Furry warrior help

I think he’s a little kid tbh.

The way he types and lack of reading comprehension.

His parents really should monitor his forum chats.

Fury is just gonna be in a bad spot till Trial is released. Just tough it out till then and once that drops they go from bottom 3 dps to ether best or 2nd best.

Not sure that’s going to be the case with Ulda gear being boosted. And fury warriors are already showing they can put up some decent numbers in just Nax gear.

Idk where they currently are they would need to scale quite a bit to even make middle of the pack in phase 2.

Currently they are pretty bad and more towards the bottom of the dps charts.

Oh I agree, but with the buffs to the gear I think it just may be possible. There is quite a bit of armor pen/crit gear “on the same item” that drops in ulduar. So I’m curious to see how much more of each stat this gear boost gives. If it gives enough “They are saying 25 man will be on part iwth 10 man ToC, and Hard mods with 25 ToC”, I think they may stand a chance of really jupming up quite a bit in that tier.

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Yea is be impressed if they jump up like 12 spots towards the top.

I guess we will see, I can’t wait to go fire

Flame on my dude!

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HS should be queued almost all the time, if you’re specd and geared right you shouldn’t be having much rage issues that often, most the time im able to use instant slam while blood and WW are on cooldown with HS queued too and still have rage left over ready for next rotation.

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I macro HS to WW (make sure HS is before WW so it queues). I basically queue it constantly. Only time I don’t is when I’m below around 35 Rage.

Cleave is the same except it subs in for HS on cleave and AoE fights. I use a shift modifier to switch between single target and cleave fights. For the rare fights where you can’t use any aoe abilities I have HS and BT macroed and use a control modifier.

Rage generation is a bit rough and getting Hit and Expertise capped will help a lot there.

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I mean you are alliance. What’s hard to understand exactly?

Stop posting on an alt. Seriously.

I thought Vulpera were only in retail?

If you think being undead is going to save that bussy you’re mistaken.

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Do you mean Fury, or are you playing a Feral tank?

Do you have logs you can link? Also what do your stats look like and what’s your rotation?

You should prioritize Bloodsurge Slam > BT > WW and HS when Rage > 60 for single target. For Multiple targets prio WW over BT and use cleave instead of HS. Also, use Glyph of Whirlwind, Heroic Strike and Execution for single target, and you can swap out execution for cleaving if you’re fighting 3+ mobs a lot. During execute phase do BT > WW > Execute + HS > 60 Rage. Also make sure before any of this you stack sunder up to 5 (ignore if you have a rogue using expose armor).

Also, don’t macro HS into other abilities, you’ll just wind up rage starving yourself.

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Hey man, cats are furry too!

thanks for the advice. I did macro BT w/ HS. Mostly havent had an issue with starving. Then i have macro instant slam stop of not instant. Next macro im try is for battle shout + deathwish+ recklessness

He copes in real life by sitting alone in his home insulting people over the internet, because he would never do that in person. For some peope, WOW is their real life. Sad, but true.

Have you tried yi–


Are you like…buffed? Using pots/flasks etc? Your parses could be 25 if you’re not using haste pots/eng gloves/ tricks of the trade/sunder even with good rotation. Or if your hit and expertise are bad