Furry warrior help

Not being able to “parse” is a you problem. That means 75% of fury warriors are better than you! Warrior dps is low right now but they will be top dog by the end of the expansion.

Ma’am, this is Wendy’s.

Im not a maam. and I am in the middle of doling out punishment.

do not interfere

Look, you’re holding up the line and I don’t get paid enough for this.

…Are you ordering or no? Otherwise I’m going to have to ask you to step aside so I can get the next order.

I have been fill in for guild. I do have feast buff also with flask of endless rage. I went mining and jewelcrafting plan on drop mining after i build a stockpile of ore.hotis o er 8% and e pertise is over 6%. And have been sundering. I think ita pots and gloves boost. Can really make a difference

Here’s the main macros I’ve been using:

Single Target only:
#showtooltip Heroic Strike
/cast Berserker Stance
/cast Heroic Strike
/cast Whirlwind

Single Target Only (zero aoe or cleave):
#showtooltip Heroic Strike
/cast Berserker Stance
/cast Heroic Strike
/cast Bloodthirst

#showtooltip Cleave
/cast Berserker Stance
/cast Cleave
/cast Whirlwind

I have switching to Zerker stance in the macro so that if I ever switch stances mid fight it will auto correct to Zerker during my standard rotation. This is particularly useful if I am in a low rage situation and want to throw up a Rend.

Also use a weak aura or addon to track Bloodsurge procs.

This is the addon I use:

Brown bro’s gotta help each other out in these dark times ;p

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Which was precisely the point of his post, you goober.


For the single targets you have bt for one and ww for another do you use both on same target in raids? Also i have weak arua with bloodsurge procs, gunna see if i can make ding sound for it. Ty and ya definitely have to help each other in these trying times lol

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Basically I find I get a slight dps increase on single target if Queue WW rather than BT behind HS due to the rage cost difference - but it’s not important. But in some fights you can’t use any AoE else aggro stuff - then I would take WW out of the rotation (for obvious reasons).

You want to cast BT whenever it’s up though. To be min maxy queueing HS behind WW on high rage is good and behind BT on low rage is good. But it’s overkill.

You could easily just have an HS/BT macro and be done with it. Just down to how you play and muscle memory. Just make sure WW and BT are both used on cooldown on fights where having an AoE doesn’t matter. WW should be part of your single target rotation in these cases.

I’d suggest you play around with each macro and see what works best for you and when. The important thing is to have HS/Cleave on queue almost all the time and to pop BT and WW on cooldown and Slam whenever Bloodsurge procs. Keep sunders up too of course.

Oh one more thing, you have a bit of a window for Bloodsurge procs. You should have time to use BT or WW first before Slam when it procs. If they’re off cooldown you should do that, prioritise WW and BT. During Execute phase only execute if the other mentioned abilities are on CD.

/cast Bloodthirst
/cast Heroic Strike

“Stop posting on an alt. Seriously.”
-Stop posting entirely. Seriously. Or at least go to any number of the numerous junk troll threads instead.

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Right on basicly were and what i do. Just minus hate pots and eng gloves whoch ill keep stacked. Thank you

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Play literally any other dps class and do more dps.

You are welcome for tip.

Skill is still a requirement. No class is parsing at 25% and out dpsing a 90+ parsing warrior.

Literally most classes are.

You need to accept every decent dps has better AOE than fury. Most classes are super easy to play to a high level with very little effort.

Therefore, the vast majority of players are doing more dps than fury warrior, even if the fury warrior is good.

They would have to be amazing to do better. Amazing players aren’t playing fury because they can do basic math and see fury is bad.

Also, if you were an amazing player you could swap classes and instantly do 30% more damage.

There is no reason to even bring a fury. They offer nothing over other classes. At least arms brings proper debuffs.

Like? Arms brings the same buff Combat Rogues bring and about half their damage output.

Btw, Fury is parsing better than arms in phase one.

Arms sunders and has shattering throw. They also have a raid buff. Combat doesn’t expose sweetie, this is WOTLK. That’s warrior’s job now.

I’m sure you are one of those warriors who made your own guild (or tried) so you can try and make rogues expose for you.

I know reality is rough, but unless you make your own guild you are a sunder bot.

I don’t even know why warriors are upset.

I mean you can just chill in raid, get 2 handers, do a useful job, and get gear to PVP in where you reck everyone.

Who cares if you are the worst dps in PVE.

Literally no one cares besides you.

So does Fury. Sunders even fit easier in Fury’s rotation. We have more free globals.

I’m cool with that.

There’s at least equal justification for Fury as there is for Arms. We’re as bad as each other. Going off parses Arms is slightly worse.

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Join the fight club discord like someone stated before and check the Wowhead guides because they’re done by fight club members. Also practicing your rotation on a target dummy is super helpful when learning a new class/spec/rotation.

Sunder is not enough to justify your raid spot. Arms is the better raiding spec. Stop leeching and try and contribute to your guild. Set aside your E-ego and do your raid a solid by using the correct spec.

Or reroll and be more usefull overall.

I play arms but I’m pretty sure the dps gain of arms/fury is better than combat/assass ATM. I’m just happy to play arms anyway because I know when fury starts to pump combat will be taking over assass too butif you already have a combat rogue I don’t think it’s that big of a deal for the Warr to go fury.

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