FUNNY Guild Drama Stories

To be fair,this doesn’t always happen had a fair share of guilds on alts ran by married couples who were devoted to one another or people in a stable relationship,it just depends on the toxicity of one. These guilds only disbanded due to inevitable game burnout or IRL responsibilities that became more demanding. In a small guild atm with a buddy of mine I played WoW with for 12 years and his wife and all’s well on our end. Sure,it’s small but still the least stressful tanking experiences for dungeons I have. :3

I’ve been a Hunter for 14 years and I agree with this guild lead’s decision. As someone that was victim to someone that took a legendary from the guild, I’m shocked you disagree. Since you think this kind of behavior is fine, why did you post it as a drama story? I mean, that Priest (I assume it’s a Priest):

That’s all that matters, right?

Damn, I have so many stories but not sure if I can even talk about them since 2 of them are like rated R stuff :rofl:

You would be surprised how WoW can test relationships but because of your post I have some Drama that was CAUSED by a relationship was too strong.

I have another story. This did not happen to me but happened to a friend his raiding guild had two teams a primary team and a secondary team. The Primary team was doing quite well and the secondary team was doing ok as well. Suddenly one of the healers was bumped to the secondary team and a night elf priest took his place (Lets call her Queen Bee) Now Queen Bee was obviously in a relationship with the GM they way they spoke to each other in discord. The only issue is that Queen Bee was TERRIBLE she did not know mechanics constantly standing in the fire and dying early forcing them to basically do the pull a healer short and when suggestions were given how she could improve she instantly got defensive. The Raid Leader told the GM several times that this was not working out but the GM kept insisting that if the gave her a chance and she would improve in time. Finally the raid leader had enough and told the GM one night that he would give the GM one night to tell the Queen Bee she is off the team or he would remove her himself to preserve the health of the raid.

The next day the guild woke to find the raid leader was kicked and message basically saying “Due to creating a Toxic environment, (insert raid leader’s name) is no longer welcome in the guild.” After that most of the primary raid team and the second raid team left.

However this did not end the story. You see Queen Bee kept tabs on ALL the people who left and if they joined a new guild she would immediately whisper the officers and GM of that guild and slander the person in the hopes of forcing them to remain guildless. She tried this with my friend and the GM of his new guild, who had heard about her antics and was well liked by the rest of the server, told her to stop bothering the former guild members or he would report her.

Soon after Queen Bee and the GM of the original guild left the server.

Unfortunately the whole ordeal left a stain the server in the eyes of my friend and he left it soon after and came to a different server where we met and have been friends ever since.

EDIT: Forgive me if it was not the best worded kind of tired from family x mas celebration I did some editing to hopefully fix it.

Surely you have at least ONE you want to share that is relatively decent…


Yes that will happen but know that isn’t always the case,it sounds like there was some bad luck on that end but as I said most of my experiences have been more positive than negative in terms of guilds. XD Only drama I can ever recall was more that some dude was cheezed off that the toon I was playing at the time was a class spec combo he hated despite my DPS being up to snuff. ^_^;

Was this Cenarion Circle?

No. Wyrmrest Accord.

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I was testing out a heroic raiding guild on my rshaman during nighthold.

I got in discord and everyone was really nice, kinda family esq guild. The mother, father and 17 yo daughter raided with family friends, neighbors & things like that. Real close nit stuff.

One of the guys who claimed to be the neighbor kept talking about how he watched her grow up into a “beautiful young woman” and was flirting with her pretty aggressively. These actions didn’t phase the parents whatsoever it was more like a “oh he’s just like that” reaction.

The daughter even went along with it, I was very uncomfortable so I only did that one raid and I left.

They were really nice otherwise.

I have a couple from one of the guilds I run so I’ll just pick one…

This guildie had been in the our semi-casual guild I guess for a while and I talked to him now and again – he’s what I’d loosely call a regular. He seemed a bit strange in his thinking and his responses to certain thing but everybody is a bit quirky in this game until there were a series of strange almost comedic incidents.

One of the earliest of these incidents was a couple of guildies were just running some old TBC content when the game was currently in mid-to-late Mists so it’s content that can be easily soloed and most of the drops have little to no value. I told people they could need on whatever although if it was something for transmog at least only need on it if you could use it (this was before the Wardrobe system).

I started to need on some old gems and such which were probably going into the bank regardless but could have been useful for future Herald runs. This individual, who was also needing on them, started to get really upset and demanded that I link my professions and then I reminded him they were really old mats and I said anybody could basically need whatever. I asked him if he actually needed anything I was getting but no answer to that just he continued want me to prove to him that I was entitled to the mats or something.

