Fury is butchered thanks blizz

Fury warrior dps profile is a bit memey right now as it is way too heavy on the cleave side and not enough on the ST side. Arms is still looking great for raid if anything but people seems to prefer to zugzug as fury.


its not even cleave, its burst, they can burst out the gate and rip aggro at m+, but overall they’re pretty mid in aoe/cleave

Im Gona get laughed at but. Arms is actually more brainless than fury. Arms is literally press cooldowns. Fury at least there’s rage overcap and using skills within a window still heh. Takes cover


You have 2 specs. I don’t see why it’s a problem that you sometimes have to switch between them to be optimal.

Welcome to how every other class with multiple DPS specs at the same range plays. Sometimes, you swap to another spec.

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It’s both, if you’re doing a M+ with a fury warrior everything dies around the big mobs and the packs end up lasting much longer because the big mobs don’t die as quick because they don’t funnel much dps.

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on far more cleave heavy fights they’re only mid, their sustained aoe and st is awful, st moreso

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It’s been a meme in the warrior community for years that Arms has this awkward bleed juggling clunky rotation. Gets way worse any time skullsplitter is involved. Very few like playing it, even fewer can actually play it well. Probably why Blizz keeps trying to neuter Fury, otherwise Arms would literally never see the light of day.


Yeah, all I’m asking for is a balanced game right now
 The dps profile of fury warrior fits perfectly into the spawn rates of all ads in all fights for the raid. They also generally have lower HP so that fury warrior alone is able to kill all the adds before other players can hit them, yet; they still are middle of the pack aoe, while having the absolute lowest ST.

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I mean fury current dps profile for me simply is bad, it’s playable around and there’s certainly situations where it becomes way better like some of the raid fights. Don’t take me trying to have a discussion about this like I’m not agreeing, I think fury design right now is not working.

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You’re solution for fury warrior class balance can’t be to respec. I will not accept that as an answer, you can die on the hill to “respec” when your spec is terrible. Instead of fixing the issue.


That’s been the solution to warlock balance for a while.

It’s expected among warlocks that in any given tier, you will probably play at least 2 different specs on different bosses.

But, you also specified CLASS balance, and DPS warrior is in a fine spot for those willing to use everything it has to offer.

Yea it’s unfortunate but it happens.
So what’s the solution? Nerf bladestorm, Thunderous roar and Odyn’s fury and buff rampage, raging blow and bloodthirst (and maybe execute)?

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Fury warriors stop trying to take the balance whine crown from boomkins.

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Yessir, Nerf the burst, buff the sustain so it’s in line with other classes. We shouldn’t press Avatar/reck/tr/of/bs and spoke to double or triple other classes openers. And then if the mobs live longer then that, we fall of a mountain until 1.5 minutes goes by.

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The irony of this is not lost on me

Some introspection is needed here.

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Removing the 3% aura nerf flat out would be a good starting point. Not punishing us because they designed a raid where most bosses have cycling 45 second mini add spawns would be good. Especially when frost DK’s and ret paladins also exist.

The single target issue would probably be resolved if Reckless Abandon was so far removed in the tree from meat cleaver that you couldn’t take both at once. Then let that be the big hitter chunky single target spec. They could free wheel buff/nerf that as required to tune ST, and we can run mid-capped Bladestorm/Roar builds under Anger Management for AOE scenarios.

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I mean aura nerfs/buffs generally don’t fix spec design problems, it’s done because they can do it quick and easy. They are rarely good.

I still think even with some better talent tuning that current fury warrior situation need a big switch from it’s burst cd to it’s constant aoe, it’s simply a bit too much imo. And that’s coming from a tank perspective too, playing with a fury warrior is simply more exhausting as you’re fighting aggro a lot more.

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my boy named garrorcish which means in darnosh - nerf the warrior more

This begs another question about the aggro impacts of Odyns Fury. I’ve actually counted to 5 out loud (big flex @ warriors) before engaging in a pull, charge/OF and instantly pulled aggro. Meanwhile Odyns itself gets a lot of flak when the solo spell itself doesn’t actually impact as much as people think it does. Optics when we CD stack with it are deceiving, as we usually double dip with the Avatar proc’d version as well, beefed up with a 1.5 trink and Reck AND the Bladestorm overwhelmed buff.

Try hitting it on its own. If I’m JUST hitting OF as an opener for the meat cleaver stacks and 4 sec Avatar, and saving the rest of my CD’s for an upcoming boss pull, it’s rarely contributing a whole lot in the grand scheme, yet still freight trains aggro way more than the ret pally popping for 2.5M or the Arc mage singling another mob for 1.5+.

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That probably should be something that should be looked at is how much cd stacking warriors do and maybe switching those to choice nodes so they have to compete vs each others rather than being able to take all of them.

I’m not sure if it still works like that but I do remember back in the days that crit damage did twice the aggro so if you’re criting a lot it might be why. It’s also why I think dhs nowadays have an extra 8% aggro reduction I think in their talent tree.

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