Here is a thread to share your guild drama stories you have encountered in your time playing WoW … please no real character names and, if they are still active, no real guild names. I will start.
On my old PVE server my guild was a raiding guild back during Wrath and in our guild was a paladin healer, lets, in place of his toon name call him Holytroll. Now Holytroll was our top healer so when Ulduar dropped we decided he would be the one to get the legendary healer hammer Val’anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings.
Now back then legendaries did not fall from trees it took a MASSIVE guild effort to obtain them as such it took us weeks to farm the materials to get it …finally we had everything set up we the threw the hammer into Yogg Saron’s mouth, downed him and HolyTroll FINALLY got the hammer and we all celebrated.
Then Holytroll left the guild…
Then he left the server…
The guild never recovered from this and disbanded soon after but before we did we discovered why Holytroll did what he did. One of Holytroll’s friends later told us that Holytroll had told the friend he was getting whispers from someone who wanted Holytroll to transfer off the server and join his raiding guild. Apparently Holytroll decided to take the hammer with him.
After the guild died I decided to join an rp server, never looked back.
Back in MoP my guild had a prot warrior who was engaged to our elemental shaman. The elemental shaman would flirt with our guardian druid in front of the prot warrior in vent but they had this master/slave thing going on so prot warrior just let it happen. Guardian druid was very manipulative and liked to cap on the prot warrior in front of everyone in mumble but because of the nature of their relationship he just had to take it.
When siege of orgrimmar came out the guardian druid had the idea to fly out to the elemental shaman and prot warriors place to “hang out”. From what I was told after the event, they attempted to have a threesome and the prot warrior lost his mind. A big fight ensued, the marriage was called off and our guild lost our core members over the drama. The guild transferred to another server to try and get away from all of it but it didn’t work.
This is how I learned to avoid guilds where the leadership is in some sort of relationship.
Yikes I heard of relationships causing Drama in guilds I have another one from a different guild.
Now I only joined during the tail of end of this so I don’t know the full details so I will give ya the basics.
So this guild was run by a husband and wife couple the husband technically had leadership of the guild but they ruled evenly …one day people were starting to be kicked left and right I was one of those kicked, then the guild vanished. I asked someone what happened and I found out. Apparently the wife had an affair with another guidie and when the husband found out he kicked EVERYONE and deleted the guild out of spite.
Now this one did not happen to me but I heard about it and it is quite hilarious.
The day was BC the Sunwell raid has just come out and the hot ticket item for hunters was Thori’dal, the Stars’ Fury. This bow was so sought after not only because it was a legendary but it required no ammo to use (back then bows crossbows and Guns required ammunition to use).
ANYWAY a guild was raiding Sunwell and the legendary bow dropped. There were two hunters in the guild who wanted the bow however the Raid Leader said the hunters were too new in the guild and the Raid Leader gave the bow to a ROGUE (back then rogues could equip ranged weapons.) so the Most SOUGHT AFTER hunter weapon in the game was given to a rogue to use as a statstick.
Needless to say the hunters left in protest and the guild got so much negative publicity because of this it fell apart soon after.
Many years ago, I remember being in a guild where the guild leader was female and male members would allude to her promiscuity, and even suggested they’d ‘hooked up’ with her in real life. The guild leader would get angry in guild chat when people would talk about what they had done with her, but she’d shrug it off.
I recall that she would lesbian bash on occasion, but also flirted with everyone in the guild, going as far as offering to text nude pictures of herself to openly gay women in the guild, who would turn her down (this was all real, you’d hear a lot of it over Ventrilo). It was always comedy for me, reading guild chats or listening to conversations going on in Vent. Sadly, I can’t find guilds like this anymore.
I was around when that story happened and I don’t think you’re telling it right. IIRC, the two Hunters were brand new to the guild and they didn’t get mad because of that.
The raid leader said he wasn’t going to give a legendary to someone he didn’t trust. If only a certain guild felt the same way about a Holytroll…
You just reminded me of all the fun I used to have, that I’ll always miss. My friend’s/guild list is greyed-out now, everyone I know has unsubbed/left for good. No one on my realm even talks in trade chat anymore. There’s no motive for me to log on, or to grind AP for my gear since it’ll be gone by 8.2 so what’s the point?
At least my friends and family outside of gaming are spending time with me now in RL.
Back in Legion I joined a raiding guild and I asked to schedule a for fun guild event and was told I had to be an officer.
I was like OK.
And the GM just promoted me out of the blue. “Hey, you can now schedule your event.”
I was like OK. You could have just changed permissions but this works I guess…
And then the GM said now that you’re an officer you have to run a regular weekly event, “how does running legacy raids in draenor for guild achievements sound?”
I said OK, but if I’m going to run a regular event I should really find out what people want to do, I’ll schedule a meeting and talk to people and we’ll do what the majority want to do.
GM was like No. That’s a waste of time.
I said, it’s my time to waste and if people want to do the draenor raids, I’ll do that.
GM was like, Ok Fine!
I schedule the meeting. Announce it in guild chat and discord
And less than 5 minutes later, I was gkicked.
I laughed. Guy was a total lazy jerk. Glad I moved on.
For those who do not understand a druid GM of the guild took the mats for the Legendary Hand of Ragnaros from the guild bank and used them to build it herself. Considering she is a Boomkin the hammer is useless to her. When the guild called her out on this she had an emotional breakdown on vent.
in my old guild, we were all college friends in rl and it was really fun spending time with each other in game as well. We added a few friends from around the world to our guild and became a bit bigger, but still all good people. Chatting on discord, running old raids together (back in the day), and raiding the current raids at the time.
By the time we made it to Mist of Pandaria (aka, pandaland) one of our guildies decided to move to england to be with her new boy (another guildy) and was great, but by the time WoD came out, their relationship was dead, just like WoD (ironic, right?) and guild drama ensued!
Oh dear, those were the days. After they broke up, we still raided together for a bit, but little by little, we started leaving the guild and soon, I’m one of the only ones left that still has a toon in that guild (Hey, more access to the guild back, ha!)
Back In NH the guild I was in was 6/10 N NH before the raid that caused the drama ended I believe. We had been stuck at 6/10 for weeks. Think it was around the end of February that it happened. Since the shaman that caused this is still active I will not state the name.
That one raid night we finally progressed. We cleared through our farm very easily and then went to Star Augur and we finally met the dps check after one of my friends joined in to help. We had been progressing him for a bit, had the mechanics down but could not meet the dps check ever because we were carrying some bad players but that time we finally had it. Then, we went to Botanist and idk how the heck we did it, but we got him down too. We called the raid right after because we had been going like 30 mins past raid time at that point. We had a raid day the next day(It was Friday when we killed Botanist, we raided Fri/Sat), we were motivated, we would go start progress on Elisande the next day.
Then, Shammy left the guild along with his wife and son. Why he left we had no idea. To keep it short, some drama ensued between him(He was the new raid leader at that time for about a week and was doing a terrible job at it) and the GM and they had a huge fight about someone we were inviting to our raids from another server and was our top dps by miles and was a mythic raider and apparently to that shaman it was not ok that he was helping raid lead and call out on a NORMAL raid when the guy has MYTHIC experience.
After they left they took most of the guild with them over the next 2 days, leaving only me, a warlock, a mage and the GM pretty startled about what happened and the only ones not invited to his new guild. Idk why he didn’t even invite me I think he hated me(The main tank and an officer in that guild) in secret. But to this day I cannot figure out if he hated me or not.
Anyway, I’m glad I moved on. This incident destroyed not only that guild but also my naive attitude about guilds how they were all good(Yes, I thought that). I learned to be more careful about how to choose guilds since then.