Furries rise up!

Trolls have fur on them in lore, therefore you are a furry. So get back in here.

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Go play secondlife you weirdo. And Worgens are werewolves, they can change back into humans. Vulpera are just freaky little Fennec yiffy pervs, gonna drive away normal people.

That’s just a fancy fursuit…

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Now, I’m not just saying that because I make $$ off of selling stuff to furries on SL. But like, legit.
I see so many people on RP servers, with active subs, RPing their lvl 20 Feral druid as Warrior Cat clans, and other stuff that doesnt actually exist in the WoW universe.
Save your money. Just get on Second Life and do it there.
You can do what you want and not break WoW Lore or scar the people on WoW for life with your weird stuff.

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worgens aren’t furries.

Furries are worgens.

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Everyone seems to forget that tauren and pandaren exist.

They don’t, trust me…

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What about the pandas?

hands chili fries and pats head
Times like these, i feel sorry for both…


Big grin before digging in

It’s also times like these, who cares what they say when good friends show up, and give you supportive chili fries?! :yum:


So true, i even feel good today because of friendly folks on here.


People who are in the skinning profession should be able to skin furries for extra leather and fur pelts :wink:

Take for example this enterprising Night Elf Hunter:


Id say lucky panda but hes not alive.

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You what what? Fine. Go ahead. Rise up. Just be aware, for if you rise up… Then Elves will also rise up! And we probably outnumber you 10 to 1 and are far cooler and better looking.

Okay back up a little bit, I’m pretty cool and very good looking.

Do you have glowing eyes? > No.
Do you have pointy ears? > No.
Do never never age? > Yes. But you are a dog. So this doesn’t count.
Do you have the perfect body? > No.

Yes. They’re right there.

Yes. They’re right there. Honestly, are you even looking at me?

I am not a dog. I am a worgen. Big difference.

Look at my sculpted back and my chiseled abs. Look at my long, sharp teeth. Look at my crown. I don’t see you with any of those things. Sounds like I’m more perfect than you.


Hmmm… It appears i have misjudged you. You do indeed have pointy ears and glowing eyes… Still don’t have a perfect body but okay, i hereby declare you an honorary elf!

Please yiff me


wait if yer not a dog…
Do i still get to pet the worgens and call them good bois/girls?