Fun detected

No idea of what asmongold is, but here’s the logic: it. is. harder. to .level. <-------- that’s the summary.


Do you know that? Do you have data backing that claim?

By harder do you mean something dying .2 seconds slower equals harder?

Of course they waited till after the early access folks had more than enough time to exploit this lol


I am only level 76 on my first character, but I doubt this will have any impact? I was pulling like 30 mobs last night.

Prolly wont notice if I can only pull 29 now.

If Blizz has taught us anything over the years it is to exploit early and often

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They’re nerfing the scaling that was clearly broken. Tanks with 480 ilvl could pull entire dungeons at once. That clearly isn’t intended.

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Y’all cry way too much

Feels like you are exaggerating, we all know it will be closer to 27

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Problem is they did a lot of scaling fixes for Pandaria Remix and by the last 3 weeks the mode was unplayable as mobs were geared to high (especially lvl 60-70 toons) and difficulty spiked a lot , sadly TWW is making same mistake again , even though I wasn’t breezing through

there are still high level areas in the zones where obviously you won’t be zerging anything as they filled with level 80 mobs and elites , but this just means mobs could be 1-2 shotting players instead

this is another “let’s not listen to PTR feedback” by Blizzard ……makes me wonder why even have a PTR if feedback is just gonna be ignored , heck people have complained for years on certain bugs that have yet to be fixed fully ….what is this a Bethesda game (bada dum tissss)


up until about level 74 we were running 4 man instances without a healer. That’s not right.

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They got our money now time to take the fun away


i do not no were sf is but i did my studenting outside of usa now am doin studenting at home an tryn hard to lern english is much difficut community ruleset say i must use english but anyway i want to no fastes way to levl now do u no

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except, you paid for the xpac, not the leveling experience alone. idiot take

And now they’ve ruined the expansion. They promised it would be alt friendly launched it as such and now they’re going back on it.

it is still very alt friendly, renown is warbound, which is what prevented a lot of people from playing alts because of renown grind. the leveling is still insanely fast even with nerfs. you are just crying to cry

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Tell me you don’t know what’s going on without telling me you don’t know what’s going on. lol.

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I saw a dwarf paladin named Funpolice.


It’s like it’s a less covert form of time gating. In the videogaming industry that’s considered evil-genius. Some day we’ll pay to stay logged in during maintenance. ma-an, are people going to lose it.

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Just going to go ahead and unsub they’ve fooled me for the last time.


k cya bye. don’t need any more whiners