FUNNY Guild Drama Stories

Yea but ya can do that with any old ranged weapon. The bow would be a lot more useful in the hands of a hunter than it is for a rogue.

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need more guild drama


at work and clock watching/ reading the boards

During my early days of coming to Wow from playing EQ for many years, not much surprised me when it came to being in a Guild. One of the funniest/ most drama filled event I remember during the days of LK and the use of Teamspeak.

A break was called after wiping to the Saurfang fight for the 5th or 6th time. All of a sudden in channel someone left their mic on and sitting too close to what had to be an adult vid. Complete with sounds, moans and groans and right down to the finish. The bad part was there was another female voice that was not part of the show “enjoying the movie”. All of a sudden we hear “Oh @#$% the MIC!” From the now returning Guild Leader and it stops all of sudden.

The real drama came from his wife (who was connected on her laptop out of town), his brothers and his cousin that was raiding with us.

Needless to say the Raid was called. Within what seemed like minutes, his wife cleaned out the Guild Bank, took all of her alts out of the guild and poofed. Followed by his brothers. The cousin stuck around but never talked too much about it. He called it The Dark Times.

I get a chuckle every time I hear that in game from an NPC.



Back in 2015-2016, I raided in a Horde guild for about a year.

The GM was a man, but the co-gm was a woman. The co-gm did most of the heavy lifting when it came to guild duties, and she was also very friendly and helpful.

They had a guild website where people posted their real life photos of themselves. The Co-gm looked to be in her mid-late 50’s. I had more than a few laughs listening to all the young teenage-20 something males hitting on her over voice chat every night. Fun times.


At 20 something, you’ll just about hit on anything.
At least if I can remember my 20s.
/rattles as his walker heads home. :grin:



Sorry if forgetting or anything is off. I’m on mobile.
I used to be in a laid back guild at the start of legion that sort of folded on itself for no real reason. I did some raids with them and decided I wanted to give hardcore raiding a try, so I worked really hard to gear up so I could join one of the more serious raiding guilds that I knew of. I finally joined the guild that was raiding focused and had their various teams, I was put on team one and worked with them for a while. I met a lot of cool people and the atmosphere was about what I expected, stern but fun. I became good friends with one of the healers and as we played together we talked about our family and life stuff, she later told me she was pregnant and due soon. cool beans. So we are one or two bosses in to Antorus(i think) when healer friend goes into labor. She obviously was like “I gotta go” and we were all ushering her out wishing her luck when our GM/raid lead starts threatening her that if she abandons the raid then she will be kicked from the guild. I’ve never seen an entire guild turn on someone so fast. I left very shortly after and decided that hardcore raiding isn’t for me lol. I then joined a guild that was more relaxed and worked my way up to officer. It was a super friendly guild, they were great everyone got along and there was great communication and events. Then one day poof. Nothing. The guild was disbanded, discord deleted, facebook page deleted, and everybody was messaging us officers trying to figure out what happened. We didn’t know what to say. We later learned that the GM and his wife were bored with WoW and decided to stop playing. Naturally this meant disbanding the guild. That’s all my guild drama lol. I guess I join a guild and it disbands?


All of my funny guild story drama i observed as a leader is from another game and would get be banned from this forum due to it’s nature, despite blizzard having erotic books in game.

I’m not even mad about this necro, what a fun thread to read.


I try to avoid guild drama but seem to attract it.

Mental illness and guilds apparently dont go together well.

I’ve had a surprisingly drama-free guild experience forever.

Here’s some low-tier PUG drama though.

I was leveling this Druid a couple months ago and queued for a normal random dungeon.

Until now I would occasionally see a 120 in a one of the normal groups but this time was Shrine of Storms and the whole group was 120 (except me).

The tank was 410 ilvl and there were 2 mages and a lock. I think they all had around 200k hp so why they were in normal Shrine I’ll never know.

That one haste staff dropped for the tank and he asked if anyone wanted it. One of casters wanted it for xmog so the tank gave it to him.

A few minutes later one of the mages (I guess was afk) rolled for it but the tank said he already gave it away.

Then these mages start arguing over who deserves the staff, because one wanted it for xmog and it was an “upgrade” for the other.

The warlock was sprinkling in his own opinion which just fueled this argument before it evolved into a CAPSLOCK chat fight.

This argument lasted all the way to the next boss before somebody initiated a vote kick on somebody and it passed.

uhhh in a very good guild. Good peeps please give more guild drama.

The guild I am a part of is about 6 years old and we’ve survived drama that would put even some high fantasy novels to shame. Out of all the stories I could tell you, my personal favorite is that of the “Great War of 2016”. I’ll try to keep it brief enough to fit in one post. To give an overview, this is a multi guild conflict that lasted 8 months and originated from a dispute over a grind spot. The game it took place in was Black Desert Online (our guild is new to Warcraft and spans multiple games).

