FUNNY Guild Drama Stories

INB4: ML was never ever abused and everyone were innocent . :rofl:


Being on the server I’m on, I’ve seen this happen. The “girl” logged off for three days (she’s the one that oopsed).

Here’s the next entry for the epic saga that I will one day finish posting here. Enjoy!

Exusia Chronicles: The Great War Part III

At that point in time, many of my officers knew how I operated. If I did not see an underperforming officer as an immediate threat to the guild, I would allow them to remain until a suitable candidate was groomed to replace them. While I was out recruiting new members I found a very promising addition to our guild, Epsilon. Immediately he showed great zeal and a desire to do more within the guild. I was very pleased and soon began to give him opportunities to prove himself.

It didn’t take long before Epsilon was doing guild quests and not only that, but actually completing the entirety of the daily quota for the guild (a responsibility shouldered by 5 officers). Needless to say, I was quite impressed. However, I was also concerned for his well being. I most certainly did not want him to burn himself out, but he assured me that he was fine and that the work he was being given was not burdensome in the slightest. Further, he had an appetite for even more responsibilities. Epsilon asked me for permission to begin hosting guild events. I could not deny him such a request and gave him access to our guild’s flagship which we had named Gevurah (meaning “strength”). Epsilon then proceeded to invite members of all levels to go on a naval voyage to hunt sea monsters and sightsee.

Many at that time were greatly inspired by Epsilon’s example and were showing promising qualities as well. Amongst them were Niteangel and Slokam who were also shining luminaries guiding the guild through these dark times. I was very pleased with them and everyone noticed (even the wayward officers).

During one fateful evening, Gevurah was being boarded by many new players who were still learning the game and leveling. Epsilon was at the helm and also amongst them were Railim, Carnivorous, and Illric (officers in name only). Little did I know, the gears of a sinister plot had begun to turn. It was rather late and I could not attend the event due to my work schedule, so I wished them well and went to sleep. Lo and behold I awoke to a phone with 50+ texts from the guild master of our Archeage branch that was visiting Black Desert. She was begging me to log in immediately and that there had been an insurgency!

Upon logging in, I immediately tried finding witnesses to learn what the hell had happened. I soon learned that this event was being closely monitored by Railim and his cronies. They were greatly jealous of Epsilon and wanted to sabotage the guild event. To make matters worse, they had their sights on the members of the guild they felt would soon replace replace them. Niteangel (who was among those targeted) had told me that prior to the event, Railim had begged him to get on the ship. Despite this, Niteangel had declined because he had recently become a new parent and needed rest.

Once Epsilon had gathered nearly 30 players which consisted mostly of low levels who had recently started the game, he left shore and sailed into the uncharted regions of the map (roughly 45 minutes out). Upon being given the signal, the wayward officers kicked out the members who they specifically felt would threaten their position. After doing so, they left the guild themselves and flagged up, killing everyone on board the ship except for Epsilon. Epsilon was a Kunoichi class and was very agile. Despite being less geared than the rebel officers, he knew his class quite well. Epsilon managed to stun lock and knock them off the ship before grabbing the steering wheel and speeding off leaving the rebels stranded. That swim back to shore was undoubtedly long for them.

Still reeling from the unforeseen setback that came upon us, we gathered any survivors and comforted them. Epsilon was given a glowing eulogy for valiantly defending the crown jewel of our fleet, Gevurah from certain destruction. Even after such a tragedy, the bonds within our guild were made stronger than before. Dream and hope as we did though, our troubles were far from over.

Shortly after the tragedy at sea, those responsible formed a new guild, Poor Choices (such an ironic name). To make matters worse, they contacted Parliament and made an alliance against us for the sole purpose of eradicating everything I’ve built.

To be continued in Part 4

There was a story on my guild from Moon Guard called "Lost Royalty, that we’re trolling and spamming crap just so they could get other members to join since they felt like they had more power than the others. We were spamming toys, items, /yells and all kind of things that was bad. This led to some of our officers to quit the guild since they didn’t want to deal with this kind of drama.

First one who didn’t like this was Espena. She explained to the guild that this was inappropriate behavior and that she wanted nothing to do with this, so her case was that if this is the kind of stuff that the guild does then she would be leaving then, and she probably did. Everybody was talking in that channel how it went with the recruitments in Stormwind. That was the aftermath of the incident.

A couple of days later, the second drama was caused by our Guild Master, when he told Yall better explain to me why Espena left the guild before I kick all you guys out. And so everyone was saying it’s because this and this, so it continued on and it didn’t go well. A couple of mins after the second argument, another officer of our guild, Traina, had enough of this argument and said that this guild trolls sometimes and that is where she /gquit. After that, the argument over all of that started to cool down a little bit but not all of it though, since we still feel bad about what happened.

Now that all of this drama was over. Espena came back to the guild, now I have no idea how she got back in the guild but I think I do know that she apologized for the argument from the second drama. Nobody really said anything expect for a few people who said It’s alright, we didn’t mean for all of this.

And so, this is all I know of what went horrible so far. The reason I wanted to make this post is because I want people from Moon Guard to realize how there could be nasty things sometimes that we all don’t wanna see. I just decided to leave since I didn’t want more sh*t to happen again. I’ve been there for only a month or so.

Thanks for reading my post :slight_smile:

One of my alts was in that guild, didn’t know that was going on but she got removed from it for some reason. (I log onto her and do some RP every now and then, so dunno why. Unless they assumed she had something to do with the above.). Thought the guild was inactive so had no clue about the drama.