Furry warrior help

So im running these raids and no matter how much i try, i cant get my parces paat 25ish. I looked at some of the top furrys and one thing different is HS. While i jave seen the guides and rotations as i knew it waa a filler when you had extra rage, which doesnt happen often. But the others top dmg is HS mone is lile 4th. Im curious how or why they pumping so much, guessing they just spam as often as fhey can but that would go agaisnt all the guides i read. Guess im asking why HS so high and is that what i should prioritize?

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I very rarely have a moment where Heroic Strike is not queued. Make sure you have the Heroic Strike Glyph, it helps a lot with rage. If you’re engineering, keeping your Hyperspeed gloves on cooldown helps.


Play a DK?

Looking at a couple logs it looks like they always queue up heroic strike.

It looks like it’s their highest damage ability at least from the few logs I have seen


That has nothing to do with the topic…

So like im just starting to learn macros. He must macro them with our mains like bloodthirst and whirlwind?

I’m not sure, if I was you I would join fight Club discord which is the warrior discord and ask there.

I can just see the logs and see that heroic strike is top damage for the few I looked up on Patchwork.


Thanks bro im do that

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I mean the topic is complaining so yes it is.

I wouldn’t expect a 8 year old alliance player to actually understand that tho.

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Can you not read?

The topic is about asking for help with he fury rotation.

Literally read.

Did you read my last post? No you didn’t because you are alliance.

You literally said the topic is complaining…

Which it isn’t about.

It’s about asking how with his rotation…

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The topic was dude asking for help with his rotation… It’s funny that you are trying to insult others on here for not reading, or comprehension, but you’re the one who is clueless.

You know what they say about the fool that opens his mouth right?

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I don’t think I insulted you but alliance players do love to hate on horde. Good job proving that.

You literally hated on me for being Alliance…

So what’s your point?

This is your attempt at an insult. An insult that is questioning the intelligence of another person and reading comprehension… Yet you’re not smart enough to understand that it’s "AN 8 year old, not “a 8 year old”.


You give horde a bad name.


Are you for real here? You seem like an idiot. How do you even cope in real life?


Really though, like who even talks like that? It was funny when we were all kids playing this game, but man grow up!