FUNNY Guild Drama Stories

Btw, here’s my two stories. I posted them in that thread from 4 years ago but I left a lot out. Makes no difference now…

Unfortunately both times I have dealt with guild drama involved a couple.

My TBC guild was pretty awesome. We didn’t have any world first or anything but we made it to the Twins in Sunwell.

Our guild leader was a lady’s man and he let a certain guild member do whatever the hell she wanted. She was the only one that could come into a raid at the boss she needed and if an item dropped that she was after, it was automatically hers.

When Wrath came out, we didn’t have enough people for a 25m raid of Naxx so we split into two teams. The guild leader (Priest) his pet (another Priest) and another healer were part of the A Team (if you remember anything about 10m Naxx, it did not need three healers). My husband (a resto Druid) and someone’s undergeared healer alt was part of B Team (I was tanking on Tovi.)

Team A got pretty far because they had three people healing on their mains while Team B didn’t get a single wing done. I raised a big stink about it in ochat on our website but none of the other officers backed me up. I pointed out it was completely unfair to sabotage Team B just because the GL and his pet couldn’t stand to be apart plus they wouldn’t give us that third healer.

We left the guild after that and moved to a server that had a bunch of my Air Force buddies.

In that guild I ran into MORE couple trouble. The couple was in-laws with the guild leader. He knew they were a PITA but kept them under control during Wrath. However, he started having family trouble and had to quit WoW. He handed the reins over to his in-laws at the start of Cata, which was a huge mistake.

They both were extremely greedy people. The male half of that couple would roll on gear even if he didn’t need it. I remember Tovi had the 2h axe from 25m Naxx (Betrayer of Humanity) all the way through Ulduar and most of the way through ToTC because I kept loosing rolls to him on weapons that really weren’t upgrades. The female half was one of the worst healers I’ve ever come across. My husband and another resto Druid carried her through Wrath raiding.

That other resto Druid hated these people but he held his tongue through Wrath but when Cata rolled around, he finally snapped. With the GL gone, the male half was even more greedy now he had the power. We were in BWL and a ring dropped that was not an upgrade for this guy but of course he rolled on it anyways. The other resto Druid exploded in Vent, called him and his wife all kinds to names, then guild quit and took a lot of the raid members with him.

However, this story does have a happy ending. Kind of. They finally realized that their greedy ways wasn’t going to fly and calmed down a ton. A lot of people came back but the guild was never the same. The damage was done. I was later told they got through some of the first tier of MoP but fell part after that.

p.s. It’s a shame that women and couples get such a bad name. My husband and I have played together from Classic to Cata and we never started trouble.


Hehe “strung these nerds out”

Back in early Legion I joined a guild that had a incredibly dramatic liar and psycho on Area 52. This dude literally lied about everything on voice. The dude could literally talk for 10 minutes and you would find atleast 4 lies. Well this guy also happened to talk behind our guildleaders back about our guild progression(We at the time only did normal and we were okay with that.) This guy behind our backs would apparently belittle us for not running Heroic. Which was ridiculous lol he easily had the worst attendance of any our raid group. Our leader got sick of him and finally kicked him one day. Unfortunately they just had too kind of a heart when they let him back in the guild ended up disbanded from his passive aggressive bullcrap. PS to the guy I am talking about if you ever read this lieing about having two months to live from cancer and still playing a year later makes you f****** disgusting. You are f****** disgusting. I know you use these forums. I hope you read this and know the human garbage that you are.


All these guild posts makes me feel like im missing out lol. I play mostly alone and pug arenas/RBG’s with randos save for some few IRL friends that I PvP with. I should really find a PvP guild

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This one is from EQ.

So I’m playing a Monk (Dreadstone) on the server Xev. I’m a pretty good “puller” which means separating packs of MOBs.

We’re in the Plane of Hate, which any EQ vet can tell you, can go south VERY fast, especially if the puller makes a mistake.

I’ve been with the guild for six months plus. Always main puller, and we’re doing fine. Guild invites a couple of trials, a Ranger (iirc) and a Monk who doesn’t know how to pull, or the zone.

No problem, I’m used to solo pulling anyway.

We’re clicking along, and lo and behold the Rakusha Cloak drops. This is essentially best in slot for a Monk.

“Roll” says the Raid lead.

So naturally I lose the roll. Raid lead whispers me, “What was I supposed to do?” Raid is in an uproar, guild chat is in an uproar.

New Monk happily dons his Cloak and sits there. I’m done and say so. (Immature, but I was steamed)

New Monk stayed with the guild for a couple of weeks iirc, then left, I left soon thereafter.