A few days, or maybe a week later, he got all upset that nobody would help him level when “there are several guildies on” and that what’s being in a guild was supposed to be about. I think I actually ran him through a dungeon or two so he at least do the quests but he was only slightly satisifed with this.

Lastly maybe a week or two after he was somewhere in Stranglethorn Jungle on a low level alt (I think in their 30s or 40s) and wanted somebody to fly them around since the flightpaths were “so far” from them. I told him I was busy at the time, I believe I was in a raid queue or something at the time, and finally he’d just make his own way around. An hour or so later he was still in the exact same spot on the toon acting like he was waiting on an Uber and then refused to be flown around after that because he had to “save face” and had been “grieviously insulted” by “guildies who refused to help”.

He ranted off and on for a day or two about how the guild needed to give him some reasons to stay in the guild like wanting some kind of grandoise apology from me as the guildmaster. I can’t remember if he actually quit or I kicked him after that but he kept whispering guildies wondering when he’d get that big apology and promise from me to basically do whatever he says from then on.

What makes this a rather funny dramatic story was the sheer esteem he held himself in and how he really didn’t seem to think it was wrong to expect the guild to cater to him. He also pulled this with several more guilds who just prompted him and he’d complain in the chat channels each time they did it.


That time I was in the alliance side of my guild and was ganking the guild leader who was on horde side at the time while flagged for pvp… no mercy!

Normally I would agree with you however the bow is USELESS in the hands of a rogue better it be given to one of the hunters and hope they stick around. I mean giving it to the rogue you may as well deleted it or vendored it.

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It’s not funny but as a priest in MoP I lost out to an elemental shaman for a spirit staff that dropped off Ji’kun. At the time spirit converted to hit for them but spirit gear should ALWAYS be prioritized to healers first, then auctioned off to the dps. It’s not like healers can convert hit gear to spirit. When it dropped I thought it was guaranteed to go to me, the holy priest.

I was pretty damn unhappy, but more so I was disappointed in the raid as a whole for not being aware of loot priority. Just cause someone can use a piece of gear doesn’t mean they should get it over someone that gear is more useful for. Eventually the guild leader heard about the minor drama that ensued and agreed with me that they gave it to the wrong person but it was done and over with. I didn’t stay with that guild much longer.

I was on alliance side ganking a horde guildie and when I went over to my horde guild and was “sorry man I was the one ganking you” he promptly left the guild w/o another word.

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That was a ride from start to finish.


I stopped playing during MoP and came back about 3 or 4 weeks before BFA was launched. When i came back the guild i was in had booted me since i was no longer and active player…no issue there and understood…when i tried to rejoin the same guild i found out they had basically folded and only had 2 active members; so i went looking for a new guild, joined one that was large but elitist members and very clique raid team and “noobs” as they called me even though i had played the game for years before i left they did not allow to raid do i left that guild and joined a nice guild and we raided normal Uldir 2 times a week. Well one night myself and 3 other guild members joined a pug raid for heroic Uldir and out GM got very angry we were raiding with another team. SO angry she booted me and the 2 others from the guild as well as our alts lol. Then she talked bad about us in her guild chat…so bad that other members defended us and then they themselves got booted lol. We all ormed our own guild. The irony for our old GM was that she booted so many of her guild they no longer were able to put together a raid team lol.


Ok, now is your time to shine for future threads like this. All you need to do is start hitting on your buddy, wife, both, or their dog.

God speed friend.:couplekiss_man_man::woman:‍:heart:️‍:kiss:‍:man::couplekiss_woman_woman::kissing_heart::dog2:

Edit: not trolling here but I find it funny only the heterosexual couple kissing emoji doesn’t show heh.

Won a roll on a mount when Dragonsoul was relevant by one point.
Guild member wouldn’t let it slide and gave me heck over it saying “You don’t even care about mounts. Why would you roll?” He wasn’t wrong, but meh.

LOL no no no you misunderstand me the leader is my friend from late vanilla and he his wife have been together forever [and still are],I’m merely trying to convey that not all guilds lead by couples are bad,apologies if I wasn’t clear,that’s my own damn fault. They’re both cool people and while our guild is super small,it’s a pretty fun one to tank instances for while sparking up occasional banter. Though may keep lurking as these stories are rather interesting as you’d never expect people to go so nutso over a game,ya know? :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh I got ya heh. Was just joking saying you should be the one to create the drama now since y’all had such a good run.

From the old forums.

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