The year was 2016 and our guild, Exusia was an ambitious PvP guild aspiring to be rank 1 in the server. We were making steady progress which largely involved completing 5 guild missions on a daily basis in order to boost our guild’s level. At that time our officers were doing an excellent job carrying out their responsibilities and assignments. So one day, I personally thanked them and temporarily relieved them of their primary duties to give them some well-earned rest.

As a result, they planned to do some personal grinding at an extremely coveted and highly toxic zone the community dubbed “Pirate Island”. [Background Info: This zone was seen as the most lucrative grind spot largely due to streamers and prominent players propagating outdated information. Recently released areas were very sparse and few players even attempted to explore areas in subsequent expansions. This contributed greatly to Pirate Island’s being extremely crowded.] The officers decided to make a guild event centered on grinding there and took numerous players with them. I wished them well and continued to handle guild duties until it was time for me to log off and go to work.

Later that night as my shift was nearing its end, I received numerous messages from the officers saying that one of our own members had gone berserk and was killing “everyone” and they were considering kicking him out the guild, but wanted me to be intervene first and pass judgement.

Upon arriving home, I set up a judicial meeting in discord concerning this issue. Those present were my second in command, 2 officers (Shikoto and Purplesage), and the offender (Tenryuji). I listened carefully to both sides of the story. What transpired was that our guild had multiple parties grinding various rotations. The officers were in a party of their own which also included non-guild members. Tenryuji was without a party and asked to join the officers, they refused to let him in which caused him to flag up and kill the non-guild members in their party and take their mobs.

After hearing everything, I asked Tenryuji why he did it. He replied saying that he did it due to being bored. I then told him that such thinking is dangerous and that is the kind of thought process that school shooters have. I also added that we couldn’t care less about the non-members he killed, but that by doing so he was indirectly grieving the officers, his fellow comrades by reducing their efficiency and to not let that happen again.

Upon that, I dismissed Tenryuji and the officers rejoiced in my rebuking him. I then turned to the officers and said that this entire issue would not have happened if they would have simply removed the non-guild members from the party and added Tenryuji. Purplesage immediately lashed out and asked: “Are you saying I’m not allowed to group up with non-guild members!?” I replied: “No, but don’t make it a habit. You as officers set the example for our guild. If the members see you doing so, they will follow and our guild will eventually become divided allowing other guilds to begin having political leverage over us.”

After hearing this, Purplesage immediately left the guild. Shikoto and my second in command then began to argue with me stating that Purplesage was one of our strongest members and I let him leave. I replied by stating that he was not very useful as an officer if he couldn’t comply with protocol. For the next 3 hours we argued into the night of Christmas Eve. Neither side would yield and a mutual agreement could not be met. We then decided to involve a third party to mediate the dispute. Fortunately, I was able to choose, but my top pick (a veteran player who previously served by my side in leading the original Exusia in DCUO) was not available.

I then chose Darkness another longtime member whom I purchased the game for. She had been with us in all 3 iterations of our guild and her loyalty was without question. In hindsight though, I deeply regret putting her on the spot like I did as she was friends with both the officers and myself. Upon being thrust in the middle of the heated debate she quickly responded to the issue by saying that we were both right (presumably out of fear for upsetting either party). With that, Shikoto and my second in command felt justified in their opposition to me and things continued to worsen. The debate had devolved into a shouting match and rather than give into anger, I adjourned the meeting so that we could all cool down and revisit the matter after we’ve had some time to come to our senses.

The next day, I went to see Star Wars The Force Awakens as every decent establishment was closed on Christmas day. Upon returning, I found that a third of our members had left the guild including all of the officers. My second in command and Shikoto had told the other officers their side of the story and made me out to be a fascist tyrant that had become corrupt with power. They then formed a guild called Reprobates (later Parliament) and we went to war!

(I thought I would finish this in one post, but I’ll have to continue the rest of this epic saga another time.)

To be continued in part 2…

Exusia Chronicles: The Great War Part II

I apologize for the hiatus, but I needed time to regroup before resuming this epic story of antiquity.

The war with Parliament proved more arduous and costly than I could have ever imagined. Both sides were formidable and neither guild would yield in this trifling feud that was sparked over a mere grind spot. There was so much wrong with this situation and I had wished we could have resolved our differences peacefully. The other officers and members that sided with Shikoto (the leader of Parliament) had never even heard my side of the story, but the die had been cast and fate would have it no other way than for us to tear each other apart until only one guild remained. Parliament had taken most of our well geared players. However, we still had vastly superior numbers. Also prior to the schism, I had done 90% of our recruitment. In a war of attrition, I knew we would certainly outlast them.