Never saw another Rakusha cloak.


I hate being a victim of that.


Guy, I literally was apart of this story and played with theses players. The guild never recovered from this and most of the guild left by the end of naxx they recruted new players and the guild broke up around Ulduar. One hunter “took a break” a week after this happened and never returned. What do you really think he took a break for? Also they were the laughing stock of wow for months. And Analog kid couldn’t come to org without 100 people yelling “roguebow” at him. But please tell me how it all went down from googled comments, you must be an expert.

This doesn’t even make sense. A lot of guilds have withheld loot from recruits until they could trust them. Why would two brand new members break a guild up? Anyways, just look at this thread. There’s two? Three? stories of people that got loot from a guild then bailed. I wouldn’t give something so cool to someone I couldn’t trust.

Well, whatever. Maybe I am wrong, maybe you are, but this is something that happened along time ago. Over 10 years. Seems kind of silly to still argue about it now. I’ll stop talking about it.


It’s crazy this was 10 years ago. Doesn’t feel that long. But yeah they went from a top 10 to just an average (hardcore-ish) guild they never recovered. Also i think they truly disbanded after their guild leader was caught selling kills for money and selling the guilds gold.

A few Classic tales from Lightnings Blade.

On our server one of the running jokes all the black guys and girls on the server knew each other, 7 of us total.

When this new guild transferred over, i had decided to take raiding more seriously during wotlk. I applied, got in and went in with my mage, DK, and priest all of which who were capped at the time. This was during nax and in between down time i’d level my lock and pally.

During a Nax raid i was supposed to tank, but i got booted from the raid because the G leader wanted his son to “learn” how to raid on a main raid night… This didn’t sit well, so i logged onto an alt and worked on leveling, then jumped into a top guilds pug to help. This didn’t sit well with my g leader at the time because he was… unpopular with a lot of guilds due to his attitude. I asked what the problem was, and told him they had completed over half of naxx the only boss left KT. He threatened to boot me out of the guild if i didn’t leave the pug, and when i told the raid i was in this they left the general chat message ,“We would love to extend a G invite to FoxSC” via naxx general chat. What made it funny was he kicked me from the guild, then shared over General chat ,“i’m sick of the white kids pretending to be black”. They finally cleared naxx, they couldn’t move past 3 dragon OS, barely cleared eye, and could only do levithan in ulduar. Mean while i hit server first, server first hard mode, cracked a world of logs and did well overall this xpac.

Oh thats not the drama part…
G u i l d

One of the prominent members had went on vacation to visit one of the off main tanks who lived in canada. She was excited, well she flew off to see him and uppon return she was booted, i was curious why? Well it took me 2 weeks before news hit the server. She liked the tank a bit more than he liked her. While visiting him they had went out for drinks and… OH COME ON I DONT NEED TO SAY IT TWO ADULTS GO OUT FOR DRINKS AND RETURN TO THE HOTEL ROOM CLOTHES ARE REMOVED THE END. Our server had a very notorious troll by the name of “Acidix” who was in g vent that happened and he recorded it all… To give you an idea on Acidix, this kid once trolled ,“Anonymous”. He had recorded the entire conversation, and it was’t nice. She went fully into detail about how she didn’t care that their night of intimacy was… under-performing and a little too quick. She also didn’t know he was recording with a phantom. As pay back he released pictures of her, all of which were pg13. Guy eventually left the server after getting sonic,speedy gonzalez, quick silver, quick draw mcpump, and the flash over and over in trade chat. He was a MT and the guild broke up over the course of 2 weeks with many players just jumping into the other highend raiding guilds.

Nope that wasn’t the drama…
I joined a mid tier raiding guild, and there was a girl who followed up about making a video about him… him being acidix seen here

as pay back he released nudes she sent to someone, her boyfriend at the time also paid for her account and he just happened to cancel her account since the nudes weren’t sent to him. One of her friends, thought it be a good idea to make a video response to him, and it was a bit vulgur. Turns out said kid went to a private school that had a strict code, welp our lovely troll Acidix forwarded that video to the Dean and got the guy booted from his private school.
Yep that guild broke up too… Too many guildies were in love with her

After this point i realized every guild i joined had some romantic type drama that would end the guild, so i avoided guilds and just went solo, been fine ever since too.

