FUNNY Guild Drama Stories

I know that and I enjoyed reading it that why I made this thread

Back in BC I was in a guild that had this one rogue that all the guys were absolutely infatuated with. They would carry her through dungeon after dungeon and eventually in to raids to get her gear, even though she was absolutely atrocious no matter how good her gear was. They would constantly flirt with her in vent, use the flirt emotes at her during raids, and fight tooth and nail against anyone who questioned her.

So one day, she logs in and immediately all the guys fall over themselves to be the first one to say hello to her in vent. She goes to reply with her usual “tee hee hi guys” responses…guy voice. There was silence for a few minutes as they all tried to process what was happening. Was it her brother? A friend messing with her account? Before anyone could really ask it was like

< ______ > has disconnected
<_______> has left the guild.

She was a guy all along and strung these nerds out for free gear for MONTHS until one day he forgot his voice changer.


Posting for bumping purposes onlu

LOL hahahahaha. Isn’t that like some kind of an implied rule? Hahahahahha


That happened so long ago that I actually forgot about it till this thread. It was hands down the funniest thing I’ve ever witnessed in game.

Old RP Server I used to be on and this was back in the days of Vanilla.

I was in a small raiding guild at the time and we were doing Molten Core. We were managed by a Nelf Warrior GM who’s girlfriend was his 2nd in command. He was a bit of a jerk, but she was nice and always talked to people and was very likable and easy to get along with.

While I was exploring the idea of training new pets, I trained a white gorilla from STV. Asking around for names, the GM-Girlfriend said I should call it Humpmonkey.

So I did.

Then the GM felt threatened by Humpmonkey and that the monkey (Not me) was out to steal his girlfriend. He actually called a guild meeting about it, the officers agreeing this was a serious problem and asked me to get rid of the pet.

I, being new to the game and unsure of my chances as a Hunter of finding another raiding guild on such a small RP Server of Kirin Tor, agreed.

I let this simmer, till the Leaf dropped for me and then the ‘Hunter Class Lead’, a Nelf Hunter who was brash, egotistical and annoying.

The GM organized viewing parties, celebrating and inviting everyone to watch as this Nelf Hunter/CL would fight the beasts to get Rhok`Delar.

Three weeks later after he started his quest for Rhok`delar, the Leaf dropped for me.

No parties, no celebrations, but the GM was still insisting…DEMANDING…people come watch the Hunter Class Leader attempt, again and again, to slay the four demons. He failed on the Silithius one well over a dozen times.

I, with no fanfare, fuel up on a six pack of Pepsi and start a marathon gaming session at 6 PM.

By 6 AM, I had taken down all four demons and Rhok`delar was finally mine.

…I was then kicked from the Guild for showing up the Hunter Class Leader.


Not the brightest bulb, that one.


This was a LONG time ago, on another toon.

Warlock joins a raiding guild. I wasn’t the best, but I was learning, and getting my gear up. Guild had a policy, if you attended raids, and stayed in guild and chat, even if you weren’t part of the team, you got DKP.

Worked for me.

So gradually my DKP began to rise. Got in on a couple of BT (yes BT) raids, but was replaced at the bosses barring progression. Again, no problem with that.

Finally, I’ve been around long enough, that even though I’m not a “primary” raider, my DKP is highest in the guild.

And lo and behold, I get an invite to take down Illidan. (Note this is my first time seeing this fight)

Well, after a couple of wipes, Illidan goes down, and I am INSTANTLY /gkicked, but not before the guild leader posts,

“Not going to keep people who ignore raid mechanics”

So yeah. That happened.

In any event:

[Hammer & Ale} All-Dwarf guild on Silverhand / Farstriders / Thorium Brotherhood. Relaxed atmosphere, alts welcome.


Have experienced this exact same issue. Some players somehow think that if they join a guild they will now magically be carried to max level and geared…

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Is this serious? I mean, what is wrong with people? I don’t know what the rules are for RP servers, but that guy suffers from some mental illness. How can you believe that a bunch of pixels wants to steal your gf? And the officers were razy as well.

What is a DKP?


Dragon Kill Points.

Back when loot was much rarer, this was one way (loot council being another) of determining who got loot first.

Theres no drama in a one player guild, just tears.


This was on my server Area 52. The rogues name was Analogkid the guild name was varcarious. I used to raid with many of them. It ruined the guild. I believe they were a top 5 raid guild at the time.

No it didn’t. It’s amazing how the story has changed so much over the years. I’m reading comments from 2008 and it was pointed out that the other two Hunters (which were brand new to the guild, like I said) had the Golden Bow. So the Thori’dal would have been a slight upgrade.

Plus the third Hunter, who was also a long time member like the Rogue, already had the Legendary bow. So they did give the first Thori’dal to their main Hunter.

This story is like the story of Stella Liebeck. Everyone just laughs and says “lol millions of dollars for spilling coffee on herself!” without bothering to do any research on what really happened.


I think the problem with the coffee issue was that it unintentionally opened the door for frivolous and ridiculous lawsuits. Everyone just heard the ridiculous statement and figured they could make money for something like that.

I refuse believe that the first frivolous and ridiculous lawsuit happened in 1992.

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Probably true, but the one to get the most media attention.

Reminds me of the drama after I lost Turning Tide(hpal) to a trial mage that left right after.

I’d waited through another hpal and five mages to get that thing and it was taken from me. Guild leader apologized profusely after the mage gquit.

Back when a few friends and I ran a guild on Earthen Ring in MoP (RIP “For the Horde Balloon”) we had this mage that used to raid with us that had a really bad night.

They were getting rather pissy and offensive toward the other raiders because we liked to drink and hang out as we casually raided, and I guess we weren’t getting exactly where they wanted to be, personally. And us, being immature and somewhat inebriated, trolled back a little.

Most of us were just there to have a good time and kill some bosses, and we always got our end boss kill, so we didn’t mind the mosey. But we never took the game too seriously.

Anywho the next morning we log in to find out that this person had left, and took everything from the guild bank that they could from the “freebies” tab. Which included quite a few stacks of Illusion Dust.
(it was a free-exchange tab for leveling newbies)

So it became an inside joke with the raid whenever someone was getting a little grumpy, or a small amount of drama broke out (which happens no matter where you go), that we need to lock up all our illusion dust.


In Classic I was in a small Kilrogg guild with my girlfriend. We did dungeons and raids, the whole nine yards, and the guild was run by a husband/wife duo.

Sometimes we would talk to the wife, just as friends, and she eventually told us that her marriage was going through a rough patch. No big stink, she just said that sometimes they argue.

A month or 2 later, the wife told me she needed to talk and to meet her outside Ironforge. She invited my girlfriend and I to a group, and… there she was, standing next to guildie, a Paladin.

Over the next hour, they proceeded to tell us they were in love and that she was planning to fly out to meet him. I don’t remember if the husband already knew this or not–i don’t think he did.

Another month later the wife told us that she and the husband were going to work it out, and she was cancelling her plans to meet the Paladin. She, the guild leader husband, and the Paladin never again logged on, so I don’t know how it ended.

Man, some of these are just sad :frowning:

We had a shaman… he was an adult mind you, and another guy in the guild who was like 16 at the time. One raid night, during a break on Manno’s platform the 16 year old and shaman take up a fun little pet battle, the 16 year old wins…

The shaman logs out

and deletes his shaman

haven’t really heard from him since.