Our forces clashed violently on numerous occasions for several weeks which added to the economic strain on our guild because it was more difficult to complete our guild missions while fighting off these enemies. Eventually, the frequency of these skirmishes died down and we began to enter into a cold war with Parliament. Neither side would actively search for the other, but if we crossed paths a bloody battle would ensue. Each of our guilds worked to get better gear and stockpile weapons (guild mounts and battle ships) to prepare for the next inevitable conflict. I even began to grind and train rigorously as well, so that I could defend my people from these heretics. Prior to the war, I served predominantly as a politician rather than actually playing the game. I knew that I could no longer rely on others to protect the weak and it was time for me to step up.

Eventually, enough time passed for me to begin selecting new officers without fear of any Parliament moles hiding within our ranks. Amongst them was Kuramasa (who would soon serve as my right hand) as well as a handful of other promising candidates that came along the way. Guild missions were back to being completed every day and our guild’s progress and income was finally on the rise once more. Unfortunately, it did not take long for further complications to present themselves.

Aside from Kuramasa (who was serving as my proxy), we had 5 officers in charge of maintaining Exusia’s operations and infrastructure. They were well compensated for their services to boot. On one occasion we had an informal meeting in discord where the officers and members were gathered. One of the newer officers who we will call Zetheral was also present. I presented to him and the others their responsibilities and expectations per our written manifesto as well as some small adjustments which were not in anyway more cumbersome, but rather labor saving. He immediately told me “no” in front of everyone present (roughly 15 in the conference call). I laughed it off thinking he was joking even though it wasn’t a proper time or place. He was serious though and I even tried to reason with him. In summary, he wanted officer pay with none of the responsibilities. One of the members in the call pointed out in surprise: “He told you no to your face!?”. I immediately demoted Zetheral for insubordination and proceeded with the discussion.

This marked the beginning of a period which I will call the dark times (circa March 2017). They were dark because our morale had never been lower which was primarily due to the prevailing attitude of our new leadership poisoning the guild’s atmosphere. This batch of officers were lazy and deceitful to put it bluntly. Earlier in the first part of this story, I had mentioned Pirate Island. Going to that grinding zone had always been taboo given our history there. We had no rules or policies prohibiting members from grinding there, but it was often frowned upon by our senior members who knew the tragedy of what had occurred there. Young and impressionable players that often frequented that area would often become influenced by the toxicity of the players there and become consumed with greed and selfishness. It was most certainly cursed.

These new officers began to neglect their posts and started to grind at Pirate Island and the guild members slowly became less altruistic towards one another. To compound matters further, the officers had almost completely stopped doing their quota of guild missions which halted our progress in keeping ahead of rival guilds. It also made earning enough income to invest in our members as well the war effort against Parliament more difficult.

Eventually, I grew tired of the officers’ excuses and having my mild yet firm admonitions ignored, so I gave the officers an ultimatum. I told them that they had until server reset time (roughly 12 hours away) to complete 3 out of 5 guild missions, or I would demote all of them. One of the officers, Illric expressed genuine remorse and tried his best to finish. The other officers expressed indifference and continued in their debauchery at Pirate Island, refusing to set their priorities. Upon my return, I noticed that only 2 guild missions were completed. Illric, wanting to maintain his rank and showing signs of genuine repentance had gathered what few members he could and did them alone without the help of the other officers. I was greatly angered by the outcome and saddened on Illric’s behalf, but was not going to go back on my word. As promised, I demoted all of the officers and began planning how to turn things around.

Upon learning of this, my second in command approached me and begged for me to give the officers a second chance. I protested, saying: “They’ve had enough second chances! I’ve given them weeks to get their act together, and still they persist in being stubborn and unproductive.”

Kuramasa then appealed to me that he would do everything in his power to retrain the wayward officers and go “drill sergeant mode” as he had put it. After some thought, I agreed and left the officers in his hands. Three of the officers were reinstated and given time to perfect their craft. In a matter of time the officers had made a complete 180 degree change. They were finally taking initiative, making themselves visible, and best of all giving results rather than excuses.

Things almost seemed perfect, but after 4-5 days of improvement they backpedaled into their old idle ways. Too furious and frustrated, I didn’t say a thing. Instead, I stayed up all night for roughly 8 hours grinding all 5 guild missions by myself (they could all be done in an hour or so if the whole guild came). This went on for days until finally I approached Kuramasa and said: “I thought you said you would retrain the officers!? They are just as worthless and lazy as before!”. He was confused and said that he didn’t know what I was talking about, but soon it became clear to both of us.

