of value and they should try to come up with a more substantial message before shouting in the park.

By your logic, person A and person B are equally useless.

Your logic is bad.

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Your cognitive understanding of what is being discussed is what’s bad…

The OP posted an OPINION.
Whether or not you agree, doesn’t make the OP’s opinion gibberish…
All the person did who I commented on, was disagree with someone’s opinion, and claim it was without value and merit…

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