Furries rise up!

I need bleach for my eyes and never click anything furries ever again for as long as I live.


Why not tauren on the horde? Do they not count as furry?

Cows don’t have fur. But they make for good steak though.

Yeah and the Klan has an adopt a highway program in Alabama, and when Antifa isn’t gang kicking old men they have a food drive.

Even Adolf loved his dogs.

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What do they have then?

As someone who grew up in a pretty rural area with several friends whose families owned ranches or dairy farms I can assure cows are covered in fur. Definitely not long or beautiful, but fur nonetheless.

100% true

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oh my Elune save us please

Let’s not encourage this type of behavior.



Bad dog! Stay down!

Hello, excuse me! What do you mean? We have every right to express ourselves. We’re not harming anyone. It is our self expression.

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Id be more open to rolling a Worgen if the helmets/armor just didn’t look so ridiculous on them.


Raises hand

Let’s not not encourage this type of behavior.

Not even all furries like them “that way”. I mean some do but it’s not mandatory to join the club

Hide helm, hide all armor except for shorts.

Roll a Druid and now you’re one with nature. Or roll a Rogue and be the weird guy in the auction house, either way.

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Pretty much this

Thanks, furries

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The warbear woolies set with griftahs shoes :slight_smile: and everything hidden hehe, or even hidden shirt!

Oh of course, I went to an art school and knew plenty of cool furries. But it’s also not fair to be lumped into the fandom just because you want to roll a werewolf in a video game.

Flagged for trolling

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