Another one of these officers who we will call Railim was very deceptive (think Starscream from Transformers). Prior to being demoted and later reinstated he would often message me privately to throw the other officers under the bus while excusing himself from any blame. Railim wanted to elevate his status by tearing others down. This same officer had planned to turn my second in command and I against one another. When I went to grind the guild missions all night and passed out from exhaustion, Railim would tell my second in command (who played mornings) that he and the other officers did the guild missions, taking full credit for my work. Upon learning of this treachery, I became greatly incensed. This time, I did not choose to demote them which will lead us to the next chapter of this massive conflict.

To be continued in part 3

I don’t know why anybody would think guild drama is" funny". At least not anybody that actually cared about the guild or the people.

Dammit. Double thread necro. I need to pay more attention.

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In all honesty mine was agonizing, but this seemed to be the best thread for me to share this severely long story. Now I feel like a grandpa telling a war story.

I was in a guild for battle for dazar’alor and this was early on in the tier, maybe the second or third week, and we were clearing heroic. We had a boomkin with us who got a +15 titanforged ring drop from King Rastakhan. The boomkin was really upset because the ring did not have his “BIS” stats and complained loudly in discord. Of course our natural reaction was, wow it’s a +15 forged ring literally anyone else would have been excited. But the boomkin was so disappointed he logged out, and we were all laughing but also in shock. When he next logged on he gquit.

This is an old story, as it predates WoW.

In an Everquest guild, the Guild Leader. Accidentally let his ERP session with an officer spill over into guild chat. For context, this wasnt an ERP guild, but a rather hardcore raiding guild.

The ol “it was my brother” excuse was attempted.

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Been in a guild over a year. We are well known for not giving a flip, speaking our minds, etc.

Guild was internally split inside with drama I didn’t know about over raiding. Someone advertises about the guild in TC, a troll tries to make fun of us. I being a troll too, troll them.
A coGM calls me out in TC about since I don’t raid, to not say anything about the guild in TC. This GM has had a habit of talking down to people, so I have already had enough with his stuff. I kindly just tell him in not so veiled but thinly veiled terms to eff himself, and gquit.
I find out in about a month, that guild split with that GM and his friend, and they server xfer. The GMs I stayed on friendly terms on ask me to xfer with them, and since I liked everyone else, I did. Now, im an officer lol.

TL;DR Eff that guy.

Where do you even start? My experiences of breakup include…

  1. Relationships (there is a lot to go with that, don’t do it)
  2. Greed
  3. People who NEED officer positions to be happy
    You can never satisfy everyone. There is always going to be that one person who regularly returns their food at the restaurant. It embarrasses some, it makes others angry, and some will agree with them. Those people are unavoidable and are always gonna be around.

Guild Story:
My guild broke in half one time because I wasn’t online and it came out that someone in the guild was trying to get pictures of the underaged guys. I was BBQ’n and my phone was in the house. In the thirty minutes i did not check my phone half the guild got made at me for “not caring”. I wasn’t even there, I was just making my dinner : / I didn’t even know.

I once essentially killed a guild by quitting it in Vanilla, then went and started my own with a bunch of it’s outcasts.

Basically, we’d just killed ragnaros, who we had on farm at that point. One of our best dps’ers was inexplicably a ret paladin. Yes, a ret paladin. I don’t get it either. He was probably my best friend in the guild. He was also the paladin class leader, though not quite an officer.

The eye of sulfuras dropped, and he had already built the epic mace that it would be applied to to make Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros. I think 3 or 4 other people had already made the legendary, and my buddy should have been next in line.

It was given to a guy that had just come back to the game because he was good friends with the guild leader in real life. A guy that had not even started to farm the mats for the epic mace. My friend made a bit of a stink about it in whispers, and was unceremoniously booted from the guild.

I was an officer, and had been there for a few years. My opinion wasn’t asked for outside the loot council, though I was assured that other officers opinions were. So i made a macro that basically said “eff this guild and it’s nepotism, and our leader is unfair. I’m going to start my own. If you want to join me, come join me.” I then /gquitted, was immediately messaged by the guild leader in all caps telling me how much of a p***ant i was, and how her guild was the only reason i accomplished anything in the game, and that i was a s*** player. A week later, i had more members in my guild than she did :rofl::rofl:

My new guild, which was named caress of steel, lasted until Wrath, where we killed Arthas, and everyone sort of drifted apart. Loot drama happened of course, but we contained it pretty well. What really killed us is too many people wanted to tank, and not enough of them were good at it, so the ones that weren’t were pretty butthurt when we told them they had to dps. So at least it wasn’t loot drama that killed us.

This is why I won’t play classic. Too much drama. I just wanna see the story man. That’s all.

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