Fun detected

It’s not what you think

you are the one who fooled yourself by not looking into facts of what is going on

Like I said in the other post loyalist on these forums will defend anything no matter how ridiculous.


and you conveniently ignored my response to that post

What’s the point of saying anything you’re just going to continue boot licking.


18 month expansion…

:rofl: :rofl:

pointing out observations and facts based off of years f playing this game is not boot licking lol. poor baby is still confused

It’s so cute that you have such a crush on Asmongold. I’m sure he’ll be pleased to hear it.

Lmao…Im one of the biggest bliz haters in here son. …just ask around.
This game NEEDED fixed…there was no conspiracy here to destroy your life. lol

hes going to ignore your post btw because it conflicts with his crying

Oh look, another one of “those” posts…

How is it them wasting my time doesn’t effect my enjoyment of the game ?

You have to love all of the conspiracy theorists crawling out of the woodwork to post nonsense. Get your tin foil hats ready.

ummmmm wat?

You heard him…

I don’t like Asmongold. lol

I used to enjoy his content, until I started to realize he just trend chases with fake outrage.

Its so slow to level alts now. It feels basically twice as slow. I cant finish my rogue its just so boring and slow to hit max. Rip

You mean boredom detected. They should have never released this in the form of remix

I hope you are trolling

I have posted a few times but to Toss in an adjusted perspective. I like the new harder leveling way better, but it is a slap in the face to those who didn’t get EA like I did.

The current situation is not the end of the world but is insulting.

Early access and this new adjusted play difficulty:
-How many would be EA raiders would be on here whining like everyone else if they had to level through this?

-Economy has been jacked-up by EA marketeers and API bots. The market is flooded and usually that means lower prices, but the prices are 10X what they should be for the current conditions.

-Divided community - EA players are dungeon only and not in the open world playing with people which is what made classic so good. everyone had the leveling slog, so you teamed up.

So, for me, who loves a survival hardcore experience, this change is great, and I refuse to use the AH… and if you add follower heroic dungeons, mythic 0 dungeons, and LFR then I will contently go about my way. With this comes the fact that I will get bored in a month of hard slog and probably unsub. Since farming my mats just became a longer tougher slog. shrug what’s a girl to do.