Furry warrior help

Lol didn’t say it was - you did when you claimed it justifies Arms.

How so? What does Arms bring that Fury doesn’t bring the equivalent of to a Raid? Arms bring an important buff that Combat Rogues also bring. Fury brings an important buff that Feral Druids also bring. Everything else they both bring is the same.

If Fury doesn’t have justification for a spot, Arms doesn’t either.

A raid buff and shattering throw. Fury brings only sunder you bot.

Evey raid doesn’t have a combat rogue.

Fury players are so delusional. You are like the 40 year old dads who were once good at footbal and can’t let it go after you have formed the beer belly and receding hairline.

Fury also brings Shattering Throw, that’s not just Arms lol. And Fury brings a raid buff… 5% crit.

Every raid doesn’t have a Feral Druid.

My core raid group has a Combat Rogue at every raid and only sometimes has a Feral.

Dude I don’t think you know what you’re on about.

Looking at the data from the last two weeks Arms has a hard reserve on last spot.

They’re fun to play though and still viable. But you’re fos about them being “the damage spec”. Fury aren’t much better - but they’re not worse and the use-case for bringing either is about the same.

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Stop trying to justify your terrible DPS spec.

You suck at dps. A sub rogue is equivalent.

Actually, in this phase a sub rogue is better (than both Fury and Arms).

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Maybe you’re hitting the wrong buttons on your keyboard considering you messed up half the spelling in your paragraph

you do know that shattering throw and sunders belong to all warriors right. Meaning you just take the higher dps version unless for some reason ur meaning the bleed buff arms gives?

Back in OG wrath, we would bind HS to one direction of mousewheel scroll, and cleave to the other. In situations you have extra rage, or abilities on CD, just spam it. I know warrior tanks want to turn all but the initial hit into HS.

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