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So did the friend make the reply video to the boyfriend or Acidix? And the one who got expelled was he the boyfriend or the friend who made the video?

so the friend of the girl who made the video response, made a response to acidix. the friend got expelled. Acidix for his time was probably the craftiest troll ever. that be acidix the time he went at anonymous.
He certainly made good efforts to clean up his old youtube channels too

I have a bunch. Some of the most memorable…

Vanilla: My very first guild was full of noobs. Not hard to do back in Vanilla, when nobody knew what they were doing, but I was really too new to WoW to realize how bad it was. We only had one prot warrior and he was shoved down into the 4th tank position because the other guys were convinced that Arms was for tanking and because they were officers, no one could argue. He was told never to hit shield slam, and if he did he’d be kicked.

I was also told never to heal the guild’s rogues because they were unworthy, and was once berated by my druid healing officer and told I was a horrible healer because I had more than 10% overhealing. He abused the fact that Recount couldn’t track the overheal from HoTs, and used that to make himself look better to the other officers, while tearing the rest of us down. He made us feel awful, and was the cause of at least one healer burning out and not wanting to heal anymore.

BC, New Guild: We were progressing in SSC, on Leotheras. It had been a long week of raiding and a long night of wipes. We were all worn out and pushing harder than we should have, and tempers were flaring. We had a great attempt, an amazing one, but ended up wiping at 1%. We were exhausted.

Our Guild Leader EXPLODED. He went off the deep end, screaming how he was the best rogue and always had priority on heals, above the tanks, above anyone else. He heaped profanities on the tanks, the healers, the officers, everyone. And people started leaving, bleeding out of the guild left and right. Within five minutes, more than half the guild was gone and most of the raid team. I left, and declined when he messaged me the next day to ask if I’d come back.

Legion, New Guild: This one isn’t as dramatic, but it makes me laugh. At the beginning of Legion we had a DH who insisted that he wanted to tank for our raid group. He bragged about himself and his experience, saying he’d been in a Mythic guild on his Warlock and wanted to dial it back and try something new, blah blah…No problem, we are used to adjusting and rearranging raid comp to accommodate good players. We bend over backwards for our guildies. Our raid leader even offered to DPS that tier of content and teach him how to tank.

Except that this dude was all talk and no walk. He complained that he needed gear. So we scheduled Heroic and Mythic dungeon runs for him. He would tank the first 1/4 or 1/2 of the dungeon and then leave, abandoning us or burning someone’s key. And then he’d complain again that he had no experience and no gear, for weeks. Cue guild-wide eyeroll. Because of his lazy habits, he didn’t make any friends.

All of our frustration with him peaked just after Weird Al was announced as the Blizzcon concert for that year. This little turd would not shut up about how he hated Weird Al, and how Taylor Swift would have been better. Being a bunch of Weird Al fans, we disagreed. So we trolled him, hard. No one would say anything in guild chat unless it was a Weird Al song title or lyrics. We had entire conversations in nothing but Weird Al songs. We talked to him in Weird Al. He ended up gquitting, and I have no idea what happened to him.


Just go upstairs in Goldshire on MG.

Back in my EverQuest days. I think it was an officer? His ERP with a well known guild member accidentally made its way into guild chat.

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I’m sorry…WHAT.

I never met anyone who hated Weird Al, holy heck was he bullied in school?


That’s just silly, rogues made excellent ranged pullers.

They could pull and vanish if they accidentally pulled too many mobs, or pull and vanish to transfer agro quickly, or pull this bow from the hands of a DKP poor hunter and vanish from the guild.

Fantastic pullers, really phenomenal stuff.


At the start of bfa I applied to full cleared mythic antorus guild that was reforming. Guild leader told me they will still be progressing mythic and got an experienced raid leader for this. No problem.

This raid leader is s hunter and has a pally friend. Prior to the release of the raid, only half the guild’s raid group is interested in doing mythic+…the hunter raid leader isn’t one of them.

We start the heroic raid, down taloc after a few attempts. Then mother is when the drama occurs. The raid leader spends twenty minutes getting the groups ready
…well, we assume he is getting the groups ready while he talks to a warlock from another server that joined our guilds heroic raid group and the raiders weren’t told about him…

I gave them one extra week to see if this was a bad joke…it wasn’t. Then left.

Guild is still there, they got a competent rdruid as a raid lead since the hunter raid lead gquit after being absent for two weeks then coming back and getting mad that he wasn’t raid lead.

I started on a pvp server and one of our officers wasn’t online for days then when he come back on he was different then his usual self. After our guild bank was fleeced and he gquit we found out later his account was hacked.

Back in BC, I was in a guild that also had a Canadian player in it. One day he started ranting about how awful American beer is (pretty random) and kept on and on and on… it got to the point where I told him that no one cared about his stupid Canadian beer in gchat. He got offended and gquit. I got in trouble for “discussing things I shouldn’t have been.”